Title: who owns that original Red Cal Look KG? the one that was at ebi :) Post by: Lee.C on September 28, 2010, 23:02:13 pm As the title says guys - who owns that original Red Cal Look KG? the one that was at ebi???
I know it was for sale a while back but I think the owner ended up keeping it :-\ Pic's and info on the car would be good too ;) Title: Re: who owns that original Red Cal Look KG? the one that was at ebi :) Post by: JS on September 28, 2010, 23:24:44 pm Still with the same owner, and not for sale.
http://cal-look.no/lounge/index.php/topic,6863.0.html Title: Re: who owns that original Red Cal Look KG? the one that was at ebi :) Post by: Lee.C on September 29, 2010, 00:31:05 am Like I could ever afford it lol lol lol
I can't believe BABOON owns it - I have just been thinking about the car resently, if only........ :) Title: Re: who owns that original Red Cal Look KG? the one that was at ebi :) Post by: Dave Rosique on September 29, 2010, 04:10:43 am Ah yes, Marc Souter's old KG... some good memories in and around that car back in the 70's. I had a nice chat with Marc several months ago about the car-- I even sent him the Lounge link.. he thought it was pretty cool the car is still around. Title: Re: who owns that original Red Cal Look KG? the one that was at ebi :) Post by: Rennsurfer on September 29, 2010, 04:15:07 am You're talking to Marc? COOL, Dave! His Bug was one of the first Cal Look cars that ever saw in person. A big influence on my friends and me.
Title: Re: who owns that original Red Cal Look KG? the one that was at ebi :) Post by: Dave Rosique on September 29, 2010, 04:23:41 am You're talking to Marc? COOL, Dave! His Bug was one of the first Cal Look cars that ever saw in person. A big influence on my friends and me. Me too Fred.. first time I saw the Aqua '67 it had Porsche chromies on it.. such an awesome car.. perfectly detailed.. later when he put the gold 5 Spokes on it and added the Herculon interior the car went over the top! Title: Re: who owns that original Red Cal Look KG? the one that was at ebi :) Post by: Rennsurfer on September 29, 2010, 04:55:02 am Me too Fred.. first time I saw the Aqua '67 it had Porsche chromies on it.. such an awesome car.. perfectly detailed.. later when he put the gold 5 Spokes on it and added the Herculon interior the car went over the top! Yep, that's how I remember it when Bob and I first noticed it around town. That, and seeing the Hot VWs cars and learning about the D.K.P. club inspired us to build our first cars. Title: Re: who owns that original Red Cal Look KG? the one that was at ebi :) Post by: speedwell on September 29, 2010, 14:17:54 pm memories ;)
Title: Re: who owns that original Red Cal Look KG? the one that was at ebi :) Post by: BeetleBug on September 29, 2010, 14:52:28 pm Dam, that Mark had a serious microphone look going!
[attachment=1] :) Title: Re: who owns that original Red Cal Look KG? the one that was at ebi :) Post by: speedwell on September 29, 2010, 15:05:15 pm here's mark at the dkp party this year ;)
Title: Re: who owns that original Red Cal Look KG? the one that was at ebi :) Post by: BeetleBug on September 29, 2010, 15:20:13 pm Wow! He lost his tan too.
Title: Re: who owns that original Red Cal Look KG? the one that was at ebi :) Post by: speedwell on September 29, 2010, 15:47:54 pm Wow! He lost his tan too. :D :D :DTitle: Re: who owns that original Red Cal Look KG? the one that was at ebi :) Post by: javabug on September 29, 2010, 17:20:23 pm Really like the color of that sedan with the gold Empis. Nice combo!
Title: Re: who owns that original Red Cal Look KG? the one that was at ebi :) Post by: Dave Rosique on September 30, 2010, 02:23:05 am Really like the color of that sedan with the gold Empis. Nice combo! Me too.. that car looked so good in person! Marc later exchanged the Empis for satin Centerlines.. It still looked good but I always preferred the Empi wheels. |