The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: Shubee2 (DSK) on March 05, 2007, 17:39:58 pm

Title: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Shubee2 (DSK) on March 05, 2007, 17:39:58 pm
Hi Guys  I have Had A Question that I have Been Wanting to Ask for A While Now?  I see a lot of Different Cars Posted in the Lounge Some from the U.K. France,England,Etc.  What I Want To Know And it Pertains Mainly to Car Club Stickers  I Have Noticed A Lot of Cars Running DKP Stickers? that are out of the Country Are the Sticker Repops? or Are They Just Giving the Stickers Out To Anyone These Days??  It Use to Be When You Were A VW Car Club You attended Club Meetings and Outtings Your Car Had to Pass Strick By Laws of The Club I Know That The DKP I Knew and Grew Up With (DKP 1 DKP 2) even though I Was In A Different Club We Always Had Weekly Meetings  and if You Car Did Not Pass the Weekly Club Inspections your Decals were scraped until you Car meet the Standards of The Club. There are Cars I have Seen Posted Here Running DKP Stickers that would have never Passed The Original Club By Laws. I Know that all these cars can not be in the Club Unless they just started Passing out Stickers The Original DKP1 DKP2 as Well as DSK are Motto Was Always Quailty not Quanty which means The Best Of The Best.. 

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Rick Meredith on March 05, 2007, 18:31:23 pm
DKK had the same policy as far as club stickers. I remember members being asked to pull their stickers while their cars were "in transition."

I don't know where all the DKP stickers are coming from other than someone must be copying them illegally. From what I can see the club does keep pretty tight grip on the passing out of stickers. Yet a couple of months back I saw a really beat bus with a DKP sticker in the rear window.

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Fastbrit on March 05, 2007, 19:05:16 pm
Sadly there have been many DKP repros printed in Europe, some good, some little more than photocopies of photos... There have been only two people outside the US voted into the club, myself and Nao Fujita in Japan (Nao was working for Flat 4 at Santa Monica at the time), so you can understand why I get a little p•ssed when I see so many club logos about the place. Some members have given decals to people as souvenirs, but it is meant as that – a souvenir, not a licence to pretend. I always ask the simple question: why not start your own club, with your own logo?  ???

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: deano on March 05, 2007, 19:32:32 pm
I have grabbed numerous bootlegged DKP stickers from a handful or so different vendors, at different VW events all over the country. In each case, I have either bought them all!, or got the vendor to just give them to me, to get this crap off the market. I bet I have grabbed well over 100 hundred DKP stickers over the course of the last two years. I gave them all to the club. It really pisses me off to see some so-so car out in the middle of nowhere, have DKP stickers on the window! I usually go out of my way to let the owner know how "pleased" I am about his mis-use of those stickers, and what they really mean to the true members of the DKP.

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Shubee2 (DSK) on March 05, 2007, 19:39:51 pm
With Our Club DSK if we saw a Car That had our sticker in the window and was not in the club we would ask the owner to remove it  or we would scrape it ourself as far as I am Concerned The Club Stickers are Club Property and if a Member ever sold his car the Decals had to be Removed The Cars I see these Days Would Have Never  Made The DKP By Laws there only a few in the Lounge That are Running the Stickers that are actually Members Even when I was in DVB, When I Left I Had To scrape my Decals and Turn in my Jacket Patch we could keep our Club T shirt  but who else would want to wear it LMAO!!!

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Cornpanzer on March 05, 2007, 19:44:48 pm
This is one of those non-winnable issues unfortunatly.  If you complain too much, then you are branded as an Elitist Bastard.  Sure some people honestly dont understand the pride that goes along with a pair of stickers, but most who run them outside of the club couldnt care less.

Just having a club can be more hassle than it is worth.  You make the club, you list the rules and then people complain that you are snobs because thier car is not nice enough to fit in your "snob club".  Its a no-win, LOL.

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Shubee2 (DSK) on March 05, 2007, 19:45:05 pm
Is this Car in DKP??  its Clean but I dont Think it is a Club Car

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: deano on March 05, 2007, 19:59:22 pm
Bootleg Beckers Bug House stickers to boot! Phoney.

