Title: Sprintstars wheels (Lemmerz - Empi) question Post by: Henrik Hagen on August 16, 2012, 22:14:08 pm I have five 5x205 sprintstars wheels. Two 5,5" wheels and three 4,5".
On the 5,5" wheels it say - Made in west Germany, Lemmerz, Empi On the 4,5 " wheels it say - made in west Germany, Lemmerz but not Empi. Why ? Was the 5,5" wheels sold by Empi and not the 4,5" Best regards Henrik Hagen Title: Re: Sprintstars wheels (Lemmerz - Empi) question Post by: neil68 on August 19, 2012, 00:49:32 am I have owned several sets of Lemmerz Sprintstars over the years, mostly 4.5" and one pair of 5.5". Since I live in Canada, these sets have all been stamped EMPI, as well as Lemmerz.
However, I believe that they were also sold in some countries (in Europe perhaps), whereby they were not marketed on behalf of EMPI...this site says the same thing (click on the left menu under Sprintstar 4-lug): http://www.terovirta.com/volks/VolksWheelsFrame.php You could also try checking out the "Sprintstar Registry", as they have lots of information: http://sprintstar.blogspot.ca/ Title: Re: Sprintstars wheels (Lemmerz - Empi) question Post by: Henrik Hagen on August 20, 2012, 19:54:08 pm Ok thanks :-)