The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Pure racing => Topic started by: Randy Jewell on July 11, 2007, 19:10:08 pm

Title: Advice wanted
Post by: Randy Jewell on July 11, 2007, 19:10:08 pm
I have recently fitted a 2332cc engine in my cal-looker and on its maiden voyage the lefthand rocker cover filled up with oil and then filled the breather box with oil as well,i have been told some guys fit a pipe from the rocker back into the engine.

Where would you suggest to put the return into the engine

Thanks Andy

Title: Re: Advice wanted
Post by: BeetleBug on July 11, 2007, 19:18:34 pm
I have recently fitted a 2332cc engine in my cal-looker and on its maiden voyage the lefthand rocker cover filled up with oil and then filled the breather box with oil as well,i have been told some guys fit a pipe from the rocker back into the engine.

Where would you suggest to put the return into the engine

Thanks Andy

Scroll down on the first page to the date 1-18-2007 and find all the info you need;

Basically what he is saying there is that you do not need a breather hose from the left rocker cover, just a return back to the sump. You will find pictures and even a movie where he has installed a see through cover on the left side.

Thank you Muffler Mike for sharing!

Best rgs

Title: Re: Advice wanted
Post by: Randy Jewell on July 11, 2007, 21:08:50 pm
Thanks very much,i now have a plan.
