Title: '63 Empi dealer catalog Post by: vwxtc4free on September 05, 2009, 22:11:08 pm I received this catalog from a Porsche friend of mine a while back ,who knew I would enjoy it. 8)
Just wondering if anyone had an info on it ? There is nothing newer than '63 listed on any of the pages. What do the earlier catalogs look like ? I have only seen the late 60's,early 70's catalogs. The stamp on it says it was from: South-Eastern Import parts co. Inc. 415 south 21st st Birmingham 3 ,Alabama. Anyone heard of this dealer ? Any pics of it back in the day? Know anyone that worked there? I have seen it on the dealers list that I have seen before. It is about 60 pages and a price list.It is the thick textured stock paper that has holes for a binder.I missed out on a blue Empi binder a year or so ago on ebay that would have been nice to keep them in. :-[ Im sure someone has some info to share.Thanks in advance Title: Re: '63 Empi dealer catalog Post by: . on September 06, 2009, 01:45:49 am Nice catalog, except you are missing the cover.
It should look like this: Title: Re: '63 Empi dealer catalog Post by: vwxtc4free on September 06, 2009, 06:59:21 am Thanks Richard I knew you would be of help. ;)
Is that catolog spiral bound ? how many pages? This I think this may have come out of one of the blue binders that dealers used. ??? I was told it was a dealer catolog. Title: Re: '63 Empi dealer catalog Post by: LuftsickTero on September 06, 2009, 17:16:16 pm Nice catalog, except you are missing the cover. It should look like this: What's the year model of the Cabriolet in the cover? '60 or '61? Is the gas gauge or choke knob visible on the photo? Title: Re: '63 Empi dealer catalog Post by: vwxtc4free on September 10, 2009, 02:21:17 am So 147 veiws and no one knows anything? :-\