The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: wolfswest on May 21, 2012, 20:30:02 pm

Title: A1 mufflers: contact?
Post by: wolfswest on May 21, 2012, 20:30:02 pm

I've found Tigers' email address here:
Does anybody know if this is still accurate?  Or is he a man that doesn't use the pc alot and do I have wait a few days?
I'm not able to call him due to time zones



Title: Re: A1 mufflers: contact?
Post by: Donny B. on May 21, 2012, 23:00:54 pm
That is what I used just two months ago.

Title: Re: A1 mufflers: contact?
Post by: Jason Foster on May 22, 2012, 05:38:37 am
I was going to post his number then I saw you have calling issues

Title: Re: A1 mufflers: contact?
Post by: wolfswest on May 22, 2012, 08:11:09 am
thx Donny, Jason,

he mailed me yesterday evening.


Title: Re: A1 mufflers: contact?
Post by: Wunder Wim on May 22, 2012, 12:54:47 pm
Hey Maestro
tell me more. What is the result?
Any news about the pistons yet?

Title: Re: A1 mufflers: contact?
Post by: wolfswest on May 22, 2012, 16:17:37 pm
wiseco's with the "small" rings are ordered for a pretty good price!  Talk to you soon with extra details, + need a good price for those porsche nuts  :P