The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: Frenchy Dehoux on May 23, 2010, 20:52:47 pm

Title: VW Hall of Fame ?
Post by: Frenchy Dehoux on May 23, 2010, 20:52:47 pm
    This is just an idea I do not know if everyone would agree with me but here it is. I know that there are Hall of Fame for famous drag racers in Funny cars and Nascar series and other sports how about having a Hall of Fame within the VW group that has been in this hobby since the early 60's I can think of a lot of people I feel have contributed in this hobby and the success of the industry if it wasn't for them the hobby would not be where it is today.  Some of the pioneers that do come to mind not in specific order such as Joe Vitone Dean Lowry Gene Berg Lynn Rosevears and many others who are still with us today.  I think that it is time for us to put something together and recognize those who have past and those who are here today and are doing a lot for the hobby and the industry.  I think that we need a group of selected VW people that can be part of this Hall of Fame to nominate certain individual every year to be inducted in to this Hall of Fame within our  VW group.  Just an idea let us know how you feel about this idea.


Title: Re: VW Hall of Fame ?
Post by: TexasTom on May 23, 2010, 21:18:28 pm
I think it's a GREAT idea, Frenchy! ... should've happened long ago, prior to some of their passings.
BUT, no time like the present!

Let me know how we can help.

Title: Re: VW Hall of Fame ?
Post by: speedwell on May 23, 2010, 21:19:39 pm
yep great idea   8)

Title: Re: VW Hall of Fame ?
Post by: deano on May 23, 2010, 21:36:51 pm
Frenchy, as you may remember, Hot VWs started a VW Hall of Fame back almost 20 years ago. It was tied to the VW Expo, which was promoted by Bud Bulmer, a yearly VW event at Pomona, along with a Hall of Fame award bash on Saturday night. There were/ or are about 20 members who were included in the group, and we made some special awards, using a VW camshaft called a Cammie. You can see these awards in a lot of showcases in and around the VW industry (FAT, Schley, Berg, Lowry etc). With the demise of Bud's event many years ago, there has not been another award gathering. If the idea is to continue, we need to have another such event to honor those who might be added to this list. But where? I think there is about 30 members of the so-called VW Hall of Fame. Some of the names that come to mind are:

Joe Vittone, Darrell Vittone, Joe Horvath, Dean Lowry, Ken Lowry, Paul Schley, Mark Schley, Gene Berg, Ron Fleming, Greg Aronson, Lee Leighton, Tom Lieb, Claude Tomlinson, Bob Tomlinson, Ed Fulton, Jim Wright, Joe Parkhurst, Vic Wilson, Jean Calvin, Judy Smith, Roger Smith, Sal Fish, and so on...

Title: Re: VW Hall of Fame ?
Post by: Frenchy Dehoux on May 23, 2010, 21:44:55 pm


    You are right I remember it well but I think it needs to continue as it is very important for the hobby.  But cannot have it stop here it needs to be followed up from here on.


Title: Re: VW Hall of Fame ?
Post by: . on May 24, 2010, 00:28:42 am
Doesn't a Hall of Fame require a building and displays ?

Title: Re: VW Hall of Fame ?
Post by: deano on May 24, 2010, 01:56:58 am
Doesn't a Hall of Fame require a building and displays ?

Yeah, that is the basic problem our industry has, no place to display and honor those in the Hall of Fame....

Title: Re: VW Hall of Fame ?
Post by: plasticblack on May 24, 2010, 08:12:09 am
It certainly is a Good Idea and being that a list (of sorts) already exists there is a starting point already established.

Having said that I think that this proposal certainly comes with a large list of problems attached and a building to display in certainly doesn't come near the top...

To bring this very worthy idea forward, it will need to be overseen by an elected group of individuals that are responsible for the selection process of proposed individuals or organizations.

This in itself will be no easy task in my honest opinion if the idea is to bring more unity to the vw community as a whole?

Please don't think for a second that I'm pouring 'cold water' on this whole idea. Far from it.

I do seriously think that much consideration must be given to the formation of this whole idea in order for it to gain widespread acceptance.

With regard to the building/premises, I'm sure that this can be achieved with a subscription to the vw community and would be greeted happily by many.

I know that I would happily donate to such a worthy cause and so would many many others I supsect.

I'm currently based in Eastern Europe, but returning to the  UK this year. If I can help in any way I'm willing to do what I can for this long overdue project.

Title: Re: VW Hall of Fame ?
Post by: Trond Dahl on May 24, 2010, 10:32:49 am
Doesn't a Hall of Fame require a building and displays ?

Yeah, that is the basic problem our industry has, no place to display and honor those in the Hall of Fame....

Offcourse we do  ::)

Title: Re: VW Hall of Fame ?
Post by: Nico86 on May 24, 2010, 12:36:22 pm
That's a great idea !

Title: Re: VW Hall of Fame ?
Post by: plasticblack on May 25, 2010, 12:48:47 pm

A worthy Bump ;)

Title: Re: VW Hall of Fame ?
Post by: Lids on May 25, 2010, 13:51:53 pm
What about HOT VW's HQ?

Title: Re: VW Hall of Fame ?
Post by: LuftsickTero on May 25, 2010, 14:11:13 pm
What about HOT VW's HQ?

That's what I was thinking too (if such thing is needed). If Hot VWs was behind those trophies in the first place, being the only American VW-magazine alive, being the "original" magazine and some of the industry greats are their advertisers still.

Title: Re: VW Hall of Fame ?
Post by: deano on May 25, 2010, 15:30:08 pm
What, in my office? We really don't have the room in our building to house such a project. Which is a shame.

Title: Re: VW Hall of Fame ?
Post by: Lids on May 25, 2010, 16:23:49 pm
Deano it could be just a list of names on a board hanging on the wall.

Title: Re: VW Hall of Fame ?
Post by: Neil Davies on May 25, 2010, 16:27:40 pm
Doesn't a Hall of Fame require a building and displays ?

Yeah, that is the basic problem our industry has, no place to display and honor those in the Hall of Fame....

Offcourse we do  ::)

Deano it could be just a list of names on a board hanging on the wall.

Or a website... ;)

Title: Re: VW Hall of Fame ?
Post by: plasticblack on May 25, 2010, 19:03:21 pm
If this is going to have have a chance to honour our VW Greats in a befitting way, then I'd humbly suggest something slightly more realistic than a 'list on a wall'' somewhere.......

I`m hoping that that was fully in jest and a more befitting location can be considered.

Let's face it the thing is going to cost and it's worth even at this stage actually taking a poll to see who would be prepared to donate on an annual basis.

Obviously some of the bigger and long established vw businesses would need to be on board, but I cannot believe that companies that derive their sole income from our scene are not going to be prepared (or see the benefits) of backing such a scheme.

These businesses could also provide some useful info regarding what spaces could be found for such a venue and become the cornerstones of the whole venture.   

Title: Re: VW Hall of Fame ?
Post by: LuftsickTero on May 25, 2010, 19:22:07 pm
What, in my office? We really don't have the room in our building to house such a project. Which is a shame.

Why not continue the tradition of the trophies for lifetime achievement or something in conjunction of some big VW event. Hot VWs is older than most (older than any of? I guess Scat is older..) the companies in the industry and is sort of above or independent of the companies in the industry which makes it suitable authority. Would any of us be here in Lounge without HotVWs? ;)