Title: dish in piston Post by: CHR!S/DVK on September 12, 2009, 10:43:21 am hey guys,
i just noticed that my pistons have a sort of dish in the surface. the pistons are new 1600s(85,45mm) i don't know how many cc's the dish is, but could i loose valuable cc's and compression? i'm doing the combustionchamber and porting the heads and will be measuring and equalizing the cc's in the chambers. does anyone have experience with these pistons? can i come to a good total cc's per p/c and still have good compression? i'm building a 1600 sp dual kadron with vz14 and counterweighted 69mm crank and standard swivel feet rockers on stock mexico 1600 heads. (http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/1553/1dsc08573.jpg) (http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/1144/1dsc08578.jpg) (http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/3548/1dsc08580.jpg) Title: Re: dish in piston Post by: Shubee2 (DSK) on September 12, 2009, 15:35:43 pm The Dished Pistons are Low Compression Pistons if you are building a Performance Motor I would Go with a set of Flat Top Pistons unless the OcTane Of Gas Where you Live is vary Low Dish Pistons are Fine for a Stock Rebuild but thats about it ..
Title: Re: dish in piston Post by: Bruce on September 12, 2009, 17:18:55 pm Measure the dish volume, then flycut the heads to compensate. Run tight deck!
Title: Re: dish in piston Post by: CHR!S/DVK on September 12, 2009, 18:23:14 pm thanks for your replies!
i measured the cc's of the dish and they're 9cc. the combustion chambers are all about 51cc, so that makes 1:7 with 1.05mm deckheight with flat piston compression nears 1:8 so i guess i'll have to get a set of flat p/c does anyone know how much cc the combustionchamber of stock 1600 heads should be? |