Title: Mike Smith Recovery Post by: Fasteddie63 on March 21, 2011, 02:11:09 am Anyone Know How Mike Smith Is Recovering From His Motorcycle Accident,Hope For A Speedy Recovery
Title: Re: Mike Smith Recovery Post by: dyno don on March 27, 2011, 19:46:04 pm hi there eddie, mike is on the mend.... another several weeks to go before he enters a comprehensive rehab program. the extent of his injuries were more pronounced than first thought and he has been in pain and discomfort from just the initial healing process. he has to go back into surgery several more times before he is out of the woods with his recovery. bound to his wheelchair and lots of rest perhaps by the end of this year he will be up and around. he has shown interest in trying to race again but in a different fashion...a little less serious mindset and more about having it be fun. he is healing well but the screws/pins/and plates in his left foot are very painfull and his shoulder that was separated is of some concern as well along with some floating bone chips in his knee. we are both a couple of self sufficent, independent guys and i can tell you this has been a gut wrenching experience to see how someones world has been violated physically/mentally/emotionally/financially.... mike wanted me to say "thank you" to the many that were able to connect with him after the accident. peace out/dyno don
Title: Re: Mike Smith Recovery Post by: DKK Ted on March 27, 2011, 21:28:34 pm Say Dyno, is there something us Loungers can do, like have some kind of collection to help at least financially??
Ted Title: Re: Mike Smith Recovery Post by: Fasteddie63 on March 28, 2011, 00:15:52 am Thank You So Much For The Update Dyno,Your A True Friend To Anyone In This Community,No Matter How Bad Things Get At Least He Is Alive To Talk About It,Hope To See You Guys Soon
Title: Re: Mike Smith Recovery Post by: TexasTom on March 28, 2011, 00:26:42 am Damn fine news there DD, Thanks for letting us know.
I gotta say, I feel for the Man ... been there myself a long time ago ... it''s a struggle and wouldn't wish it on near anyone. If Mike's up to it, I'll throw in a contribution. Just want to know he'll be back ... This should be done. God's speed to a quick recovery for Mike Smith ... come on Guys! Title: Re: Mike Smith Recovery Post by: dyno don on March 28, 2011, 05:27:10 am ....no need for a fund guys but the notion is most appreciated im sure//mike has worked in the aero space industry for 38 years while I on the other hand have been self employed so he has a retirement package, benefits,etc...and all will be fine...just a hickup in the moment that has been frustrating going from a normal regular routine to being sidelined. his spirits are much better as are mine knowing that he has shown signs of improvement. you guys just rock...this industry of extended family always seems to pull together when the chips are down. thanks,dyno