The Cal-look Lounge

Tyre kicking => Off Topic => Topic started by: BeetleBug on March 16, 2007, 11:05:55 am

Title: About a trip to Sweden with a couple of friends
Post by: BeetleBug on March 16, 2007, 11:05:55 am
Let`s spark some life in the off topic section with a little story about a couple of friends that went to Sweden and to JPM`s famous dyno day. For us Norwegians visiting Sweden is like a trip to Nirvana - Swedish currency is a lot weaker, beer is a lot cheaper, girl are a lot nicer (just look at Romans model further down in this section) and last but not least, swedes threat us Norwegians very nicely. Just like any small brother should do out of respect for their big brother.
The dyno day was indeed a nice event with a lot of cars dancing on JPM`s rolls. NA cars, nitrous car, turbo car, original cars, vintage speed car and even a compressor car was tested but I`m not going into the details here, after all this is a off topic thread.

After a long day at the dyno JPM invited us out for a dinner at one of the local restaurants. Food was good and the spirit was high. But the evening did not stop there, being the Vikings that we are we had to check out the facilities. Did we find somewhere to go? Believe me we did and I have the pictures to prove it!

First place we went was a little bar where the music was really good - heck, it was so good that the Baboon had to dance;

Title: Re: About a trip to Sweden with a couple of friends
Post by: BeetleBug on March 16, 2007, 11:08:18 am
Dancing is hard work and it is important to keep the fluid level in balance. That`s when I found out that I should bring out and introduce the BEER GOOGLES;

Title: Re: About a trip to Sweden with a couple of friends
Post by: BeetleBug on March 16, 2007, 11:10:35 am
First man out to test the googles was of course Mr Mags - dam that man can suck;

Title: Re: About a trip to Sweden with a couple of friends
Post by: BeetleBug on March 16, 2007, 11:13:32 am
As you can see the fight for the googles was hard, a lot of people wanted to try them but very few managed them. These googles are not for the masses! After testing all the local beer we found out that we had gained some weight..

Title: Re: About a trip to Sweden with a couple of friends
Post by: BeetleBug on March 16, 2007, 11:16:09 am
.... and it was about time we did some more sports. By this time the place was quite crowded so dancing was out of the question, Norwegian dance take quite a lot of room you see. As always Mags had the solution to our problem! Roman said yes to be the judge of this competition and he is here studying the different technics;

Title: Re: About a trip to Sweden with a couple of friends
Post by: BeetleBug on March 16, 2007, 11:20:24 am
The lucky winner could choose a kiss from one of the beatiful girls looking. The unlucky looser, still wearing the beer googles, would get a wet licking from..................

Title: Re: About a trip to Sweden with a couple of friends
Post by: BeetleBug on March 16, 2007, 11:25:21 am
I think it`s wise to stop the story right here before it get`s ugly but thanks for the pics Christophe!

I`m really looking forward to the next year dyno day and I hope a dyno dinner is also planned. We really had a good time over there! Thanks to JPM and all the Swedes for taking so good care of us.

Best rgs

Title: Re: About a trip to Sweden with a couple of friends
Post by: christophe on March 16, 2007, 14:23:17 pm
Thanks to you.
I hade a lot of fun this evening ;D :D :D
See you somewhere this summer I guess.

Title: Re: About a trip to Sweden with a couple of friends
Post by: Harry/FDK on March 18, 2007, 20:09:00 pm
Fuckin' Hell, you guys P.A.R.T.E.Y.Y.Y.