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Stephan S on March 05, 2007, 21:03:03 pm
Again, only two DKP members are located outside the U.S.: Keith Seume (Hi Keith!) and Nao Fujita.
Therefore, the Ghia seen here is not a DKP member - I incidentally know the owner, Fred, a very nice guy. I'm not sure where he found that sticker, but I think a guy in France produced a few.
That sticker is a poor repro. Not a decal transfer (that goes inside the window), but a thick sticker (that goes outside the window). And the colors are wrong, too...

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Lids on March 05, 2007, 21:08:44 pm
How can you tell an original from a fake?

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Lids on March 05, 2007, 21:24:58 pm
What do they say on the back Jim?

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: deano on March 05, 2007, 21:28:02 pm
here's some real ones....night before they went on my car. ;D

Hmmm, mail order DKP stickers..... And who exactly is the this "Sarge" character anyway?  8)

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: nicolas on March 05, 2007, 21:28:25 pm

i guess it is in a lot of cases a tribute to the club. DKP must be one of the best known, maybe even THE best known club in the scene, and it makes people anxious to 'belong' to it i guess. putting stickers as a tribute some sort doesn't make it OK to do.

i my humble opinion it goes a bit the same with 'the look'. i read a topic where people ask what is accepted and what not (me too have asked opinions about mirrors and such, so i am equally guilty)
but what really matters is your own creativity within the guidelines. everybody can build a nice callook to their own taste and not looking like the next car at the show. be original. try to be different but subtle. that is what callook is about. more is less. not more of the same.

the same goes for stickers and clubs. i think callookclubs should grow. the movement has grown bigger and bigger the last couple of years and some very nice cars can be seen at shows worldwide nowadays. so the best thing to do is get more clubs started and have a healty competition between us all. like being brothers from different mothers to use another cliché.

just look at DAS for example: a little Belgian club that has been arround for 15 years and look how far they got. big respect to them for doing so many nice things. great races and good atmosphere and great creeting card (check ultra VW).

(btw you DAS-guys need more type 3's in your club ;) ;) ;) )

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Shubee2 (DSK) on March 05, 2007, 21:45:14 pm
here's some real ones....night before they went on my car. ;D

Hmmm, mail order DKP stickers..... And who exactly is the this "Sarge" character anyway?  8)
Letter Reads To Jim With All My Love Sarge LMAO!!!

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: SOB/RFH on March 05, 2007, 22:18:04 pm
Come on guys and beat me on this one. Back in 1993 I had this friend working in a T-shirt and decal printing buisness............So I managed to make a copy out of some old mag of the DKP stickers.....lot's of work and not perfect.....We even made T-shirts back then..............................So after a few years the DKP thing got big and everybody had to have this stickers/t-shirts so we did hide them and forgot about them.......................A few years after we started to get together, we sort of got to a point where we settled for a name (it took 7 years) and we are still going strong under the name Der Bruckenrenners or DBR....we have a heritage that goes back to 92 so it is cool to be part of this.......and see history being made..................We have our own name, we have our own collection of cloths, we have a heritage, we have even been in a few magazines with our cars over the years..........It bascily started with copying the DKP stickers.......So offically from me: Sorry to all you guys in the DKP, forgive us we did not know any better and thanks guys for inspiring us to make our own history!!! 8) Happiness is a Hot VW!!

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Rick Meredith on March 05, 2007, 22:52:42 pm
Again, only two DKP members are located outside the U.S.: Keith Seume (Hi Keith!) and Nao Fujita.
Therefore, the Ghia seen here is not a DKP member - I incidentally know the owner, Fred, a very nice guy. I'm not sure where he found that sticker, but I think a guy in France produced a few.
That sticker is a poor repro. Not a decal transfer (that goes inside the window), but a thick sticker (that goes outside the window). And the colors are wrong, too...

I thought the blue was a little too bright.  ;)

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: sheep on March 05, 2007, 22:58:37 pm
Jim, Shubee got you and Sarge real good. hahahahahahahahahahaha ;D

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: sheep on March 05, 2007, 23:01:46 pm
No and I wish you would quit changing my avatar >:(
How do you keep figureing out my password, hahahahaha

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Rick Meredith on March 05, 2007, 23:07:55 pm
It helps if your password is not your user name!  :D

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: sheep on March 05, 2007, 23:11:12 pm
Oh good point ;D

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Rick Meredith on March 05, 2007, 23:17:12 pm
I thought this was your club mascot...


Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Sarge on March 06, 2007, 01:00:03 am
Jim, Shubee got you and Sarge real good. hahahahahahahahahahaha ;D

Cut the comedy, Sheep!  Instead of bagging on me and Jim, you should be thinking of a better avitar then those lip-sticks you came up with today.  First the Sheep, then the Rubic's cube....what's next?  I bet your buddy Shubee put you up to slamming us  ::)  ;D.

[/quote]Letter Reads To Jim With All My Love Sarge LMAO!!!

Haven't you got anything better to do?  ;)

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: sheep on March 06, 2007, 01:19:33 am
LMFAO, oh man Sarge your killin me hear, and I cant believe Jim put a picture of lipstick on my avatar.
Thats cute real freakin cute >:(
Maybe we should get back on topic ;D

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Shubee2 (DSK) on March 06, 2007, 02:42:19 am
Jim, Shubee got you and Sarge real good. hahahahahahahahahahaha ;D

Cut the comedy, Sheep!  Instead of bagging on me and Jim, you should be thinking of a better avitar then those lip-sticks you came up with today.  First the Sheep, then the Rubic's cube....what's next?  I bet your buddy Shubee put you up to slamming us  ::)  ;D. LOL Sarge and Jim I Could Not Resist and Sheep Did Tell Me to Do It LMFAO

Letter Reads To Jim With All My Love Sarge LMAO!!!

Haven't you got anything better to do?  ;)

[/quote] LOL  Sarge and Jim I Could Not Resist And Sheep Did tell me to do it LMFAO!!!!

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Zach Gomulka on March 06, 2007, 04:54:46 am
Is this Car in DKP??  its Clean but I dont Think it is a Club Car

Judging only by that monster under the decklid... Im going to say its a fake!!!

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Shubee2 (DSK) on March 06, 2007, 05:43:23 am
LOL Zach Isnt that One of the Super Rare  Race Trim  Foam Elment Air Cleaners with the Triple Chrome Top Sittin on That Monster Solex Pict 2 Carb???

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: alfie the monster on March 06, 2007, 11:12:27 am
So far the only Green Heart stickers that I've seen are on club cars. If they start to be seen on rusty buses they better be careful, we've got Large in our ranks as 'Chief Snide Sticker Puller'  :o

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Tim C on March 06, 2007, 11:22:22 am
As usual Alfie, you are wrong  :P

I have seen two VW's with snide Greenhearts stickers, both were Bay window campers. Classy.

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: alfie the monster on March 06, 2007, 11:43:40 am
WHAT?!?!?!  :o :o :o

Get Large on the case then!  >:(

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Tim C on March 06, 2007, 12:05:40 pm
Will explain all on Friday ;)

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: 67Screamer on March 06, 2007, 21:02:14 pm

Everyones at it.


Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Fastbrit on March 06, 2007, 23:49:56 pm

Everyones at it.
Aren't they just!
 ;D ;D

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: alfie the monster on March 07, 2007, 11:32:32 am
Pah we'll have to change the name of the club now...  :D

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Peter Roberts on March 07, 2007, 11:37:58 am
Pah we'll have to change the name of the club now...  :D

Or just shoot all the other clubs down , daga-daga-daga-daga-daga  :P

With cars like Simons Killer 67 !


Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: jose del orto on March 07, 2007, 15:13:57 pm
I think it's human to be jealous of a logo, especially if behind this logo there are years, decades of bloody passion within a very exclusive group as DKP, or DBR, or similars. It's normal that this fact leads one to be proud of his belonging.
But come on guys: can't you just be honoured by the fact that the whole cal look scene is considering DKP, DBR, DKK and so on as a mythos, as the George Washington of the aircooled scene, and therefore like to drive with your sticker on the front window of their awful cars? The same happens for Empi, DDS, BRM, and all other nostalgic names.
If you take a look at a car, whatever the stickers say, you'll at any case immediately know if it could be from DKP, or if it's a nice "normal" or if it's a bunch of scrap!
I never had a DKP, DBR, DKK sticker on my car, and never will, as a matter of respect. But please do respect everybody's freedom of decorating the own aircooled baby as wished, be glazed and keep cool!

