The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: Mike Lawless on January 22, 2013, 23:43:16 pm

Title: CLF is Gone
Post by: Mike Lawless on January 22, 2013, 23:43:16 pm
I just logged on and there was a splash page that read. "it was a wild ride. That's all folks"

The end of an era

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: bugnut68 on January 22, 2013, 23:58:32 pm
I have fond memories of that site from my college days, but it'd been declining in terms of interactivity for a long time.  Shame to see it go.

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Mike Lawless on January 23, 2013, 00:06:39 am
I have fond memories as well. It was because of CLF that I became active in the VW scene. I got dragged into DRKC back in '99, and made many friends and acquaintances along the way. Had many spirited discussions and learned a lot. Good memories....mostly!

I reckon you guys will have to put up with more input from me on this site now!

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: glenn on January 23, 2013, 00:19:21 am
Bummer, I know JP has been very busy with work, family and other interests. And I think the political BS was more than Mark wanted to bother with.

It will be missed.

On Facebook
Michael Rhodes
We've shut down Just wanted to thank all of our members for your time, feedback, input and general all around support for almost 14 years online. Feel free to keep it going here on Facebook.

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Cheesepanzer on January 23, 2013, 00:21:26 am
Wow, just saw it too.  Sad.  As said before, an end of an era.  I've met some really cool people through that site.  Sorry to see it go.

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Jon on January 23, 2013, 00:22:52 am
That is sad news! It will be missed  :-[

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Mike Lawless on January 23, 2013, 00:25:29 am
Bummer, I know JP has been very busy with work, family and other interests. And I think the political BS was more than Mark wanted to bother with.

It will be missed.

On Facebook
Michael Rhodes
We've shut down Just wanted to thank all of our members for your time, feedback, input and general all around support for almost 14 years online. Feel free to keep it going here on Facebook.

Moved to Facebook huh?

That's a bummer too. I must be in the minority as I don't do facebook.

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: glenn on January 23, 2013, 00:34:25 am

I think it was a matter of time to administer. Facebook handles all the heavy lifting.

I just think the site was too time consuming for John and Michael.

BTW.. I don't do FB either.

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Dominick Luppino on January 23, 2013, 00:43:42 am
Facebook and the Lounge are the only two places I will post any longer, I will miss the CLF...

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Rick Meredith on January 23, 2013, 01:09:19 am
Wow.. I thought it looked a little slow when I posted about Cruising in to the New Year.

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Fritter on January 23, 2013, 01:09:46 am was dead for years.  This site is kinda dying also.  I spend more and more of my time on FB, that format is the future.  I just sent my request to join CLF on FB.  

The only thing with FB that's kinda odd is that everyone sees your activity now, as opposed to before when it was just the "niche" Vw people.  I know there are privacy controls, etc, on FB, but you know what I mean.  

Cal is dead, long live cal!!

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: 65bug on January 23, 2013, 01:44:09 am
Maybe it's time for a new one.....In So Cal where it really belongs ;)

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Speed-Randy on January 23, 2013, 02:17:02 am
Maybe this site wouldn't be dying if people didn't get so BUTTHURT when other people dont agree with their opinions or get called out on bullshit they're spewing. :o Just my observations of the last year or so

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Fritter on January 23, 2013, 02:40:24 am
This site is turning into Restojohnny's personal for sale/swap space.  Ha. 

Let's see if he actually sees/cares to respond on this thread!  Too busy updating his ads.  :D

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: pupjoint on January 23, 2013, 02:46:43 am
sad to see it gone....that was the first vw site i joined with a discussion forum

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: javabug on January 23, 2013, 02:59:28 am
The old, classic message board there has been missed for a long time already. Admittedly I started lurking there towards the end of the original version. What I will also miss is the event archives. For some reason, I really enjoyed reading the chronicle of the Orange Curtain Tour.

This site is kinda dying also.

That just seems to be the life cycle of internet forums. Eventually they get overrun with traffic and either the frequent posters turn into the people that don't have much useful to offer, or it just slows down. Either way the core group kind of fades.

