The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: Rennsurfer on May 01, 2010, 20:01:23 pm

Title: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Rennsurfer on May 01, 2010, 20:01:23 pm
Well... D.K.P. has, once again, hosted an epic Cruise Night for Bug In with another great turn out. Here are a few pics from it all. And please feel free to add more images if you were there with a camera.



Mike Smith & his dog assure us that Dyno Don is present.

View from the DEEK seats.

This... has trouble written all over it. I mean, here's a shot of Ratto, Carlos, and Fabian.

A long time favorite Cal Looker of mine... Hector's really cool car.

"How do you do? My name's Keith and I see what you're doing, there."

Speaking of Keith, really cool to see his car in the line up, this year.

Mr. Metz goes for a ride in a well known car.

I dig images that are timeless. Meaning... that they can be depicted as being taken from any era.

Again, is it the '70s, '80s, '90s, or the current state of things?

Lisa shows off her new D.K.K. jacket, and rather nicely.

Rick Sadler's yellow sedan looked good before, but in this DEEK'S opinion... really looks good, now.

Always good to see a Porsche here & there at these events.

Another mean looking Panzer... Tiger's car.

This guy (I think from Belgium) was cruising around the facility with this spy video cam attached to his rental car. I'm curious as to where his footage will show up.

As dusk arrived, as did more cars that kept pouring in the driveway.

A DEEK represents his European roots with this cool t-shirt.

Night operations went as planned for the involved Panzers and Kampfwagens.

Hector decides to depart and Herr Rayburn sees him off.

Keith is clear for take off... abeit a trifle sideways, after a brief ascent to the street.

Steve Wilkerson drove his '60 convertible Bug down from Oregon through high winds, rain, and snow. No heater and 1,100 miles... THAT is impressive, to say the least. Good job, Steve! Historical note: this car was black and used to belong to our own Lisa, back in the '80s after she sold her '53 Split Window. Steve's owned it for many years and decided to fully go through the entire car and change the color.

It was getting late and the time came for us to leave, too.

Us DEEKS all had a good time and thank you for a fun event, Panzers. Looking forward to seeing everyone again on Sunday. See you then!

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Jamie on May 01, 2010, 20:34:39 pm
Well... D.K.P. has, once again, hosted an epic Cruise Night for Bug In with another great turn out. Here are a few pics from it all. And please feel free to add more images if you were there with a camera.

Another mean looking Panzer... Tiger's car.

Love this car, thanks for the cool pics and keep posting them(Surely you took more than this!!)

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Rennsurfer on May 01, 2010, 20:42:58 pm

Love this car, thanks for the cool pics and keep posting them(Surely you took more than this!!)

Jamie, I did have a lot of better pictures. Sadly, right before sunset, my camera chose to go south and the memory card had to be removed, reformatted, and I had to start over again. I was a little bummed that so many good images had to be dumped. Which is why I encourage people to please post up more pics. Sorry 'bout that.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Chris W on May 01, 2010, 20:56:35 pm
Great pictures, love Rick Sadler's car with the Fuchs.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: vwcab on May 01, 2010, 21:12:42 pm
Great pictures, love Rick Sadler's car with the Fuchs.
x 2  :)

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Jim Ratto on May 02, 2010, 01:43:13 am
Thanks for sharing, Mark, we all had a great time. Well, besides the 4 hr travel time to and from ::)

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Jo Clifford on May 02, 2010, 04:28:53 am

First showing

and then Greg Aronson getting familiar again

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Rennsurfer on May 02, 2010, 04:31:42 am
Thanks for sharing, Mark, we all had a great time. Well, besides the 4 hr travel time to and from ::)

You're quite welcome, Jim. See you tomorrow at the track. Kudos to you for making these trips... when I hit Skatelab by your house on Thursday evenings, it's a haul. Guess that we're dedicated to what we like, yes?

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: lawrence on May 02, 2010, 05:37:26 am
Beautiful weekend for a VW show. My sister drove by "some place on Orangethorpe",on Friday afternoon and called to tell me she saw a bunch of nice cars. I knew immediately. Tarbabe looks great! It's nice to see the tribute original cal-looker back on the street as well. Love that car!

