The Cal-look Lounge

Tyre kicking => Off Topic => Topic started by: johnl on March 27, 2013, 15:54:40 pm

Post by: johnl on March 27, 2013, 15:54:40 pm
The first time I ever heard Elvis I became a fan.  Once in 1969 my friend Rich Kugel (also a fan) and I were lucky enough to see him perform at the International Hotel in Las Vegas when it was first opened. 

One of my first dates with Christie was to the drive-in to see one of his movies.  Don't remember how much of that we actually saw but it was a memorable evening....

Back in the mid '70's Elvis was appearing at the Anaheim Convention Center and we neglected to get tickets, something we regret to this day.  We all know what happened in August of 1977 with his untimely passing.

Over the years Christie and I have visited Graceland a couple of times.  On our first visit we met his Uncle Vester at the front gate.  I have photos of that.

Today I received this video from a friend and though it was much better than average for an impersonator so I thought I'd share it with you all.  This is one of my favorite songs he ever did and I was very moved to watch this.  Hope you enjoy it...........

Post by: Rennsurfer on March 28, 2013, 02:08:26 am
Job well done and the best impersonator I've seen.

Post by: Russell on April 13, 2013, 01:20:31 am

Elvis is still the best rock star ever IMHO