The Cal-look Lounge

The Cal-look classifieds => Wanted => Topic started by: CHR!S/DVK on April 28, 2010, 00:44:23 am

Title: dual port cylinderheads
Post by: CHR!S/DVK on April 28, 2010, 00:44:23 am
due to disappointing state of my set of used dp heads i started looking for better set.

does anyone have a nice pair of used cylinderheads?
i am building a 1680cc with cylinders that have 90.5mm diameter in the head.
a set to fit the cylinders would be great but let me know if something good pops up.

it would be great if the valve are still or let me know what size valves it needs.

thanks guys!

Title: Re: dual port cylinderheads
Post by: Mauro Cattan on April 29, 2010, 17:22:30 pm
Maybe I have something for you. Tomorrow I give a look in the garage