The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: Cornpanzer on January 23, 2007, 01:22:07 am

Title: Hello everyone
Post by: Cornpanzer on January 23, 2007, 01:22:07 am
It is interesting to see so much traditional Cal-Look stuff going on over here.. Hopefully I am welcome even though my 67 now has a hairdryer on it.   ???  Perhaps if I put the Americans and recaps back on and a muffler on the turbo?  :)

I have to admit that it does bother me to see so much backlash RE: the CLF, but I understand where most are coming from.  It has clearly drifted from Cal-Look to race-car.  This is a fresh (if nostalgia can be fresh - lol)  alternative.  Of course I also find it ironic that whoever built the Lounge chose to copy the CLF exactly.......only thing different is the people I guess.

The cars that are being built in Europe and Scandanavia continue to blow my mind.  You guys really have the look down!  I have enjoyed looking through the site and seeing some of the traditional cars that I have not seen pics of yet.....I wish I could make the Bug-In!

Have fun!

Title: Re: Hello everyone
Post by: henk on January 23, 2007, 01:30:23 am

i really love your car i followed the reports off your turbo transformation with the ups and downs in ultra vw
looks really great!!!!

Title: Re: Hello everyone
Post by: Diederick/DVK on January 23, 2007, 01:35:11 am
welcome dave conklin!

please post some pics of your ride in the appropriate threads  ;)

and you're right, we don't want any turbo talk on this forum  :D

Title: Re: Hello everyone
Post by: Cornpanzer on January 23, 2007, 01:49:49 am
Well, here is one of my favorite pics from "back in the day" (pre-turbo)

Title: Re: Hello everyone
Post by: Lee.C on January 23, 2007, 01:58:33 am
Hey Dave its Lee here - Welcome to the lounge - By the way you can see that Race Trim air filter you sold me a while back in this months Volksworld  ;)

Title: Re: Hello everyone
Post by: Rick Meredith on January 23, 2007, 02:42:16 am
Hey Dave, It's good to see you here!

Oh and you'll see a lot of the folks on here on the CLF as well.

Title: Re: Hello everyone
Post by: El Diablo Gris on January 23, 2007, 04:19:12 am
O.K. ............. Who told Dave we were hanging out over here !!   ;)

Nice to see you have found the real "Cal-Look" crowd to hang out with.   ;D


Title: Re: Hello everyone
Post by: Zach Gomulka on January 23, 2007, 06:43:14 am
Did JP tell you?? Word travels fast!! ;) Good seeing you here Dave!

Title: Re: Hello everyone
Post by: Fastbrit on January 23, 2007, 09:43:41 am
Dammit! Looks like I can run but I can't hide...  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Hello everyone
Post by: Trond Dahl on January 23, 2007, 10:03:39 am
I have to admit that it does bother me to see so much backlash RE: the CLF, but I understand where most are coming from.  It has clearly drifted from Cal-Look to race-car.  This is a fresh (if nostalgia can be fresh - lol)  alternative.  Of course I also find it ironic that whoever built the Lounge chose to copy the CLF exactly.......only thing different is the people I guess.

Hi Dave, and welcome.
Just to sneak in a comment, I set up the lounge using the forum that simple machines made (not clf) because I have been using it with success in other places also. I guess there is a lot of people that like quality programming, so I didn't want to use something worse, just because CLF uses the same.
I do see how "it looks" though, and I have been expecting more people to comment on it. You are actually the first I have seen.
In other words, I guess all of us here like the content, people, conversations and don't think of the framework.

Hope you check in often and participate in our lounging atmosphere.

Really like your 67 Dave!


PS! (Don't tell anyone but I'm building an engine for my 64 with a hairdryer also ;-) )

Title: Re: Hello everyone
Post by: Jon on January 23, 2007, 12:01:45 pm
Hello Dave C.

To tell the whole story of the lounge would take to long time, but here's a short version of it.

The Scandinavian Cal-look Classic:
The story starts in a cold country far to the north of anything, Norway. A small mountainous country inhabited by 4 million Viking descendants.
On the one big Norwegian forum sometime in 2001, a small  bunch of cal-look aficionados, who loosely call themselves the "cal-look Mafia" wanted a piece of the BugIn/Classic/Californian action. They decided to rent the best drag race track in northern Europe a throw the first Norwegian Cal-look race event ever, the "tongue in cheek" name "SCANDINAVIAN CAL-LOOK CLASSIC" was chosen. Any race event needs a small web page so was reserved. SCC 1&2 had mostly the  Norwegian guys in attendance but on the third, some brave Swedes came over. Since the fall of 2004 Vegard "Baboon" Langseth and I have run the show, since the other guys burned out after thee labour intensive years. The two last years we have had Swedes Danes British Belgian and a couple of guys from Finland over... to the most (?) laidback race event in Europe. People tell us that the thing they like the most about the event is the friendly atmosphere at SCC, all boundaries are gone and everyone you see is eager to talk Cal-look and horsepower.