Cal is dead, long live cal!!

It was the original ... RIP.

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Chuck Fryer on January 23, 2013, 03:03:02 am
Sure did learn a lot on that site. It fueled my hot rod VW passion for years.

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: restojohnny on January 23, 2013, 04:20:06 am
This site is turning into Restojohnny's personal for sale/swap space.  Ha.  

Let's see if he actually sees/cares to respond on this thread!  Too busy updating his ads.  :D


Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Fritter on January 23, 2013, 04:25:29 am
You know I kid, restojohnny.   ;D

I actually have bought parts from you and everything was great.  ;D

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Fiatdude on January 23, 2013, 04:29:06 am
I had logged on earlier this afternoon and then wham-o -- sorry didn't this thread you had started Mike

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: restojohnny on January 23, 2013, 04:31:32 am
I know buddy . . . I'm just glad to know that somebody notices that I'm trying to take over the for sale section on this site  :D

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Zach Gomulka on January 23, 2013, 05:14:43 am
The best thing about the CLF is that it lead me here.

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: lawrence on January 23, 2013, 06:41:17 am
Sad news. I started out on the original format of CLF and learned a lot talking to people and asking questions about high performance stuff. There were some very interesting posts and real characters on that site. Thanks John, Dave, and all the other guys.

EDIT: Oh yeah, thanks to Keith as well. After all it did start out as his forum ;D

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: El Dub on January 23, 2013, 07:01:37 am
Very very sad news... The end of an era...  :'(

I wonder what will happens to the nostalgia corner... Seems I will have to look for another domain... Any help welcomed...

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Fastbrit on January 23, 2013, 08:56:12 am
The best thing about the CLF is that it lead me here.
thanks Zach. Sorry you only see it that way, but you weren't around when I started the original Cal Look Forum - that first night, among the very first people to join the fun were Jim Ratto and Mark Herbert, and it just got better and better. It was an awesome place to be, the first dedicated on-line forum for the hot VW scene. So many lasting friendships were made there, so much information exchanged... Ultimately, I too didn't have the time or expertise to take it to the next level, so was delighted to hand the reins over to John, Dave Conklin and Michael. Then the a-holes started to move in - it happens on every forum, almost without exception.

No, the best thing about CLF is that it brought a lot of friends together...

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: flattop on January 23, 2013, 09:01:25 am
RIP Cal-look....


Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: kafercup on January 23, 2013, 10:15:03 am
The best thing about the CLF is that it lead me here.
thanks Zach. Sorry you only see it that way, but you weren't around when I started the original Cal Look Forum - that first night, among the very first people to join the fun were Jim Ratto and Mark Herbert, and it just got better and better. It was an awesome place to be, the first dedicated on-line forum for the hot VW scene. So many lasting friendships were made there, so much information exchanged... Ultimately, I too didn't have the time or expertise to take it to the next level, so was delighted to hand the reins over to John, Dave Conklin and Michael. Then the a-holes started to move in - it happens on every forum, almost without exception.

No, the best thing about CLF is that it brought a lot of friends together...

True Keith, those early days were golden.  Sad to see it go, but it was no longer a friendly hangout as it once was.

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Taylor on January 23, 2013, 11:03:46 am
I agree Keith, I was on the original forum and believe I was about 15 or 16 when I found it ('98-'99?) I think I had dial up internet, worked at Carl's Jr and still have all of my e-mails between me and Jim Ratto.   I wouldn't be as interested in cal-look cars without it.  Thanks Keith, Dave, and John.

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Peter on January 23, 2013, 12:13:07 pm
sad day,
i ll mosly miss the great articles written there..
are they lost forever?

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Eddie DVK on January 23, 2013, 13:01:22 pm
The best thing about the CLF is that it lead me here.
thanks Zach. Sorry you only see it that way, but you weren't around when I started the original Cal Look Forum - that first night, among the very first people to join the fun were Jim Ratto and Mark Herbert, and it just got better and better. It was an awesome place to be, the first dedicated on-line forum for the hot VW scene. So many lasting friendships were made there, so much information exchanged... Ultimately, I too didn't have the time or expertise to take it to the next level, so was delighted to hand the reins over to John, Dave Conklin and Michael. Then the a-holes started to move in - it happens on every forum, almost without exception.

