The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: Ivan on January 24, 2013, 14:38:39 pm

Title: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: Ivan on January 24, 2013, 14:38:39 pm
New VolksWorld logo – Please share your opinions!

We've been working hard for the last seven months behind the scenes on a complete revamp of VolksWorld. After publishing the magazine for 25 years in basically the same format, we wanted to come out with something more contemporary, something that really covers the scene as it is today. And one of the biggest changes planned has to be the logo. The logo has actually changed many times since 1987, but it has always remained similar to the original.
What we would like to know is what logo you like the most from those shown this survey
We'd really love your feedback, after all… It's your magazine!

Please share you views and spread the word to your VW friends – as we want as much feedback as possible.Oh, finally,don't be concerned at all with the photos or words on the covers, these are just mock-ups and this is not 'real' content. Thanks very much, Ivan McCutcheon, Editor.

Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: razoredge on January 24, 2013, 18:10:40 pm
NO NO NO! the Volksworld logo is an icon - those new logos look like every other mag on the shelf. The colours of the original logo are easy to see on a shelf of black and red logo car mags. Just up date the font but keep the logo is my vote.

I might be a bit biased as i have't missed a copy in 15+ years.

Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: leec on January 24, 2013, 18:20:59 pm
Not against change, but whats the benefits of changing it? Looks like it will lose its impact.


Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: stait9 on January 24, 2013, 22:07:20 pm
Agree with comments above and just want to add that the four in the survey are all pretty weak and uninspiring.  As mentioned they look like so many others.  Don't understand why you feel the need to change it.  Just my two pence worth.

Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: Martin on January 24, 2013, 22:26:18 pm
Fine as it is,

all the others look like the rest of the "classic_______" mags outs there


Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: plasticblack on January 24, 2013, 22:34:26 pm

  "Change, for change's sake, is a recipe for failure."   8)

Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: jaqo on January 24, 2013, 22:42:46 pm
Fine as it is,

all the others look like the rest of the "classic_______" mags outs there


Exactly - looks like every other mag, It'll be hard to spot it on the shelf

Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: deano on January 24, 2013, 23:39:09 pm
Why change a good thing?

Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: ovaldriver56 on January 24, 2013, 23:40:15 pm
The old logo looks classy, the new ones don´t

Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: Gregor/DFL on January 24, 2013, 23:43:23 pm
I voted, but the quality of the 4 designs is not very good and the new title won´t make the magazine be unique on the shelf. Why don´t you inniate a "graphic design contest" providing a template as basis? If the winner receives something nice as award, I think you´ll reiceive maybe better results to choose from?

Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: Rocket Ron on January 24, 2013, 23:47:21 pm
Been reading it since issue 2 when it was bi monthly, if it isn't broke don't fix it

Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: iowa mark on January 25, 2013, 02:45:25 am
Magazine sales these days, other than subscriptions, are all about the cover shot. For a car magazine, all the printed text, drop-in cut outs and red banners act like camouflage in a sea of other magazines on the stand. I spot the covers that are not like the back of a cereal box. A car magazine needs not much more than a great shot of great car in a professional pose. A familiar logo in the upper left corner to remind the looker who you are is the only other printing needed. Of course when they drag the issue down to look inside there better be a few other things to keep their attention.

Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: RockStock on January 25, 2013, 09:51:53 am
Yes, agree with these comments, those options are a little dull!
D is my favoured one
I say go for a closer progression of the existing design

Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: beatnik beetle on January 25, 2013, 10:18:24 am
I have to agree with these guys Ivan..don't change could look like a "new" Magazine to some folks who may well pick it up for the first  time but, don't change the old one :)

Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: LuftsickTero on January 25, 2013, 10:44:34 am
The current logo and it's colours make it stand out in the news-stand. I don't see a reason to change it.

Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: javabug on January 25, 2013, 12:41:39 pm
Magazine sales these days, other than subscriptions, are all about the cover shot. For a car magazine, all the printed text, drop-in cut outs and red banners act like camouflage in a sea of other magazines on the stand. I spot the covers that are not like the back of a cereal box. A car magazine needs not much more than a great shot of great car in a professional pose. A familiar logo in the upper left corner to remind the looker who you are is the only other printing needed. Of course when they drag the issue down to look inside there better be a few other things to keep their attention.