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Shubee2 (DSK) on March 07, 2007, 16:20:24 pm
JOSE how would you like to Be in a Club like DKP,DKK,DSK,or others that set the Pace For the Car Look And See Some Pile Resto Rod Chromed out Custom Slamed and Decambered with a Roof Rack ,Mudflaps,1641cc motor with a chrome air cleaner and a  EMPI 4 Tip Exhaust system all the extra Trim Bullshit And Running  a DKP,DKK,DSK sticker I know if I was A member of that Club I would Be Pissed like you Said Others Need to Respect The Original Cal Look Clubs of the 70's and use there style as a Building Point for your own Car But Dont Put A Club Sticker on A Car that was Never in Those Clubs  I have  Personally Scraped Club Decals From Other Cars We had a few Members in DSK that Sold There Cars and Left the Club Stickers On We Tracked down the cars and Off they Came The Club Sticker Are Club Property and Should Not Be Sold or Reproduced Out Of Respect For The Clubs That Brought us the Cal Look in the First Place....... Just my 2 Cents

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Rick Meredith on March 07, 2007, 19:08:26 pm
I couldn't have said it better myself Shubee.

I too have tracked down cars with DKK Stickers and removed them. A razor blade scraper was always in my glove box.

And Jose, to club members, these stickers are not "decoration" they are a symbol of who we are. I don't know where you live but if I was to wear a Hell's Angels jacket there's an exceedingly good chance that I'll have the crap beaten out of me... ya think it's a decoration to the HAMC??

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: SOB/RFH on March 07, 2007, 19:37:54 pm
I don't think that stickers from DBR ever will be copied....besides, what's good in putting them on a car that is nicer then ours are ;D If it can go sideways and you as person attend the meatings and are considered cool......anyone would fit in....but over the years the car (and probaly the personn) will develop into certain "rules" or identification!

I think that a membership should be deserved and respected. I also think that time as a matter of setting the "rules" and making the group of car homogen!! Anyway!! Happiness is a Hot VW!!

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: yvre on March 07, 2007, 21:59:12 pm
F#ck. I am in the club, and I don't even have stickers...

Somebody got 150 bhp for me? :-\

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Cornpanzer on March 07, 2007, 23:00:17 pm
But come on guys: can't you just be honoured by the fact that the whole cal look scene is considering DKP, DBR, DKK and so on as a mythos, as the George Washington of the aircooled scene, and therefore like to drive with your sticker on the front window of their awful cars? The same happens for Empi, DDS, BRM, and all other nostalgic names.
If you take a look at a car, whatever the stickers say, you'll at any case immediately know if it could be from DKP, or if it's a nice "normal" or if it's a bunch of scrap!

This is the faulty logic the Chinese are offering when the steal designs from European and US manufacturers.  At a recent trade show, a Chinese forklift manufacturer was displaying thier new product which looked EXACTLY like ours in every respect but color.  Under the skin, it was the technical equivalent of a "hood-ride".....but it was indistinguishable from ours on the outside.   Do you think we felt 'honoured'?     ::)

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: jose del orto on March 08, 2007, 01:39:49 am
When I spoke about "decoration" I was exactly meaning the "unofficial" stickers, not the right ones. And it's obvious that the right ones are much more important for you. If not, you hadn't a razor blade in your glove box ready for use... I respect it, as I said. OK, the club sticker represents who you are. But aren't there some other, much more important things representing this? All the years you spent in the VW scene, the people you met, the meetings you attended, the prices you won, the gearboxes you broke on the strip, the magazines your cars were published in. Come on: you, the "big ones" of the callook movement,  feel angry and get almost aggressive if a "child", a youngest member of the worldwide vw folk considers your clubs as a mythos on earth and feels that his shitty car will be better after putting a sticker on it? Their stickers don't have the same deepest meaning than yours! Your cars are known all over the world, we would say "wow look at that, it's a DKP I Car" even if you would scratch the sticker away, as they are so exclusive! I respect everyone's opinion about this topic, and I'm not a Chinese guy. So don't wolly! Gleetings flom Eulope

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: LuftsickTero on March 08, 2007, 09:19:07 am
The idea of putting counterfeit club stickers is bit funny. Since belonging to the club, at least for me, is not totally due to the car but also the chemistry and the other members in the club. I wouldn't put any decals etc to my cars from the clubs I don't belong to no matter how much I would like their cars or some of the cars. Like living in different country or other side of the globe, without knowing that club's people in person, how do I know if they represent or share the same values as I do or what if they turn out to be complete idiots when you meet them :P  :D This all reminds me about the one liner from Marx brothers' movies "I cannot be a member in a club that would accept me as a member".  ;D

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Fastbrit on March 08, 2007, 10:18:53 am
To put things in perspective (at least from my point of view) I cannot tell you how proud I was to be invited into membership of DKP III. I had admired the club since the 1970s, came to know the guys, met them regularly (at one stage, I was probably attending more club nights than some other members! ;D) and owned a car which met all the criteria laid down in the club constitution. The night I was given my decals, allowed to buy my club jacket and call myself a member was a night I will never, ever forget.

