Title: Headlights. Post by: JS on December 16, 2009, 20:16:12 pm Been driving with euro spec 911 lenses on the OG assemblies and rings form 1958 that are starting to show their age for sure.
What have you got? Very good condition originals? Aftermarket like Cibies etc? Thanks, Johnny. Title: Re: Headlights. Post by: Jim Ratto on December 17, 2009, 20:51:22 pm might be able to help you with new 911 lenses, if interested
take care, Jim Title: Re: Headlights. Post by: JS on December 17, 2009, 21:23:36 pm The 911 lenses is the only part of the headlights on the car now that are in perfect condition. Bought them at Porsche a few years ago.
But thanks a lot for the offer Jim! Title: Re: Headlights. Post by: JS on January 03, 2010, 23:40:31 pm Anyone got some cool stuff they want to get rid of? Rossi´s? Cibies? :)
Title: Re: Headlights. Post by: beetletom on January 04, 2010, 21:15:24 pm hi, ive got a pair of plastic rossi's?
Title: Re: Headlights. Post by: richie on January 04, 2010, 21:27:53 pm Anyone got some cool stuff they want to get rid of? Rossi´s? Cibies? :) These?been gathering dust for a while so might as well sell them cheers richie,uk Title: Re: Headlights. Post by: JS on January 04, 2010, 21:54:59 pm Don´t want plastic Rossi´s. Sorry.