The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: Speed-Randy on December 31, 2009, 06:30:23 am

Title: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Speed-Randy on December 31, 2009, 06:30:23 am
Inquiring minds want to know. Seriously, people are asking

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: DKK - Lisa on December 31, 2009, 17:49:43 pm
Randy... WTHeck??  Are you mad because you didn't get more cookies?

EDIT:  OK Randy, I just found where this came from... thought you were being a DEEK and picking on me.  I'll work on getting some photos together. 
Nothing really exciting to tell ya.  The VERT is just a work in progress with the help of my poor husband and my fellow DEEK family : )

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Rennsurfer on December 31, 2009, 21:46:31 pm
Don't make me drive down there and have a photo session w/your car, Lisa. 'Cause you KNOW that I'll haul off and do that. Besides, you live by a couple of fun skateparks.

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: DKK - Lisa on December 31, 2009, 22:55:02 pm
Well, here it is...... 

I reconnected with my DEEK family here on The Lounge April 17th, 2009.,8711.0.html
And exactly 2 months and 10 days after that DEEK Reunion, I was holding another set of VW keys.  My husband gave us (my three daughters and I) the go ahead on the project for my birthday, the end of May.  The DEEKS joined my hunting efforts for a VW... We wanted a driver that could possibly turn into a vehicle for the girls to drive down the road.  Didn't want to build a trailer princess... just something to drive around and have fun in with the family and the DEEKS.  It was WORM who is responsible for finding me this cute little neglected VERT on SAMBA.  She fit the bill and was a contender for a shoestring budget weekend family project.    This is what she looked like when we saw her for the first time.  Yes, we dragged WORM along with us.  It was a "family" experience on many levels for me.   ;) 

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: DKK - Lisa on December 31, 2009, 23:16:38 pm
Randy offered us his trailer to go pick her up.  She didn't come with street worthy brakes, so we had to carry the VERT home.  May not sound like a significant detail to share, but you must understand how much these DEEKS mean to me.  They are "family" to me, even after all of the years that have gone by.  The VERT, yes she's going to be a fun project.  But the project wouldn't be fun at all without my family of DEEKS.

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Rennsurfer on December 31, 2009, 23:34:35 pm
NICE, Lisa! Keep the pics flowin'... you're on a roll, now.

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: DKK - Lisa on December 31, 2009, 23:40:39 pm
Got her home and the girls and I cleaned her up.  The paint was stained with tree sap and junk from sitting outside under the trees unattended.  When it rained they were kind enough to throw a car cover over her to keep her dry, but the sun just baked in the grime from the days gone by.  My daughters and I tried a pile of different paint cleaning products... many of them came recommended by the DEEKS.  Lots of WAX-ON... WAX-OFF... afternoons with my girls. 

At the advise of WORM I removed the chrome moldings (since I was going to replace it anyways) and found the craziest thing.... they had been installed with black silicone instead of the original fasteners.  Had to consult with the DEEKS for advise because I couldn't get the crud off!  Ended up cutting the silicone down with a craft knife, then using Goof-Off... or as we have renamed it, DEEK-OFF to soften the remaining silicone.  Then I used my fingernail to scratch the stuff off. 

Susy helped me order the new chrome and the correct fasteners....  yes Susy is part of my family too!

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: DKK - Lisa on January 01, 2010, 00:40:23 am
 I'm going to share a post about the VERT that was shared with the DEEKS.  I still can laugh about it!  4th of July weekend I was whining to my husband because I wanted to drive the car so badly!  And because he is such a great guy, he gave an attempt to get the brakes in order so I would be happy.  Mind you, he's never owned a VW, he's never worked on a VW, he never knew I was a DEEK prior to April 17th, 2009.

Re: The Piraino Family just got a VERT!!
« Reply #48 on: July 02, 2009, 10:35:26 PM »     

OMG... making new memories already!!    I'm laughing, probably shouldn't be... but I just can't stop laughing about this.

