The Cal-look Lounge

The Cal-look classifieds => Wanted => Topic started by: Lee.C on January 08, 2010, 00:25:07 am

Title: Side exits exhausts - Who makes them??? TOP SECRET PROJECT!!!
Post by: Lee.C on January 08, 2010, 00:25:07 am
Well as the title says guys I am looking for a/pair of SIDE EXIT headers/exhausts for a Type1 VW engine - anyone know who does them????????

I/we want the tips to exit just in front of the rear wheels and I seem to remember seeing something like this this in the ULTRA's "new product" section a while back  :-\

Please please help guys  :)

Title: Re: Side exits exhausts - Who makes them??? TOP SECRET PROJECT!!!
Post by: Hotrodvw on January 08, 2010, 07:23:20 am


Title: Re: Side exits exhausts - Who makes them??? TOP SECRET PROJECT!!!
Post by: Lee.C on January 08, 2010, 17:02:53 pm
Cheers dude - should help witht he TOP SECRET Volksworld show project ;) :)