Title: Help! Rear main bearing whoas Post by: Wink's1966 on September 28, 2011, 01:18:08 am So my 2332 was running perfect I went to install my new bmd kit and other goodies I just recently received and noticed excessive end play :-( or loose flywheel... To my surprise it was neither :-(..
Said goodies no longer usable yet... (http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k101/jwghia69/34dbf310.jpg) My rear main bearing is so loose in the case I get at least 1/8 inch in an out play and same back and forth..:-( My eng was running perfect no knocks no bad oil psi signs.... I know the motors gotta come apart I'm just looking for maybe a member who had this issue or knows my cause.. Thanks pics of tear down and findings will follow, here's her current state :-( (http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k101/jwghia69/42d0398e.jpg) |