This evening Livia runs upstairs to find me, hands me the VW key and tells me "Dad wants you."  So I'm told to take the car for a drive around the block to see how the brakes are.  Livia jumps in the front seat, all excited about the drive.  She's been waiting for this!!  So I pull out of the garage and begin down the long driveway and start feeling a little sentimental about this moment.  I yell to Vincent to hop in the back since it is our first drive in the car.  He climbs in and we head off.  From the back seat he keeps telling me to push on the brakes... does that feel right Lisa,  try it again....  Is it stopping right?  Try it again, really fast this time, do it again..   so we are going and stopping and going and stopping.  We are just around the corner from my home, through a stop sign and heading down a hill.  And you'll never guess what happens.  There is a thud,   .....a bump   .....and a looooooooooong grinding sound.    My damn back wheel fell off the VERT!! 

Nobody hurt.  New bruise on the back fender.  The tire stops at the curb, we were going pretty darn slow, Thank God.  So now what?  Oh yeah, that new HAGERTY Insurance I got.  Oops, I opted out of the towing/roadside service because I figured I didn't need it - save some money.  STUPID  Will change that in the morning!  And all we have is the dumb jack that came with the car!!  Livia and I hiked back up the street looking for all of the lost Lugs.  They started falling off at the stop sign.  So as I am THE EVENT for Marina Hills on a Thursday night, Vincent walks home to grab the tools. 

I met the nicest neighbors tonight!  I met three of them who had this same thing happen to them before, two who had a car just like mine, and a large handful of neighbors who wanted to call a tow truck for me.  Boy I live in a great neighborhood.  Some neighbors came out to talk to us.  A little boy that Livia goes to school with comes running down the street to say Hi.  A teenage boy who heard the THUMP offers to helps Vincent find a jack from the neighbors.  Never found one, so instead he agrees to help lift the side of the car while I put the wheel back on.  I'm getting kinda nervous because we are on a hill!  This could be tricky... Oh I forgot to tell you.  The lug nuts are stripped. 

So now the car is on 4 wheels but I'm thinking..... I'm going to lose the wheel again before I get it back home.  So with a flashlight the teenaged boy and my husband walk along side me while I SLOWLY drive the car back home.... stopping after short distances to tighten / check the lugs to be sure we don't lose the wheel again. 

Is that just frigging funny, or what???  I only wish I had the camera with us.  That would have been a KODAK moment   

So I'm guessing I am getting new disc brakes all the way around.... what do ya think?     

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: DKK - Lisa on January 01, 2010, 01:00:31 am
I have always liked things a little "outside of the box" so when it came to wheels, the obvious choices seemed unsatisfying to me.  I pulled out the old pics and magazines and started my hunt.  I chose Porsche Cookie Cutters just because that's how I am.  No other good reason.  Just a need to be different.  I hadn't yet told more than a few of the DEEKS of my Cookie Cutter needs when RANDY posted up that he had won a set on eBay!  Randy hooked me up with those rims and that was the VERT's first accessory purchase.  I was warned that my selection was going to bring me headaches, that anything else would be easier.... Yes, the DEEKS were right... many headaches trying to figure it all out.  Once I coupled that with a CB Performance Disc Brake kit in the front with drop spindles, CB Performance Disc Brakes and E-Brake for the rear.... the VERT now can take us girls around town safely.  My husband installed everything himself with several DEEK consults along the way.  I helped a bit when he would allow.... but my husband is still trying to wrap his head around the idea that I might just know a little something about VW's : )

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: DKK - Lisa on January 01, 2010, 01:35:58 am
In August we started the project of replacing the support rails.  They were rusted out and needed to be replaced before we could drive the VERT with good conscience.  My husband was finally beginning to see this other side of me... the VW side.  He let me play with some of his garage toys that had been previously of no interest to me.  He eventually got both sides done while developing pneumonia in the middle of the project. 

