Title: Any 'Old School' Experience with the BP 4063-10 cam? Post by: Dougy Dee on September 29, 2010, 23:01:49 pm CR?
Rockers? Seems to have similar numbers to an Engle 130 with a little less lift... Thanks in advance. Title: Re: Any 'Old School' Experience with the BP 4063-10 cam? Post by: Dominick Luppino on September 29, 2010, 23:39:10 pm Here is everything off the cam card.
.050" Check at Lifter Intake opens OverLap Exhaust Closes Intake Opens Overlap Exhaust Closes 40 36 25 65 Intake Closes BDC Exhaust Closes Intake Closes BDC Exhaust Closes 76 80 63 23 Lift with 1.1 rockers Deration 430 296deg Gross Cam Lift Deration @ .050 Intake 390 268 Exhaust 390 268 Lobe Centers 108 Deg. |