Title: American to German Translation Help Post by: louisb on June 01, 2007, 17:00:10 pm Since I don't belong to one of the cool initials clubs I was thinking of having a hood emblem for the '67 made up that plays off the old '50s hot rod slogan, "Lone Wolf, No Club" I am going to try and squeeze that in German around the following graphic:
(http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~lbrooks/67vw/eWkv.jpg) then have it cast in bronze. (Might do some quarter window stickers too.) Anyway, I don't speak German, I am from the SE USA so I barely speak Engrish, and after playing with the English to German translators on the web I come up with the following: einsamer Wolf, keine verein Any German speaking folks on this forum can verify that it says what I want and I am not asking directions to the closest gay nightclub? (Or could suggest a shorter version?) Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, --louis Title: Re: American to German Translation Help Post by: Gregor/DFL on June 01, 2007, 17:42:34 pm Hi!
Well, the direct precise translation of: "Lone Wolf, No Club"" would be "Einsamer Wolf, kein Verein" ...but the Word "Verein" is mostly used for a sports-related club, e.g. So that is "Sportverein" In German language also, a car related "club" is a "Klub" or a "Club" (same writing like english) So the translation would be: "Einsamer Wolf, kein Klub" or "Einsamer Wolf, kein Club" Title: Re: American to German Translation Help Post by: louisb on June 01, 2007, 18:12:21 pm Thanks, that is perfect!
--louis |