Imagine, then, how I felt when, at a VW show in the UK which I was attending in the chop-top (complete with club decals), somebody said to me, "Of course, both (insert name of another magazine guy – go figure...) and (insert name of a VW specialist) are both members already, aren't they?". "No", I say. "Well their cars have both got DKP decals – I thought they were members..." came the reply.

I was immediately put in a position of feeling I had to defend my right to carry my club's decals. THAT is why it is so wrong for people to put fake decals in their cars.  >:(

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Lids on March 08, 2007, 10:34:30 am
Imagine, then, how I felt when, at a VW show in the UK which I was attending in the chop-top (complete with club decals), somebody said to me, "Of course, both (insert name of another magazine guy – go figure...) and (insert name of a VW specialist) are both members already, aren't they?". "No", I say. "Well their cars have both got DKP decals – I thought they were members..." came the reply.

I thought they were too, doesn't one of the cars also have a DKP bonnet badge?

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: Fastbrit on March 08, 2007, 11:02:07 am
Imagine, then, how I felt when, at a VW show in the UK which I was attending in the chop-top (complete with club decals), somebody said to me, "Of course, both (insert name of another magazine guy – go figure...) and (insert name of a VW specialist) are both members already, aren't they?". "No", I say. "Well their cars have both got DKP decals – I thought they were members..." came the reply.

I thought they were too, doesn't one of the cars also have a DKP bonnet badge?
Sadly, yes...

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: alfie the monster on March 08, 2007, 11:24:31 am

This is the faulty logic the Chinese are offering when the steal designs from European and US manufacturers.  At a recent trade show, a Chinese forklift manufacturer was displaying thier new product which looked EXACTLY like ours in every respect but color.  Under the skin, it was the technical equivalent of a "hood-ride".....but it was indistinguishable from ours on the outside.   Do you think we felt 'honoured'?     ::)

That hits the nail on the head  ;)

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: quickkafer on March 09, 2007, 23:05:32 pm
The Club Sticker Are Club Property and Should Not Be Sold or Reproduced Out Of Respect For The Clubs That Brought us the Cal Look in the First Place....... Just my 2 Cents

I totally agree!  I had seen some knuckle head selling stickers last year on ebay from a Cal-Look club that was based in the San Gabriel Valley area.  Someone said he saw what bootleg DKP stickers were bringing so he thought he'd off a stash of old club stickers.  I would bet that would really piss off some of the original members.

What people will do to make a quick buck!  ::)  I don't think anyone holds anything sacred anymore.  :'(

I've got nothing but respect for the older generation.  I'm not a young kid by any means at 34 (on 3/22  ;D) but most of the guys my age are so self absorbed and don't understand the whole "VW BROTHERHOOD" thing.  My best friends in this hobby are all older than me by at least 15 years, and have taught me a lot over the years.

Case and point:  I knew a guy my age that bought a 1/4 window just because it had an old DKP sticker on it.  (I don't see anything wrong with that.  Hang it up on the wall and use it as a "trophy" item.)  But not this guy!  He cut up his brand new window seal, removed the old 1/4 window, and installed the DKP stickered window.  All of this so he could be a DKP-want-to-be!!!  God only knows if the sticker was real or a fake!  What an idiot!  >:(

Scott Faivre

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: 67Screamer on May 07, 2007, 15:51:48 pm

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: DeanoVW on May 07, 2007, 17:07:55 pm
Volkswagon   ::)

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: 67Screamer on May 07, 2007, 17:50:30 pm
Volkswagon   ::)

 :D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: nicolas on May 07, 2007, 19:10:43 pm
Volkswagon   ::)

does that make it a sticker from a different club then???


Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: speedwell on May 07, 2007, 20:44:14 pm

Title: Re: VW Car Club Stickers Whats The Deal??
Post by: LuftsickTero on May 08, 2007, 07:35:00 am
Volkswagon   ::)

Is that "Volkswagon" generally nickname or typo?

Best bargain collectibles are occasionally found from eBay searching with "Volkswagon" or with "Hot VW's"  :D