I can picture it.

I chose number B from the samples, but my instant reaction when I saw them was "finance publication."  :-\ Sorry guys. Maybe more design, less layout?

Look at it this way: at least you're getting this feedback beforehand.

Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: Prowagen on January 25, 2013, 13:07:34 pm
Already mentioned this on VolksWorld FB and Survey notes, but keep the yellow and red its the history of the mag and should be kept, I don't mind a re-development of it, but think the colour scheme and column logo should stay! As others said it sticks out!

Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: gizago on January 25, 2013, 13:08:05 pm
I'll put the same here as I did on VolksZone-

I say evolution, not revolution ;)

The logo has already evolved from this


to this


But although obviously more modern, it kept its familiarity. How about a mild tweek of the current one. (not that its needed, IMHO)

Also, you can submit a message in the comments box without selecting an option on the survey ;)

Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: jamiep_jamiep on January 25, 2013, 13:32:53 pm
Personally I like the second option, and see no problem with moving with the times. Remember, the biggest room in the house is improvement! I liked the original logo but also the last change that came too. As long as the editorial remains at its current standards I'd read it if it came in a plain paper bag.

Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: Jon on January 25, 2013, 14:48:31 pm
I would say change the logo...  but KEEP the "point" alive... the V above W...

Just like shell has done:



Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: Bathtub57 on January 25, 2013, 14:56:28 pm
I would say change the logo...  but KEEP the "point" alive... the V above W...

Just like shell has done:



Hear hear!

Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: Ivan on January 25, 2013, 15:34:08 pm
Where do I start?
The feedback you have all given us is brilliant. I would like to personally thank you for sharing your views!

This excercise has been very valuable to us and perhaps the most interesting thing is how many of you like what you've got.

As I said when I first made the post, the VolksWorld logo has actually changed numerous time over the 25 years the magazine has been published. Much like many big brand logos, the changes have never been so radical that instant brand recognition is detracted and so the reason I made the post about a possibility of a change of the logo was mainly to gauge how you feel about the VolksWorld logo.

I was honestly taken back, we all were in fact, at how many people had very strong views against change and also the fact you really got the V over W element of the logo. It is a very major strength of the VolksWorld logo.

I would like to assure those who were adamant that the logo should not be changed that you have been heard. We take notice of your views after all, it's your magazine!

So now to the good news… The mock-up logos we asked you to look at are obviously not going to what you will be getting.
You can expect the new VolksWorld magazine which goes on sale on March 15th to have a very familiar logo, an evolution of the VolksWorld logo, and when you see it you can say to yourself; I was part of that.
Because… You were!

Thanks again,

Oh, and see you at Sandown!

Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: Ivan on January 25, 2013, 15:38:16 pm
I would say change the logo...  but KEEP the "point" alive... the V above W...

Just like shell has done:



Just like the VolksWorld Logo - it has changed many times but remains instantly recognisable 

Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: 2manytoys on January 25, 2013, 19:40:58 pm
I'm partial.... but that's me.  First thought was that the options or your considerations look very much like what I see on the shelves in the supermarket now. The old logo, easy to spot on the shelf, easy to read, and is an eye catcher. Good luck with whatever you decide.


Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: Ninho/DKM on January 27, 2013, 16:53:10 pm
Pleaase nooo Change!!!!! :o

Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: henk on January 29, 2013, 12:54:30 pm
nothing wrong with the current logo.
but it doesn't really matters to me how the outside looks aslong as what is inside the magazine stays good and nice to read.


Title: Re: VolksWorld Magazine New Logo Survey - Please share your opinions
Post by: ovaldriver56 on March 29, 2013, 00:12:55 am
Just saw the new cover of the april issue and have to say, that I´m really dissapointed. The new logo looks kinda strange, maybee it´s because of the different colors. It now looks like VW OLKS ORLD. I don´t understand, why something good has to be changed, but maybee that´s just me :-\