No, the best thing about CLF is that it brought a lot of friends together...

So true, loved the articles and nowledge. was not avalible here in europe at the time only via hot vws and vw trends.
gave me (us) inside in the real california movement. Thanks for sharing over the years

''Then the a-holes'', yeah you know the rest.

Regards Edgar

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Torben Alstrup on January 23, 2013, 13:24:16 pm
The pages like CLF and others, provided priceless information and info, plus they brought people together as Keith menthioned. We got to "know" people all over the Globe that were into the same thing and had the same problems. Development has been good over the last 10-13 years, mainly due to the fact that people got to "talk" together and shared problems and solutions in these forums. Also, look at STF. 5 years ago that site was the shi@t. Today it is mainly type 4 people and forced indution people that frequent the site.

The next thing is, that IF a person will take a little time and sit down and do some searching, there is SO MUCH information out there that it almost makes my head hurt. A good deal of the trivial  questions have been answered so many times that the answers are easy to find.

Also, I for one have to admit that I am sort of falling off the wagon in this interactive facebook/twitter/etc World. I do not need to know what someone is making for dinner tonight. I have not really found much use of these forums. But the younger generation communicates a lot there. So looking at it from a development point of view I guess its slowly turning into that direction.

I think we will experience an ellimination race over the next few years, where only the "strongest" forums will survive. Who and which that will be, I have no clue.


Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Neil Davies on January 23, 2013, 14:07:38 pm
I agree Keith, I was on the original forum and believe I was about 15 or 16 when I found it ('98-'99?) I think I had dial up internet, worked at Carl's Jr and still have all of my e-mails between me and Jim Ratto.   I wouldn't be as interested in cal-look cars without it.  Thanks Keith, Dave, and John.

Likewise, I was on the original InsideTheWeb message board (same format as John Maher's forum!) when I was at university. I went there autumn 1996, and I'm pretty sure that the CLF started around that time. Like Taylor, I remember chatting to people like Jim Ratto, Mark Herbert and so many others. I have to confess that I think it lost its special feel around the time that it changed formats when InsideTheWeb closed. It seemed to become more race car stuff, which UAC covers, and the Cal-Look content seems to be more visible over here.

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Zach Gomulka on January 23, 2013, 14:10:47 pm
The best thing about the CLF is that it lead me here.
thanks Zach. Sorry you only see it that way, but you weren't around when I started the original Cal Look Forum - that first night, among the very first people to join the fun were Jim Ratto and Mark Herbert, and it just got better and better. It was an awesome place to be, the first dedicated on-line forum for the hot VW scene. So many lasting friendships were made there, so much information exchanged... Ultimately, I too didn't have the time or expertise to take it to the next level, so was delighted to hand the reins over to John, Dave Conklin and Michael. Then the a-holes started to move in - it happens on every forum, almost without exception.

No, the best thing about CLF is that it brought a lot of friends together...

You're right. I was on the first CLF, it certainly did help connect a lot of people and got the fire really going for me. I had a tee shirt, and somewhere I still have unused quarter window decals. It was great going to the big shows (pre parties mostly!) in California and putting faces to names and shaking hands (I remember you at Doug M's house specifically) of people all over the world. I got out of the CLF years ago, once I found this place I knew I was home, that's what I meant by that statement, more of a personal thing.

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Jeff68 on January 23, 2013, 14:49:36 pm
RIP CLF!  When I found the CLF I was thrilled to find a site where others shared the love for Cal-Look and hot rod VW's! Learned a lot and discussed a lot of great things with many on that site. I still popped by the CLF every now and then but when I found this site it was much more to my taste. I also recognized many on the lounge that came from the CLF.  I have some unused quarter window stickers and I have a license plate frame on my car.  Maybe I should take it off the future it might be worth some $$$ to a collector :D.

