The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: rebel on May 25, 2007, 17:30:14 pm

Title: Torq-Thrust Wheels
Post by: rebel on May 25, 2007, 17:30:14 pm
Hi, dudes :)

It's my first topic here, I supose....

I'm thinkin' bout mounting a set of Torque Thrusts to a 1302. There was a letter about it in latest Ultra VW, but the answer was about narrowing beam. Do you possibly know if 5 inch TQs are possible to mount to a superbeetle with stock fenders? 

I have a set of 7 inch Heckmesser/Cookie Cutter wheels also and still can't deicide whether to fight with fitting them or not. Anybody tested them on a superbeetle?

I know most of you hate supers... Comments about my ride I've already read on that forum. I know it's very controvertial project :)

Title: Re: Torq-Thrust Wheels
Post by: Rocket-Racing on May 25, 2007, 22:22:33 pm
The trouble with Torque Thrusts and other mag wheels originally designed for US cars is that it doesn't always help on the offset to get a narrow wheel. If you take for instance a 4" and a 6" Am. Racing TT they look just the same on the front. The 4" is just narrowed on the inside, the "face" is the same.. The 6" would actually fit better because it would pull the tire a bit more in as it has two more inches on the inside.
I'm afraid the bottom line is that mounting Torque Thrusts on a standard Super Beetle and keep it looking good wil be almost impossible. But there are special varieties of these wheels with more suitable offset, like the Porsche wheels. Trouble is they are old and scarce and tend to cost a few bucks..

Title: Re: Torq-Thrust Wheels
Post by: Shubee2 (DSK) on May 25, 2007, 22:25:17 pm
its hard to find a Wheel with the right off set on a super bettle there front ends are wider and the stock wheel come's right to the edge of the fenders the other problem you run in to is super beetles alway seem to get a steering wheel shake with aftermarket wheels and wheels with different offsets I would use something like a VW chrome Wheel, Porsche 2.0 alloys,Riviera Wheels or Empi 8 Spokes Good Luck with any other Wheels.....