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Dave Rosique on May 02, 2010, 05:41:39 am
Thanks for sharing, Mark, we all had a great time. Well, besides the 4 hr travel time to and from ::)

You're quite welcome, Jim. See you tomorrow at the track. Kudos to you for making these trips... when I hit Skatelab by your house on Thursday evenings, it's a haul. Guess that we're dedicated to what we like, yes?

Drive? What drive?

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Dave Rosique on May 02, 2010, 05:49:06 am

Really good times at the cruise! Got to see old friends and make new ones ;D

DKP thanks for hosting!

DKK thanks for... um... you know-- just being yourselves ;D ;D

One cool hobby we have here!

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: DKK Ted on May 02, 2010, 05:49:08 am
Here's a few I took.............

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: DKK Ted on May 02, 2010, 05:54:23 am
Even more...........

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: DKK Ted on May 02, 2010, 06:01:07 am
Ok, a few more.........

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Rick Meredith on May 02, 2010, 06:02:05 am

Really good times at the cruise! Got to see old friends and make new ones ;D

DKP thanks for hosting!

DKK thanks for... um... you know-- just being DEEKS ;D ;D

One cool hobby we have here!

There Dave I fixed it for you  ;D

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: DKK Ted on May 02, 2010, 06:04:24 am
Sorry, one more favorite..........

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: DKK Ted on May 02, 2010, 06:07:14 am
OOPS!  ;D ;D

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: DKK Ted on May 02, 2010, 06:19:51 am
One one more....... ::) ;D

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: IP359 on May 02, 2010, 10:35:55 am
Thanks guys to share.
Tar Babe is amazing and pics with Greg is so funny !
Lucky guys to live these wonderful moments

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Rennsurfer on May 02, 2010, 12:14:55 pm

Drive? What drive?


HAHA!! Now THAT'S funny, Dave. And true, too.

Thanks for sharing the pics, Jo & Ted... keep 'em flowing.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: christophe on May 02, 2010, 16:39:46 pm
One one more....... ::) ;D

What is it used for sealing the engine on K.S car? Never see that kind before.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Rick Meredith on May 02, 2010, 16:49:03 pm
Hey Mark... How are your car keys??  ::) ;D

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: allmenplayon10 on May 02, 2010, 17:24:27 pm
Awesome pics  8) 8)

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Jos on May 02, 2010, 18:09:10 pm
Simply beautiful. I've gotta start making plans for next year already and make it finally happen instead of just dreaming of how I was out there.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Nico86 on May 02, 2010, 20:17:16 pm
Thanks for the report guys ! 8)

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: vwtaiwan on May 03, 2010, 01:13:10 am
Cal-Look and Nicks

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Fiatdude on May 03, 2010, 02:13:46 am
great pictures -- Sorry I missed the get together at tarbabe at the track today was helping a couple of buddies that were running OT -- me and KBPhill did have a long chat until he realized who I was then he ran off screaming LOL

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: speedwell on May 03, 2010, 03:07:22 am
hi guys still in socal so you will have to wait  until i get home to see my 1500 photos  ::) ................................... ;D ;D

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Rick Meredith on May 03, 2010, 04:13:33 am
hi guys still in socal so you will have to wait  until i get home to see my 1500 photos  ::) ................................... ;D ;D

Only 1500?  ;D

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: IP359 on May 03, 2010, 07:29:27 am
hi guys still in socal so you will have to wait  until i get home to see my 1500 photos  ::) ................................... ;D ;D
I'm impatient to share them with us.
Take care,
See u,

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: flatfire on May 03, 2010, 10:39:54 am
This must be one of the greatest form of tortures being drip fed photos  ;D

I'm very jealous. :( :P :)

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Sarge on May 03, 2010, 14:23:09 pm
What a weekend!  Friday, I hit the road early for VeeDub Part's open house and had a nice cruise with KS, Dustin, ScottP, and Ron Weiss down to Balboa.  A perfect day capped off with all the fun of parking at Nick's.... ;)

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Sarge on May 03, 2010, 14:25:07 pm
a few more...