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Georg/DFL on January 23, 2013, 17:28:58 pm
Sad to hear! I haven't been at the CLF for years because it was too much race car stuff and not enough Cal Look anymore - at least in my opinion.
But I do remember the early days, I learned a lot through it, I met people like Mark Herbert, Jim Ratto, Sarge, Gary Justus, John Plow, Dave Conklin and many, many more through it - it was a fantastic place especially for a European Cal Look fan like me.

I remeber the tiny pictures of our cars with some information next to it - started by John! I remeber the first videos like Marks infamous Quaife test and the first video. So many good memories...

Thanks to everyone who was involved starting it and keeping it alive!

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Prowagen on January 23, 2013, 21:43:21 pm
What about all the good info and tech posts on the CLF??? Is there not gonna be an archive? It seems to be a shame if it just goes into the waste bin of cyber space!, just think how useful it is to future generations/newbies!?!

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: 65bug on January 23, 2013, 21:57:11 pm
Thanks to everyone and all their help! There is a ton of information in those archives. Maybe it can be put to use somewhere for everyone....

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: paul_f on January 23, 2013, 22:11:37 pm has a copy of the site from October 2012.  You can see the forum posts but not search

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Trond Dahl on January 23, 2013, 22:27:10 pm
Thanks to everyone and all their help! There is a ton of information in those archives. Maybe it can be put to use somewhere for everyone....

I agree, it would be nice to keep it as a locked archive. I have a server where I could host this for free if the guys behind it was interested. Archive is better then the trashcan which is unavailable for all of us.

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Prowagen on January 23, 2013, 23:21:45 pm
Hi Trond, perhaps you can suggest this to the guys here:

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: 65bug on January 23, 2013, 23:26:08 pm
That's listed right o their goodbye page. However, I feel no need to list my personal information for all the world to see, as well as having it sold to marketing companies. I get enough trash mail, ads etc. I guess I am just not a facebooker.................

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Russell on January 24, 2013, 01:19:37 am
It is sad that any forum/site comes to an end but to say find us on faceless is a poor second choice, one day im sure lots and lots of people are going to regret FB especially the young, sometimes it's good to remember sometimes it's not.

Whilst life without the internet would be dull, boring and even impossible, I still prefer magazines and books, a record that you flip thoughbtime and time again

Just my 2 cents  ;D or tuppence worth !

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Sarge on January 24, 2013, 03:04:28 am
Still my favorite shirt.  RIP

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Mike Lawless on January 24, 2013, 03:23:42 am
Still my favorite shirt.  RIP

Man, who's the hack that drew that? I heard the guy is a real jerk!

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Zach Gomulka on January 24, 2013, 03:38:00 am
Still my favorite shirt.  RIP

I had the long sleeve version, loved it until I left it in a hotel room in Vegas! :(

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: kaferdave on January 24, 2013, 03:44:16 am
I was actually wearing my CLF shirt, the one with the IDA   on it, when I read the news... :'(

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: glenn on January 24, 2013, 04:32:48 am
I was actually wearing my CLF shirt, the one with the IDA   on it, when I read the news... :'(
Maybe you can sell it on Barret-Jackson ;)

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Rick Meredith on January 24, 2013, 06:14:35 am
Still my favorite shirt.  RIP

Man, who's the hack that drew that? I heard the guy is a real jerk!

Yeah but he has a bad ass KG

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: 65bug on January 24, 2013, 14:40:22 pm
New update on the final CLF page:

December 1999 – January 2013

We had a wonderful time over the last 13 years, but like all creative endeavors, this one had peaked and it was time to move on.

While the site quickly grew to be one of the most visited VW sites on the Internet, we realized that, as wonderful as extrinsic recognition is, it was the creative process that interested us most. Unfortunately, increasing career and life demands have limited our ability to create and innovate in recent years, removing the challenge and joy of working collaboratively on the site.

Our hope for the future is that VW sites will strive to be more than egocentric blogs; that people in this wonderful hobby will collaborate with the goal of growing the VW scene in inventive ways.