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: DKK - Lisa on January 01, 2010, 02:03:53 am
Vincent installed the brakes and a new dual master cylinder on the VERT.  Once again the DEEKS jumped in and helped me piece the thing together so I could get her on the road.  Tod hooked me up with a header, an exhaust, and some bumper blades which my daughters and I detailed and installed.  I got a package in the mail from Susy under the disguise of National Friendship Week which included the European Bumper Guards I had been eyeing.  Tod also set us up with a pair of European Headlights.  I liked them on the Split Window and I wanted to bring that European style to the VERT.

I'm an eBay gal, so I grabbed some shiny stuff for the VERT.... Porshe lugs, Center Caps, and a rear view mirror.  All of my purchases required time at the buffing wheel... another toy of my husbands which I suddenly became interested in.  In fact I used it so much I broke it!  Santa brought us a new one this year and all the accessories that go with it!  It's come in handy for cleaning up the many, many small pieces on the VERT.  Those little details are a kick to spend time on.... THERAPY for me  ;)

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: DKK - Lisa on January 01, 2010, 02:08:56 am
A few more pics from our first ride on the pavement, November 7, 2009.  FRED and his detailed mind pointed out that I had the wrong license plate bracket on the rear lid, so I had to fix that quick!  It really does take a village of DEEKS to pull a car together..... even after all these years!  ;D

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Rennsurfer on January 01, 2010, 02:40:10 am
Nicely done, as usual, Lisa. Any pics with the Porsche center caps? How's that driver's side mirror holding up? If it gets bad, just hit it with some more #0000 steel or bronze wool. (I use bronze a lot 'cause it doesn't rust... I'm sure you and Vince know all about that with the boat stuff) That's just to knock off the rust and pitting. Then, simply maintain it with either Mother's Aluminum Polish (or any other brand) or car wax.

So stoked that you're getting your car all together... it's coming along rather nicely. Great year, too!

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: DKK - Lisa on January 01, 2010, 03:01:31 am
FRED, you're the detail guy in my book!  Your fine job on the side view mirror is holding up just fine  ;)  I'm still learning things from you guys.... and all while we laugh with each other!  As Rick puts it, DEEKS R FUN!  Here are a few more pics from the end of this year... I think the ones from the DKP Toy Drive include the center caps.  And knowing you FRED... there will be more to post next year.

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Jason Foster on January 01, 2010, 03:52:41 am

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: stealth67vw on January 01, 2010, 05:42:03 am
Your car cleaned up nice.   8)

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: DKK Ted on January 01, 2010, 08:05:16 am
Very very nice Lisa.

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: madfrog on January 01, 2010, 10:17:23 am
Great story Lisa and congrats for  such a cool car!

The only problem is my girls want their own now...

But I admit I am not yet ready to hand them the keys of the Heb Rod  ;D ;D ;D


Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: ian c on January 01, 2010, 12:10:43 pm
good work lisa and helpers .
but you're making it look almost TOO easy to have a nice car !!!
love the wheels , they suit it perfectly  :)

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Russell on January 01, 2010, 15:15:39 pm

Loving it, well done to your and your friends, great to see a VW love rekindled....

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: DKK - Lisa on January 01, 2010, 18:05:52 pm
Great story Lisa and congrats for  such a cool car!

The only problem is my girls want their own now...

But I admit I am not yet ready to hand them the keys of the Heb Rod  ;D ;D ;D


I'll watch your lead on that one.....  After taking the girls with me to Big Wednesday, one of the twins has declared that she wants a bus!  I think her inner hippie was released that day.  My poor husband.....

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: javabug on January 01, 2010, 21:27:27 pm
Thanks for the pics and info Lisa.  Great job, the car looks excellent.

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Nico86 on January 01, 2010, 23:47:34 pm
Great looking vert !

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: MYTOY on January 02, 2010, 17:27:54 pm
YAAA! ;)

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Speed-Randy on January 04, 2010, 05:22:44 am
Randy... WTHeck??  Are you mad because you didn't get more cookies?

