Title: Bolt-on rocker cover gaskets for Racetrim/ DDS covers? Post by: Deanodynosaurs on March 01, 2011, 13:47:16 pm Just a quick question.
Does anyone know what rocker cover gasket DDS/ Racetrim rocker covers use? They seem to have a groove in them which suggests they use non standard gaskets? (See pic). If so where can I get these from, perferably in the UK. Thanks in advance. :) (http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/deanodynosaurs/58%20Resto/Racetrimcover.jpg) Dude 8) Title: Re: Bolt-on rocker cover gaskets for Racetrim/ DDS covers? Post by: Frenchy Dehoux on March 01, 2011, 16:22:14 pm This one use a regular gasket the grove is probably to keep the gasket in place without shifting side to side. I have use this type of valve cover in the past and only use the regular gasket with no problem. Frenchy Title: Re: Bolt-on rocker cover gaskets for Racetrim/ DDS covers? Post by: Nico86 on March 01, 2011, 20:07:51 pm I've always seen it mounted with stock gaskets too.
Title: Re: Bolt-on rocker cover gaskets for Racetrim/ DDS covers? Post by: speedwell on March 01, 2011, 20:12:55 pm thx , i asking myself what type of gasket for the race trim valve cover i've
Title: Re: Bolt-on rocker cover gaskets for Racetrim/ DDS covers? Post by: Harry/FDK on March 01, 2011, 20:39:24 pm Go stock, "glue" it on the valvecoverside and youre done.
Title: Re: Bolt-on rocker cover gaskets for Racetrim/ DDS covers? Post by: Speed-Randy on March 02, 2011, 03:40:14 am NO GLUE!!! when it's time to change them you will be thankful
Title: Re: Bolt-on rocker cover gaskets for Racetrim/ DDS covers? Post by: Frenchy Dehoux on March 02, 2011, 04:41:20 am Everyone has their own way I myself have never put any type of sealer and they never leak when you go to change them it takes for ever to clean the covers. Frenchy Title: Re: Bolt-on rocker cover gaskets for Racetrim/ DDS covers? Post by: Deanodynosaurs on March 02, 2011, 11:27:50 am Thank you all for your responses.
A stock good quality rocker cover gasket it is then. :) Cheers, Dude 8) Title: Re: Bolt-on rocker cover gaskets for Racetrim/ DDS covers? Post by: Neil Davies on March 02, 2011, 13:56:00 pm I've used grease rather than glue before, and it seams to work very well, and is much easier to clean up! Just a thought though Dude, are the new Revmaster valve covers as seen in the magazines this month similar? might be worth looking into those?
Title: Re: Bolt-on rocker cover gaskets for Racetrim/ DDS covers? Post by: Deanodynosaurs on March 03, 2011, 11:12:13 am Hi Neil! Good to see you the other weekend! Great news as well! :)
Looked at the revmaster ones, and they seem to use a rubber seal that lips around the edge of the rocker cover, like the empi rocker covers. They wont work on these type of rocker covers. However, CSP rocker covers have a similar groove in the mating faces, and they use a vitone seal, a thin round rubber seal, so perhaps this is another option. :) Dude 8) |