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Sarge on May 03, 2010, 14:38:41 pm
Saturday's DKP 45th anniversary at the home of Paul Schley was something none of us will soon forget... an amazing day that I wish could of lasted forever.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Sarge on May 03, 2010, 14:40:17 pm
  ::) 8)

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: lawrence on May 03, 2010, 16:00:29 pm
High performance VWs on the street as far as the eye can see. That makes me smile.

Sarge, did you notice the patrol car in the third photo of your last post.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Rick Meredith on May 03, 2010, 16:55:31 pm
The Federales are checking headlight height now too?  ;D

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: danny gabbard on May 03, 2010, 17:00:43 pm
Shit, I thought that was holding him up !

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Jo Clifford on May 03, 2010, 17:45:11 pm

Sarge, did you notice the patrol car in the third photo of your last post.

Theres a very funny story about that involving Fabian in a 67 bug cabrio and a 911,the 911 came of worse ;)


Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: John Rayburn on May 03, 2010, 17:49:13 pm
You can't tell in the photo, but the Sheriff was standing out there with his radar gun, which usually means there's another officer further up the way to intercept. Luckily, we were all going under the speed limit for the photographers.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: javabug on May 03, 2010, 19:12:08 pm
Wow, what a weekend you guys must have had.  Sadly, Monday is falling a bit short in the content department.  MORE PICS and STORIES!  NOW!!!  Please.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: alfie the monster on May 03, 2010, 20:08:27 pm
Awesome pictures guys  8)

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Liou on May 03, 2010, 20:48:29 pm
thanks sir sarge for report pictures

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: ACSwede/DBR on May 03, 2010, 21:00:35 pm

(courtesy of Mr Greiner who's behind the camera...sent to me as a "painful" reminder of what I missed  ;D ;D)

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Russell on May 03, 2010, 22:59:11 pm
Yes Just after the DKP caravan passed the black & white, Fabian blew the doors off the 911 at the lights, then backed off the 911 driver must have been pissed off and kept his foot in and passed Fabian, the red/blue lights flashed and the 911 was pulled over, meanwhile Fabian crusied on by..... way too cool for words but what a wonderful site and we were 2 cars behind watching it unfold...... excellent.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: johnl on May 03, 2010, 23:34:00 pm
Okay, just got Christie's photos into my computer and I'll share a few now and maybe more to come.  These will focus on the earlier guys and times.

First, Myself, Gary Huggins and Bill Kliss all DKP I and Fremont Jr. High and then Anaheim High School

Next the girls:  Sharon Edmiston, Pam Bunch and Claudia Dayton

Third shot:  Doug Haydon, myself and Whit Haydon.....  Happy Birthday Doug.  His the same as mine, but he is five years my junior.

Last:  Shubee and Mike Olivieri (Mikey)  both Auto Haus employees.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: johnl on May 03, 2010, 23:39:36 pm
Here is two master minds trying to figure out how to get out of the parking lot.  Notice my left hand and how I'm about to explain things to Deano.   :o :o   Here was trying ever so hard to give me the very nasty head cold he was carring.... :( :( :(

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Rennsurfer on May 04, 2010, 00:12:37 am
Lovin' the shots, as usual, Sarge... thanks for sharing. Also never get tired of seeing Sadler's D.K.P. sombrero. Also, the pics on your other link are worth checking out.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: low oval on May 04, 2010, 01:10:01 am
checked out your link for your weekend photo's.  very nice!  looks like you guys had almost as much fun as us this weekend.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: DKK - Lisa on May 04, 2010, 01:29:42 am
Great Pics Sarge!! 

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Sarge on May 04, 2010, 04:10:42 am
Thanks for the props, everyone!  Here's a nice screen saver for you... ::) ;D

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Dustin on May 04, 2010, 04:11:59 am
Lovin' the shots, as usual, Sarge... thanks for sharing. Also never get tired of seeing Sadler's D.K.P. sombrero. Also, the pics on your other link are worth checking out.
Hey Mark... Need your help. Pm sent... Thanks!

