Title: Bearing caps...?? Post by: Kaferdog on November 07, 2010, 06:31:29 am Ok ..I'm clear on the short axles & tubes ...But not clear on the bearing cap's ...?? I know there are 3 different bearing caps short axles /short splines...Long axles /Short splines.....long axles/Long splines .... Now are there only those 3 caps....?? Which caps do I need...? I have seen the tech article posted but I'm still confused...??
Title: Re: Bearing caps...?? Post by: SlingShot on November 08, 2010, 07:14:47 am Hot VW's had a good article on the whole short/long axle thing a couple years ago. But here is a link to some Samba Action in the meantime http://www.thesamba.com/vw/forum/archive/index.php/o-t--t-406753--.html (http://www.thesamba.com/vw/forum/archive/index.php/o-t--t-406753--.html)
Title: Re: Bearing caps...?? Post by: Donny B. on November 08, 2010, 15:35:18 pm You can also use some from an oval. That is what I had to do when I mounted Porsche B brakes on the rear of my '66.
Title: Re: Bearing caps...?? Post by: Kaferdog on November 10, 2010, 18:27:47 pm OK I've answered my own question here !...I did some checking and came up with this conclusion that you "CAN" use the caps off a 67 shortspline/long axle it's the same as the early short axle caps the only difference is the oil slinger style ....I also confirmed this thru the expertise at Oldspeed