Many thanks to all of the supporters and contributors over the years; it’s the friendships created that we’ll remember the most, and feel fortunate that we had an opportunity to contribute to the VW scene in a modest way.

John, Michael and the entire team.

Continue to stay in touch with the Community by joining TheCaliforniaLook group on Facebook.

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: karl h on January 25, 2013, 07:54:18 am
i met mark h and dave c on the CLF and later personally and will forever miss it  :'(....and whats facebook?
a short history of the old/new CLF would be great, keith
as long as we keep politics out of it, the lounge will not die. same people on here that drove the last bunch of guys away and pissed off miichael

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: alex d on January 25, 2013, 13:19:54 pm
now that's a coincidence, I log on to the lounge for the first time in a couple years and I read about CLF's disappearing! I was an avid reader during those earliest days (before and definetely learnt a lot in there!

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Eric Ellis (57HotrodVW) on January 25, 2013, 17:07:38 pm
As much as I enjoy the Lounge, I'm bummed that the CLF is no more - especially given the huge amount of content that I hope is not gone forever.

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: nicolas on January 28, 2013, 20:17:58 pm
really sad to have it gone now. my kickstart was Keith's book, but the CLF was definitely the fuel in the beginning of my cal look adventure.

now what is that Facebook thing everyone is talking about???

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: plasticblack on January 28, 2013, 23:31:16 pm
I've tried to start the New Year with renewed vigour for all things VW and up to now things have been going pretty well...

The news that another part (read foundation) of the VW Scene has departed is a swift reminder of the current climate we all (mostly all) live in?

Truth is I do get depressed when I feel that something I've been a part of for so long and had so many good times around, gets in some way lessened.

I spent a good 27 years working for VW/Audi and another 7 Years in and around Big Independents. I can honestly say that things have obviously changed in that time  and in too many cases NOT for the better sadly.

Moves by several of the Biggest Suppliers to our Hobby/Pastime have chosen to continue taking from it, with a determined intention to put as little back as possible.

This has/does leave Small Independent Specialists and Individuals to act as 'keepers of faith' for want of a better description. It means where our Scene goes from here, is actually all up to us now, as in small groups of like-minded people or simply individuals.

There is no safety net any longer and however much we all bemoan the passing of sites like CLF, we should really be honest and admit we have all been privileged to have had such a resource available to us for so very long. :)

It would be nice if those that created the resource could allow it to be kept and to those that would offer to maintain it (for free) I say 'Thanks' in advance.

I am though still looking forward to 2013 (health permitting) and the thought of a Trip to Chimay this year is sustaining me already.

Good Beer, Good Weather, Great VW's and a Fantastic Group of People. 8)

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: jhicken on January 31, 2013, 00:19:48 am
I just tried to visit the Cal Look Forum and saw it has shut down. Sad to see it wasn't passed on to someone else to run. I didn't post much but spent many hours reading. Sorry to see it go, it was a fantastic resource.


Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Peter on February 07, 2013, 17:05:14 pm
No news about it?

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: bugnut68 on February 07, 2013, 17:55:01 pm
No news about it?

Other than it's gone and have migrated over to Facebook?  I think it's pretty much a done deal at this point.

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: Jim Ratto on February 24, 2013, 07:28:53 am
I miss most, after Mark Herbert's posts, all the online battles between FATMIKE and my old buddy Versgrove, crica 1999 on the old Inside the Web format. Once the Cal Look Forum became The Racecar Forum, it all seemed to lose steam for me. Keith's orig forum was (the most) fun, but I had time for it back then and it was under the radar. A handful of nutjobs figuring out there were like minded guys doing the same stuff on the dark side of the globe.

 Bill S told me about The Lounge. It caters more to the hard core traditional Cal Look and is the place to come (internet wise) to get a taste of how it all started.

If only Mark Herbert had made it over here...

Jim Ratto

Title: Re: CLF is Gone
Post by: 56 luftpumpe on February 24, 2013, 14:51:35 pm
Lots of info, sad times.