Title: IDA stacks getting loose Post by: Felix/DFL on January 14, 2010, 23:04:37 pm Hi,
I have a problem with the orig. IDA stacks (spanish IDA`s) As said the stacks (2-3 of them) are getting loose and can be turned by hand and rattle. I have bended both of the outer edges of the clamps down a bit which solved the problem. But only temporarly... They came loose again. It seems that the stacks are to deep into the gasser body so that the clamps don`t really press the stack "ring". Have you had simular problems and how did you solve them? Greetings, Felix Title: Re: IDA stacks getting loose Post by: stealth67vw on January 15, 2010, 03:24:03 am Art Thraen (ACE) sells thicker tabs that don't bend.
http://www.aircooledengineering.com/carbparts.html/ Title: Re: IDA stacks getting loose Post by: DKK Ted on January 15, 2010, 08:51:32 am Try an Italian stack, maybe the lip is wider, I noticed that also with my Spainish set. I have a Italian set of IDA's, I'll pull the stacks and take some measurements.
Ted Title: Re: IDA stacks getting loose Post by: Tobi/DFL on January 15, 2010, 09:59:12 am Hi,
I have the same problem with my italian IDAs. I guess itīs caused after swapping the chokes which may be a littler shorter than stock ones. I often use a short (1cm) wire beneath the tabs to get the stacks tight which usually solves the problem. Bye, Tobi Title: Re: IDA stacks getting loose Post by: DOUG BERG on January 15, 2010, 18:00:46 pm IF THE ENTIRE MASS HAS BEEN "PROPERLY BALANCED",,,
I'D SUGGEST "A COMPRESSION CHECK",,, CAUSE "NO MATTER HOW WELL" ITS BALANCED A "LOW HOLE" WILL "RATTLE IT TO DEATH"!!! DOUG.... OR "AFTER MARKET RUNOUT" ON A "BAD COPY OF OUR PULLEY'S" !!!! Title: Re: IDA stacks getting loose Post by: Felix/DFL on January 17, 2010, 00:33:03 am Thank`s for the advives! I will see what works.