The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: SOB/RFH on April 14, 2006, 07:45:08 am

Title: Back to the basic cal-look story
Post by: SOB/RFH on April 14, 2006, 07:45:08 am
We all got to see cal-llok cars at diffrent eras and think that a lot of the people in the hobby thinks that the first impression is the only true way of buildig one. But hold your horses now we cn first handed listen to one of the founders of the cal-look from back in the day. Go to Volksbash radio and down load the interview with Ron Flemming. It is very interesting to hear his visions from back in the day (make the car lighter and change the interior and add as mouch HP as possible). Most of the information is a bout the pre feb 75 era. I do miss some info about the streeet racing days as street racing was so mouch part of Cal-look but i guess official media is not the place for being the guy who told the whole truth!! There is also interviews with Dyno Don, Muffler Mike and Clyde Berg that adds to the Cal-look puzzle and shows diffrent views of the thing!! Next week it is time for Gary Berg, also a big part of the 70's and the 80's. Happiness is a Hot VW!! 

Title: Re: Back to the basic cal-look story
Post by: Christoph on April 14, 2006, 13:49:25 pm

Here´s the link:

Title: Re: Back to the basic cal-look story
Post by: Pekka on April 18, 2006, 19:52:41 pm
Thanks for the tip SOB, I enjoyed listening to Ron very much... he's a cool guy allright. I want to be racing VW's when I'm his age - hopefully sooner though  ;D