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: DKK Ted on May 04, 2010, 05:43:55 am
Was nice to see Art and his car out in the DKP line up, very cool car!


Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: DKK Ted on May 04, 2010, 06:04:48 am
Here's Rick's car looking good as ever with the new wheels.....

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: DKK Ted on May 04, 2010, 06:13:51 am
And then there's Fabein's car...nice!

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: edcraig on May 04, 2010, 06:33:31 am
My new screensaver.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Dustin on May 04, 2010, 07:21:58 am

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Rennsurfer on May 04, 2010, 07:31:38 am
VERY cool stuff, Dustin.

Didn't think you'd be up this late... hence why I didn't call.

One question, however. Other than the obvious reflection of Scott's awesome Karmann Ghia... what's going with Greg, here?

 Looks like a potential caption contest is in order for this image.


Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Dustin on May 04, 2010, 07:56:26 am

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Sarge on May 04, 2010, 14:19:22 pm
Beautiful pics, Dustin!  I too will never forget a perfect day... unbelievable.  It would have been hard to imagine a 45th reunion back when DKP began as well as all who have been a part of the club.  It's the people! 

1)  l-r  John Lazenby, Pete Dayton, Gary Huggins
2)       Don Crane, Gregg Bunch
3)       Arnie Mohlman, Keith Goss
4)       Jim Ratto, unknown visiting poparazzi ;), Allen Wiess

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Sarge on May 04, 2010, 14:33:35 pm
Hats off to the Schley Brothers for hosting the gig and a special thanks to Gregg Bunch, Ron Fleming and Jon Lazenby for screwing the whole affair together... NICE JOB! 8) 8) 8)
There were lots of visiting dignitaries in attendance and sadly a few who couldn't attend.

1) l-r  Nancy and Ken Lowry
2)      Otto Bros, Darrell Vittone, Dean Kirsten
3)      Dee Berg
4)      Memorial

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Sarge on May 04, 2010, 14:35:50 pm
More pics.... ;D

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Sarge on May 04, 2010, 14:37:32 pm

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Sarge on May 04, 2010, 14:39:38 pm

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: . on May 04, 2010, 15:42:47 pm
Thanks for the pictures Sarge !
It was great hanging out with everyone again.
Now I know where the OCIR sign went !

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Diederick/DVK on May 04, 2010, 17:11:14 pm
too cool! fabs must enjoy meeting all his heroes off the past too ;D

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Liou on May 04, 2010, 18:32:40 pm
good perfect sir saarge

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Nico86 on May 04, 2010, 19:46:47 pm
Thanks for sharing guys, that's AWESOME !  8)

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: bluestar on May 04, 2010, 19:49:16 pm
aarghhh!!  to bab for my mind this report , big thanks....

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: IP359 on May 04, 2010, 20:54:56 pm
Thanks Sarge to share with us these wonderful moments.
Old's cool spirit !
 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Zündfunke on May 04, 2010, 21:36:50 pm
Wow Sarge!!! Nice pics!
By the way:
Is this where the "Orange County Raceway" sign from e... went to?!
I mean the one that was up for sale a couple of months ago with the writings on it at the bottom corner?!

It fits perfect!

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: vwcab on May 04, 2010, 21:47:01 pm
Awesome pics,thx for posting Sarge and co.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: GASBNR on May 05, 2010, 00:44:32 am
Yes Just after the DKP caravan passed the black & white, Fabian blew the doors off the 911 at the lights, then backed off the 911 driver must have been pissed off and kept his foot in and passed Fabian, the red/blue lights flashed and the 911 was pulled over, meanwhile Fabian crusied on by..... way too cool for words but what a wonderful site and we were 2 cars behind watching it unfold...... excellent.

I'd like to see the youtube shot of that 8)

Respect to you all, thanks for sharing the pics

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Rennsurfer on May 05, 2010, 03:09:09 am
D.K.P. napkins? Too cool.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Jason Foster on May 05, 2010, 03:29:55 am
  THREE CHEERS FOR DUSTIN!!!!    Fantastic job with the Pics Bro!!!

