Title: Bugs for Breakfast Post by: edcraig on April 06, 2012, 02:22:50 am Does anyone know if Bugs for Breakfast is happening this saturday?
...Ed. Title: Re: Bugs for Breakfast Post by: Rennsurfer on April 06, 2012, 07:17:28 am I don't know, for sure, Ed... but in theory, it should be happening. If not, let's just meet for breakfast at any rate.
Title: Re: Bugs for Breakfast Post by: Fiatdude on April 06, 2012, 15:50:22 pm You guys made me Hungry -- I'm going to Breakfast NOW lol
Title: Re: Bugs for Breakfast Post by: 61SNRF on April 06, 2012, 16:59:02 pm The new format for all 2012 meetings is on the second Saturday of the month, so the official April B4B will be on the 14th.
I have to work on the 7th, but anyone who wants to have a meeting on that day is certainly welcome to. We have also been talking about an unofficial meeting on the 28th as part of the Bug-In weekend, so keep that in mind too. Title: Re: Bugs for Breakfast Post by: edcraig on April 07, 2012, 04:14:59 am OK...so next saturday then. Thanks for the clarification. I had plans on heading up to Mammoth this weekend, but canceled. Not sure if I'm now going to go next weekend or not yet, so if I'm in town, I'll be a B4B next week.
...Ed. Title: Re: Bugs for Breakfast Post by: Kaferdog on April 07, 2012, 05:20:21 am Well ,I won't be able to make it next Sat.....I'm working the Long Beach Grand Prix that weekend.....Guess I'll have ta wait till next month...bummer..!
Title: Re: Bugs for Breakfast Post by: DKK Ted on April 08, 2012, 05:23:58 am Going to try to make it, car IS ready now, just need to datail it (a good washing). Haven't been to a BFB with my car in a long time. ;D
Ted Title: Re: Bugs for Breakfast Post by: 61SNRF on April 14, 2012, 02:25:02 am Bug's for Breakfast should be tomorrow, but the forecast is for a 30% chance of rain in the AM >:(
I'm going to stick my head out the window in the morning and see what it looks like. I don't live too far from Ruby's myself, but I would understand if it puts a dampener on other peoples plans to attend. If anyone wants to go ran or shine, just say the word and I will meet you there. I've got good wiper blades in the glove box :D Have a great weekend either way. Next event: May 12, 2012 Title: Re: Bugs for Breakfast Post by: edcraig on April 14, 2012, 03:37:46 am I'll do the same. No rain...I'll be there.
...Ed. Title: Re: Bugs for Breakfast Post by: DKK Ted on April 14, 2012, 05:15:41 am Won't be making it, gotta catch up with some carb work for a friend of mine.
Ted Title: Re: Bugs for Breakfast Post by: Hecker on April 25, 2012, 04:46:23 am Anybody up for a special Pre-Bug-in For Breakfast???? Looking for more than 4 people
to chime in !! After we've moved to the second week to attract more people we've actually lost people. So here is your chance loungers in So Cal....Come on out Sat morning RUBY'S DINER in Whittier at Whittwood Center between Santa Gertrudes and Colima. We usually meet at 8:30. So come on out after your Pre Bug-in Nick's Friday Nite Cruise, Let's here from some of the regulars...Who's coming? ;D Title: Re: Bugs for Breakfast Post by: Kaferdog on April 25, 2012, 07:06:02 am I'm down for it..!!.... ;D
Title: Re: Bugs for Breakfast Post by: Rennsurfer on April 25, 2012, 07:38:50 am Driving air cooled VWs three days in a row... sounds very logical.
Title: Re: Bugs for Breakfast Post by: edcraig on April 26, 2012, 05:45:33 am Not sure yet if I can make it this Saturday, but i will if possible. Sunday, (Bug in), for sure! I'll be in the vintage show area with my Ghia. See everyone there!
...Ed Title: Re: Bugs for Breakfast Post by: Rennsurfer on April 26, 2012, 07:29:06 am She sits so perfect, Ed. See ya this weekend, my friend.