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Tyre kicking => Off Topic => Topic started by: beetletom on July 05, 2007, 17:01:52 pm

Title: where is the best place to find solid vw's?
Post by: beetletom on July 05, 2007, 17:01:52 pm
my next car wont be a uk car (unless its very good) as i've owned 5 beetles and they have had rotten channels, and generally just rough. and i'm fed up of getting every vw welded!  :D

i have 2.5-3k (most likely 3k) to spend on a car. i would like a 65 or a 66 (a black or white car with a red interior and mats would be even cooler) but not fussed on colour if its the right car. must be stock and unmessed (as i can't afford an already done car, and i want to put my mark on it!)

i'm a bit unsure about cars from the us, as i've heard a few horror stories about filler, and the paint reacting once they have been brought to the uk?  ???

maybe an european import would be better? do they rot much? as some countries don't use salt on the roads.

please email me if you want to keep it privite? sixtyfive (at)
if not, just reply to this thread, cheers.

Title: Re: where is the best place to find solid vw's?
Post by: louisb on July 05, 2007, 17:13:08 pm
Your biggest problem with US cars is the shipping from the west coast, where most of the rust free cars are located, to Europe. I would be leary of buying any car from the US east of the Mississippi river. They tend to be rust buckets.

One of the reasons I like seeing the Euro cars in project mode so much is all the rust repair you guys have to put up with. Makes me feel better about my car.  ;D


Title: Re: where is the best place to find solid vw's?
Post by: Gunter on July 06, 2007, 13:50:39 pm
my best experience is the Swedish cars
original cars not rotten because of the dry and cold climat
also untouched original interiors
I like them a lot

Title: Re: where is the best place to find solid vw's?
Post by: beetletom on July 06, 2007, 15:01:32 pm
own warlow in the uk has a few swedish cars, he has a nice bug i'm interested in  ;) he's going to get more photo's of it for me.
although insurance on a lhd car might be quite a lot... :-\

Title: Re: where is the best place to find solid vw's?
Post by: 71CALRIPPER on July 09, 2007, 08:22:30 am
with a classic car LHD isnt a really problem , its 220 pounds for my 63

Title: Re: where is the best place to find solid vw's?
Post by: beetletom on July 10, 2007, 19:37:58 pm
cool, but at 17 it will be enough money if it was rhd!!!