EDIT:  OK Randy, I just found where this came from... thought you were being a DEEK and picking on me.  I'll work on getting some photos together. 
Nothing really exciting to tell ya.  The VERT is just a work in progress with the help of my poor husband and my fellow DEEK family : )
Wait a minute, there were cookies??? Alright, now Im pissed >:(

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Rennsurfer on January 04, 2010, 05:42:42 am
Wait a minute, there were cookies??? Alright, now Im pissed >:(

Yeah, those were great and were... wait, were those YOURS? I'm sorry, Randy.

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Teffi on January 04, 2010, 10:41:01 am
Great job, looking really fine.... and thanks for "After taking the girls with me to Big Wednesday, one of the twins has declared that she wants a bus!  I think her inner hippie was released that day.  My poor husband....." now i know what happened last yeyre to my two little girls ( 3,5 and 5 years old ) at the jouney to drag day # 7 in bitburg -> inner hippie is free
never heard before from the inner hippie  :D :D :D

best wishes from cologne and happy rustfree 2010 for u and your familiy


Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Dave Rosique on January 04, 2010, 15:43:40 pm
Nice story and photos Lisa!

It's good to see your Husband, Children, and "Deek" family involved!

Keep up the good work!


Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: simon uk on January 04, 2010, 18:20:26 pm
cool story, and car!

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Jesus on January 04, 2010, 18:27:25 pm
I Love Cookie Cutters and feel they are underrated,

Great Looking car and sounds like a great support network you have in your club :D

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Speed-Randy on January 04, 2010, 18:48:09 pm
yep, we are always there to push someone to spend more money :D :D. somebody besides obama has to stimulate the economy

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: danny gabbard on January 04, 2010, 19:04:24 pm
Or sell them a car, Fricken vw drug dealers!

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Speed-Randy on January 04, 2010, 19:54:53 pm
first ones always free, come on, you wanna be cool dont you? every bodies doin it

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: DKK - Lisa on January 04, 2010, 21:18:21 pm
OMG Danny and Randy... the two of you!!  I just told everyone that you were my family.  Will you two TRY to behave?!   ;) :D

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: danny gabbard on January 04, 2010, 21:54:46 pm
Just cant shake the guetto out !

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Speed-Randy on January 04, 2010, 21:57:37 pm
VNWK essay

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Drů on January 05, 2010, 00:30:43 am
... May not sound like a significant detail to share, but you must understand how much these DEEKS mean to me. 
They are "family" to me, even after all of the years that have gone by.  The VERT, yes she's going to be a fun project. 
But the project wouldn't be fun at all without my family of DEEKS.

Hi Lisa,

I think you couldn't write more beautiful words than this ...
I feel a little bit of healthy envy, it is wonderful that there is this relationship between DKK's guys.
When things are in this way, everything is more funny. :)

it's nice to see that there are girls who get dirty hands to work on their cars ;)

great result!!!  In my opinion your vert is very nice and "clean" and congratulations for the choice of "cookie cutter" ... an undervalued rim.

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: danny gabbard on January 05, 2010, 01:30:15 am
I just have two things to say, Lisa, Now that you have cookie cutters, Where the hell is the cookies? The more the woman work on there cars the less men have to! Its great that the whole family is helping out!

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: DKK - Lisa on January 05, 2010, 15:52:03 pm
Thanks for the many kind responses everyone.

.... and Danny

If you would show up to an event and actually stay for a while, you would have found the cookies!

And as far as the girls....  they're learning that they can do just about anything they set their minds to if they're interested and willing to try.... it's just a matter of exposure and opportunity.   That's how I learned!  But they'll also know that Women will forever hold the power of allowing silly boys to believe that they have to do it for us  ;)

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Speed-Randy on January 05, 2010, 17:42:40 pm
OMG Danny and Randy... the two of you!!  I just told everyone that you were my family.  Will you two TRY to behave?!   ;) :D
every family has a black sheep, this one happens to have 50 or so

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Jim Ratto on January 05, 2010, 18:19:35 pm
That's such a nice looking car.

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Rennsurfer on January 06, 2010, 00:22:39 am
.... and Danny

If you would show up to an event and actually stay for a while, you would have found the cookies!


