The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: Susy on November 21, 2010, 14:47:57 pm

Title: PP/PRA Picnic - Thanks to everyone who came & endured the rainstrom
Post by: Susy on November 21, 2010, 14:47:57 pm
Wow - what can I say?  It was quite a day.  Thank you all for coming ! I hope everyone made it home safely!

First I would like to thank Rich Kimball, Andy Buford, my dad, Jeff Alvarez, Austin Larsen for being there first thing in the morning & at the end of the day to help set up & tear down.  Candy and I really needed some help, and these guys came through for us as always.  Thank you Rich for bringing all the tables and of course the awnings and your ideas helped save the day.

I also want to thank everyone else that brought awnings.  It sure did help make the day a better one.  We are stayed a little bit dryer becuase of them.

I never thanked him over the microphone (which by the way he brought), so Thank you very much Selso Salazar for bringing your equipment in for the music and announcing. That was so generous of you, and I really appreciate it lots.  Thanks to his wife Renee who helped him also!

Of course I want to thank again the all the Sponsors, and all the people who donated Raffle Prizes.  I don't think I ever have seen a raffle move that fast, ever.  Thanks Dyno for calling the numbers, and keeping us entertained.

Thank you to The Hole family for buying the food for us, and thank you to all the people who brought all the other wonderful food to eat! Thank you to our chefs - Mike Herbert, Alan Weiss and Steve Hole.

Also - Ron & Lynn Fleming who brought beautiful Pink Roses for all the PowderPuff racers - that was such a beautiful gesture, and we love you for doing that!

Congratulations to all the PowderPuff and PRA winners - you all deserve a round of applause.

If we do this again next year - we will look for a indoor venue, so if it rains - we can all stay dry & warm.

Candy - thank you for all your help throughout the years, I could not do this without you.  And we make such a great team.

Thank you to Lisa Piraino and her girls who helped till the last car drove out.  And Skeeter thank you also for all your help!

Last, I would like the thank Rich Kimball & his family and The Hole family for putting the races on, so we all can go have alot of great times!  It is alot of hard work, and I know I can speak for all the racers and spectators on how much we appreciate all your time and effort!

I hope you all have wonderful and safe holidays, and I will see you next year at the races, or before!

Take Care, Susy Herbert

Title: Re: PP/PRA Picnic - Thanks to everyone who came & endured the rainstrom
Post by: Jason Foster on November 21, 2010, 16:14:43 pm
  Myself and the whole Bad Behavior team I was with had a blast!!   What a great time it turned out to be in spite of the rain. I too thank everyone who worked so hard to make it happen.  I think that spot next year would be a blast it's a beautiful park.

  Thanks everyone!

Title: Re: PP/PRA Picnic - Thanks to everyone who came & endured the rainstrom
Post by: Gary Justus on November 21, 2010, 18:03:13 pm
Yes, thanks to ALL who made the event come off and congrats to ALL the winners. It was great to see the amount and level of support considering the weather. I'm glad to have made it and lucky to have been a small part of the PRA schedule. On to '11.