  Sarge yours were pretty good too..... 8) 8)

   This day was unforgettable!!

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: kingsburgphil on May 05, 2010, 05:49:13 am
I hope everyone had as much fun as I did over the Bug-In weekend. Meeting icon's, old friends, new friends, old competitors, former employers, mentors and former club members....couldn't have been better.

Best moment.....Shaking Lee Leighton's hand at the Legends event. Something he wouldn't do after losing to me 35 yrs. ago at DVB Drag Day 1.

P.S.   He still remembers that day,  I hope I'm that sharp........ ;)

P.S.S. Thanks Dkk for the turn out.

Oops almost forgot, only stuttered badly once...sorry KS. (My meds hadn't kicked in yet  ;D )

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: deano on May 05, 2010, 06:09:10 am
Wow Sarge!!! Nice pics!
By the way:
Is this where the "Orange County Raceway" sign from e... went to?!
I mean the one that was up for sale a couple of months ago with the writings on it at the bottom corner?!

It fits perfect!

Yes, that is the same sign that was on e-bay a few months back. 30-ft long and fits like a glove. It now has a great home inside, and out of the weather. I think it is cool that the VW community saved that sign.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Rick Meredith on May 05, 2010, 08:00:43 am
I hope everyone had as much fun as I did over the Bug-In weekend. Meeting old friends, new friends, old competitors, employers, mentors and former
club members....couldn't have been better.

Best moment.....Shaking Lee Leighton's hand at the Legends event. Something he wouldn't do after losing to me 35 yrs. ago at DVB Drag Day 1.

P.S.   He still remembers that day,  I hope I'm that sharp........ ;)

P.S.S. Thanks Dkk for the turn out.

Oops almost forgot, only stuttered badly once...sorry KS. (My meds hadn't kicked in yet  ;D)

Pleasure meeting you Phil!

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Rennsurfer on May 05, 2010, 12:32:20 pm
Phil, nice meeting you and I enjoyed the Lee L. race stories that you were sharing at Bug In.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Sarge on May 05, 2010, 14:20:07 pm
Meanwhile, back at the Bug-In....

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Sarge on May 05, 2010, 14:23:27 pm
Saw some "interesting" folks wandering around the car show area ::) ;)

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Sarge on May 05, 2010, 14:26:09 pm
Robert Kong's 2400+cc 11 second street driven rocket... a VERY bad ass car! 8)

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Sarge on May 05, 2010, 14:29:23 pm
Chad Otero's Pick-Up is stunning and it's for sale ($$$$$$$$$$$$) :-\

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Sarge on May 05, 2010, 14:34:54 pm
Greg Aronson at a VW event.... NEWS FLASH!!

DRF's Ken Jevek

Good to see a lot of DKP originals stuck around for the show.

I had a great weekend, the memories will last a lifetime :)

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Rick Sadler on May 05, 2010, 16:13:06 pm
Wow Sarge!!! Nice pics!
By the way:
Is this where the "Orange County Raceway" sign from e... went to?!
I mean the one that was up for sale a couple of months ago with the writings on it at the bottom corner?!

It fits perfect!

Yes, that is the same sign that was on e-bay a few months back. 30-ft long and fits like a glove. It now has a great home inside, and out of the weather. I think it is cool that the VW community saved that sign.

Tell the whole story Deano. Truth be told Deano saved it for the VW Community. Thanks Deano!

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Rick Meredith on May 05, 2010, 17:20:10 pm
Wow... that bit with Customs must have effected KS more than we realized...

he's resorted to drinking beer  :o

Not just beer... AMERICAN beer...  :o :o

Not just American beer... CRAPPY America beer!  :o :o :o ;D

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Fastbrit on May 05, 2010, 22:43:00 pm
Wow... that bit with Customs must have effected KS more than we realized...

he's resorted to drinking beer  :o

Not just beer... AMERICAN beer...  :o :o

Not just American beer... CRAPPY America beer!  :o :o :o ;D

It was a struggle... but at least I didn't have to pay for it. :D

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Rennsurfer on May 05, 2010, 23:08:28 pm
Keith, you must be a very desperate man to swill that tripe. My condolences, sir.


