The Cal-look Lounge

Happenings => Happenings => Topic started by: jyri eramaa on July 13, 2011, 20:25:16 pm

Title: Help needed in France!!! Type 2 problemo!
Post by: jyri eramaa on July 13, 2011, 20:25:16 pm
( goes - j' essaie d' arriver au rassemblement de Serial- kombi a Fley ce week- end. Mais je suis en panne a Reims. Aurais- je fait 4000 km de rour en vain? Je suis parti de mon domicile de Espoo, Finlande il y a deux semaines et bien profite de mes vacances avec mes cinq gamins. Je roule avec un kombi de 1960 en bonne sante, mis a part le suivant. Jl ai perdu la courroie entre les poulies du vilebrequin et le dynamo, elle sl est dechiiree en miettes. La raison: la courroie a ete  vraisemblablement trop tendue au debut, devenue molle et detendue. Jl ai essaye de le retendre en demobtant le poulis mais par consequence elle sl est deforme petiti a petit . Aurait quelqu'un de courroie et des poulies modeles cox, voir un dynamo? Mika c/o Malmberg, rue Nicolas Roland 4, 51100 Reims

Title: Re: Help needed in France!!! Type 2 problemo!
Post by: Lids on July 13, 2011, 20:28:09 pm
Google translate says this:
Here goes - I 'm trying to get to the gathering of a Serial-kombi Fley this weekend. But I'm down a Reims. Would I have done 4000 km of Roure in vain? I left my home in Espoo, Finland two weeks ago and thoroughly enjoyed my vacation with my five kids. I drive a kombi from 1960 in good health, except as follows. Jl I lost the belt between the crankshaft pulley and dynamo, it is sl dechiiree to pieces. The reason: the belt was probably too tight in the beginning, become soft and relaxed. Jl I tried to tighten in the pulse demobtant but therefore it is deformed sl little by little. Could someone belt and pulleys Cox, see a dynamo? Mika c / o Malmberg, rue Roland Nicolas 4, 51100 Reims

Title: Re: Help needed in France!!! Type 2 problemo!
Post by: jyri eramaa on July 13, 2011, 20:36:18 pm
Yes prettymuch ok, they want to go to the type 2 gathering. The alternator is broken, the problem started from the fan belt change, now they would a new alternator kit, with couple of fan belts, and maybe the highway isnt the safest place, for the people nor the van. The van is the two tone green / grey ... They provide the phone numbers if someone would be so great to help them someway...

Mika and ricky speaks french so no worries, you will understand.
Life is great with old vw's ;-)

And you can pass this to the blogs and web sites an facebook, if that could help.

Jyri /

Title: Re: Help needed in France!!! Type 2 problemo!
Post by: empicolector on July 13, 2011, 21:38:16 pm
Yes prettymuch ok, they want to go to the type 2 gathering. The alternator is broken, the problem started from the fan belt change, now they would a new alternator kit, with couple of fan belts, and maybe the highway isnt the safest place, for the people nor the van. The van is the two tone green / grey ... They provide the phone numbers if someone would be so great to help them someway...

Mika and ricky speaks french so no worries, you will understand.
Life is great with old vw's ;-)

And you can pass this to the blogs and web sites an facebook, if that could help.

Jyri /
You leave the bus on A4 highway
Try to PM eldubs may be He could help