'Tis true! Mine were gone by the next morning. Thanks, Lisa & family.

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Dave Rosique on January 06, 2010, 05:08:40 am
Wait a minute! Cookie Cutters on the Cookie Lady's car???

Hmmmmmmmm.... something funny going on here....

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Rennsurfer on January 06, 2010, 05:11:00 am
Wait a minute! Cookie Cutters on the Cookie Lady's car???

Hmmmmmmmm.... something funny going on here....


Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: WCB Hitler's Hot Rod on January 06, 2010, 06:22:52 am
Lisa you've made an amazing transformation with your car. I have a hunch though that you may not be stopping there. Any other future plans you wish to share? Great job; including your DKK family members! I bet I know what your daughters want for their first car! LOL!

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: DKK - Lisa on January 06, 2010, 16:11:08 pm
The VERT still has a long list of "to do's"...  will keep you posted  ;)
And I'm right there with you about your prediction for the girls.  You know it's going to be a VW!  8)

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Speed-Randy on January 06, 2010, 17:26:45 pm
Just be prepared for all the parents from the "Volvo" generation reminding you that there" aren't any airbags" in that car. I just tell them I grew up driving one and managed to survive. Next you'll here " but have you seen the size of those suv's on the road today?" my answer is do you remember the size of a Chrysler New Yorker?

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Dave Rosique on January 06, 2010, 19:29:01 pm
Just be prepared for all the parents from the "Volvo" generation reminding you that there" aren't any airbags" in that car. I just tell them I grew up driving one and managed to survive. Next you'll here " but have you seen the size of those suv's on the road today?" my answer is do you remember the size of a Chrysler New Yorker?

So true!
The New Yorker probably outweighs a Suburban!

Ever ride in the bed of a pickup truck? Drink out of a garden hose? Or for a real walk on the wild side... eat a raw hot dog?
I've done 'em all INCLUDING driving defensive enough to avoid accidents...

Airbags are cool, I like 'em in my 160 mile a day commuter car, but NOT in my toys.


Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: DKK - Lisa on January 07, 2010, 00:25:00 am
Wait a minute! Cookie Cutters on the Cookie Lady's car???

Hmmmmmmmm.... something funny going on here....

Dave... you have NO IDEA of the funny, FuNnY, FUNNY stuff going on around here!!!   :D
It just never seems to stop when you're around DEEKS!

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Rennsurfer on January 07, 2010, 01:12:24 am
Ever ride in the bed of a pickup truck? Drink out of a garden hose? Or for a real walk on the wild side... eat a raw hot dog?

Airbags are cool, I like 'em in my 160 mile a day commuter car, but NOT in my toys.

Yes. (quit doing that, though)
Yes. (still do that and drink from my kitchen tap)
Yes. (recently quit doing that... read a scary article regarding that practice)

Agreed on the airbags. My recently acquired daily driver was built in 2000 and is the newest car I've ever owned. Also includes two front airbags.

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Dave Rosique on January 07, 2010, 15:41:50 pm
Ever ride in the bed of a pickup truck? Drink out of a garden hose? Or for a real walk on the wild side... eat a raw hot dog?

Airbags are cool, I like 'em in my 160 mile a day commuter car, but NOT in my toys.

Yes. (quite doing that, though)
Yes. (still do that and drink from my kitchen tap)
Yes. (recently quit doing that... read a scary article regarding that practice)

Agreed on the airbags. My recently acquired daily driver was built in 2000 and is the newest car I've ever owned. Also includes two front airbags.

1) Me too
2) Still do
3) Same here

4) 10-4.. over and out.

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: DKK - Lisa on January 07, 2010, 17:22:55 pm
Dave, were you a CB'er?

Title: Re: DKK Lisa, tell us about yourself and car
Post by: Dave Rosique on January 07, 2010, 21:32:07 pm
Dave, were you a CB'er?

Roger that good buddy!

(or maybe I watched Smokey and the Bandit too many times ;))