Sarge, thanks for the pics... I admired that silver Ghia when it pulled into the car show area. That shot of the D.R.F. shirt is GREAT!

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: low oval on May 06, 2010, 00:23:05 am
if your going to drink american beer, go with the banquette, coors lite. ;D
the official drink of dkk.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Jos on May 06, 2010, 02:10:18 am

Looks like Fabs has a perma-grin. I know I would too if I were there. Now post your pics up Fabian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: lawrence on May 06, 2010, 02:23:37 am
That "punk" cracks me up. His outfit is so antiseptic and planned out. Just as bad as some prep. Then he tops it with a baseball cap...haha.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Jim Ratto on May 06, 2010, 03:00:20 am
Fabs, dude the pleasure was allllll mine, finally got to experience all the horror and glam with you buddy. Too bad we didn't go for that t e q u i l i a...! :o

see you next year?


Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: danny gabbard on May 06, 2010, 05:25:01 am

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: danny gabbard on May 06, 2010, 05:26:39 am
Somebody looking for a date or a hand out

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: danny gabbard on May 06, 2010, 05:29:16 am
Whiteboy and his gangsta LOOK or just doesnt let go !

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Rennsurfer on May 06, 2010, 06:59:25 am
if your going to drink american beer, go with real brews like, coors Sierra Nevada Porter, Murphy's Stout, or Chimay. ;D
the unofficial drinks of dkk.

There, fixed it for ya. That putrid vomit water isn't allowed at my house.

On to more positive things, check out Worm's shirt. HAHA!!

(edit) Whoa... Danny, your pic of Fabian appears to have his tongue dangerously close to that person's arse.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Christoph on May 06, 2010, 22:58:24 pm
cool pics, seems to be an awesome weekend.
i liked ricks car with the brms but the alloys look even better.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: speedwell on May 08, 2010, 17:50:42 pm
back home yesterday , now i will post some pictures in the following days  ;)

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Rennsurfer on May 08, 2010, 17:55:21 pm
back home yesterday , now i will post some pictures in the following days  ;)

Cool, Fabian... glad that you're home safe and looking forward to seeing your pictures, my friend.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Speed-Randy on May 09, 2010, 04:16:29 am
Whiteboy and his gangsta LOOK or just doesnt let go !
WOW, I can't beleive you gave away the DKK secret handshake

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Brian Watts on May 09, 2010, 06:27:02 am
Great photos thanks for sharing.

I was lucky enough to get the tour at Paul Schleys museum on Monday after Bug In and all I can say is WOW!

A true gathering of historical memorabilia.

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Rick Meredith on May 09, 2010, 06:35:28 am
Whiteboy and his gangsta LOOK or just doesnt let go !
WOW, I can't beleive you gave away the DKK secret handshake
And I can't believe that you talked about it in public!  :D

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Nico86 on May 09, 2010, 15:04:37 pm
back home yesterday , now i will post some pictures in the following days  ;)

Cool, Fabian... glad that you're home safe and looking forward to seeing your pictures, my friend.

Can't wait for the pics too !

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: Donny B. on May 09, 2010, 18:31:01 pm
Here's a photo I took of the DKP leaving Norm's after breakfast and on their way to the reunion.  Now I find myself wishing I had put the camera in video mode.  Oh well...

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: TheNick80 on May 13, 2010, 05:02:32 am
Meanwhile, back at the Bug-In....

Great Photos, I really dig the STDRAGN 67.  one of my faves!

Title: Re: D.K.P. Cruise Night / Bug-In 2010
Post by: kustomlarry on May 13, 2010, 23:01:39 pm
That "punk" cracks me up. His outfit is so antiseptic and planned out. Just as bad as some prep. Then he tops it with a baseball cap...haha.

At least it was all nice and ironed...haha