sweet lord, why are people allowed to buy these plaques if they intend to resell them in the first place.
naturally, one, being the seller or organisition of the event if you like, would be faced with an asymmetrical information problem as to the extent where you cannot know whether the buyer will resell or cherish the plaque personally - though there are some exceptions, some people just have a reputation to themselves, but still it is ridiculous what is taking place right now. the people who are actually suffering from the issue are the people that did turn up and couldn't get a plaque of their own as they were sold out quickly.
i certainly may hope that - even though i personally have no hard feelings as i arrived later than i intended to initially - this may and will be a lesson for next year's EBI. by limiting the amount plaques available one only facilitates stupid practiceses like these, and not unimportantly disappoint the other participants. so, if you will... please sell at least 2,500 plaques next year
and believe you me, i love arbitrage opportunities, but not in this case...
lastly, kai if you may read this no hard feelings i wasn't referring to you in particular...