Designing a Lounge:
A forum had been in the back of my head since I transferred over to myself in 2005. With the more international crowd(?) at SCC  a forum seemed more and more like a good way to tie us SCC'rs a in to a small gang of friends. To make it happen I contacted Trond "Bibbe" Dahl who is an exceptional programmer an a think-tank consisting of Vegard "Baboon" Langseth, Kalle "Beetle bug" Rabben, Øystein "Splitman" Asphjell and myself. Without these nothing would have happened. When it came to the forum we wanted it to feel like the event, small personal and laidback. A good way to set the spirit was the name "The Lounge", the only language we had in common was our elementary school English, so to avoid to much misunderstandings English was chosen. With many years of experience from the web as a "old school" Cal-look surfer we knew of many pit falls that usually starts discussions and even quarrels in the twilightzone were old school meets performance/race, the Lounge was carefully designed as to what category names to choose. The decision was made to divide Cal-Look/High Performance in to two sub categories. Cal-look: For those who cares as much about the looks as the power. Pure racing: for those who looks outside the box when it comes to powering their cal-lookers.

Adding top10 lists or not 
After just some weeks of operation came the question for us to add a European version of the top ten list. At first we didn't see the point in it, but we eventually came to agree on making a more laidback version. With no rules except dividing the cars into "Lookers" and "Big guns". Without any rigid rules this meant that cars the would not have a chance on .com for stickers on body could now strut they're stuff in this  light version of the real list.

So there you have it, the lounge may be on a domain similar to the .com,  and have a light version of "THE LIST"... but other than that it's just a small friendly hangout for hardcore guys  ;)

BTW you have a PM Dave!

Best regards
Jon Hroar Ulstad
SCC &   

Title: Re: Hello everyone
Post by: ESH on January 23, 2007, 12:35:05 pm
The SCC is an awesome gathering in an amazing setting and The Lounge is a cool forum, one of the few (amongst which I'd also count the CLF). I don't see that there is a huge backlash with regards the CLF but I think instead that it's a very slightly different crowd coming at things from a similar but subtly different angle. I spend time on both and I think most of those here probably do the same. Anyway, hello! :)

Title: Re: Hello everyone
Post by: Cornpanzer on January 23, 2007, 14:38:20 pm
Hi Bibbe and JHU, no explanation needed.

Just a word of caution.  When we started the Top 20 (y'know, the real one)  ;) it also had no rules and we depended on the participants to enjoy the contest in the spirit it was have fun.  Your concept is not new.   That did not last long due to the popularity and bragging rights associated with the contest.  Adding prizes into the mix probably accelerated the complications.  Pretty soon we had people screaming for rules because "that guys car is not a street car" and "that other guys car is a gutwagon" blah blah blah.   Funny enough, the worst offenders were always the individuals who screamed the loudest about other peole's combination.  ::)  We had suggestions such as "why dont you do fuel checks on each car"  (LOL, yeah, I am flying around the world to do fuel checks for a free contest)  Eventually we needed a few "rules" just to keep things under control.  Those rules are still quite minimal....most complaints we get are that we dont have ENOUGH rules!  My point being, what may seem simple to you now can quickly get out of control.   It's like the camel analogy....let the camel get his nose under the tent and before you know it you are sleeping with a camel.

The same is true with a forum.  Having a very small audience, it probably seems easy to be "hands off" on the moderating.  Give it some time...... ;D  Multiply your membership by 600%, throw in a few individuals who only come here to stir up trouble and "hands off" may not be so plausable.  :'( 

Anyway, I didnt come here to offer up a debate.  Seems like a nice place with a lot of old friends.

Title: Re: Hello everyone
Post by: Cornpanzer on January 23, 2007, 14:45:10 pm
Dammit! Looks like I can run but I can't hide...  ;D ;D
I hesitated to join, but when I saw you on here I realized that I probably wouldnt depreciate the real estate much more  ;)

Title: Re: Hello everyone
Post by: Sarge on January 23, 2007, 23:06:29 pm
what's a cornpanzer?   ;)   Did somebody say "syrupy reduction"......uuuummmmmm

Welcome, Dave!!