The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: danny gabbard on May 01, 2013, 23:45:12 pm

Title: Cal-look coach works. Looking for a artist.
Post by: danny gabbard on May 01, 2013, 23:45:12 pm
Been kicking some ideas around. Need somebody that can help with design and full scale concept drawings.

Title: Re: Cal-look coach works. Looking for a artist.
Post by: Jim Ratto on May 02, 2013, 00:02:44 am
I'd suggest getting ahold of Richard Mitchell. He hangs out here sometimes. Let me know Danny I can probably get you guys in touch.


Title: Re: Cal-look coach works. Looking for a artist.
Post by: hotrodsurplus on May 02, 2013, 00:27:48 am
I can get you Jeff Allison right now. He's really creative and has a super good eye. He's very reasonable. And he's SUPER creative.

I'd put Jeff Norwell with Allison--super creative but pretty reasonable.

You'll pay more but Eric Black is one of the best illustrators/designers in the industry. A keen sense of proportion and great style.

If you're willing to wait a bit I can get you Stanford. He's a lot more affordable than you'd think. And he has a long-time history with Volkswagens.

Jimmy Smith has really come up in the world. I'd check him out too.

I know a few others but they tend to be more 'street roddery.'  Let me know if I can make any introductions for you and I'll make it happen. Projects always go better when you have a visual goal.

Title: Re: Cal-look coach works. Looking for a artist.
Post by: danny gabbard on May 02, 2013, 01:14:13 am
Cool news, Would love to have Tom Taylor, Is the guy still doing anything ? He Did a really cool one for my good buddy Brett Banker of Billet bug fame. We Almost did a cal-look heb together for a wealty customer , But it never happen'd. Was a shame, cris morey found us a NOS rear lid for a heb and a early convertable shell to start with, And we where going to build the rest. If You guys could get in contact and get a meeting started or a PM with a number , Would be bitchen ! All I need is concept envelope shape started and detail's like bumpers,lights and stuff like that can come down the line later This will be my first build like this, So if anybody has any info that would be a great help.

Title: Re: Cal-look coach works. Looking for a artist.
Post by: hotrodsurplus on May 02, 2013, 01:27:56 am
Cool news, Would love to have Tom Taylor, Is the guy still doing anything ? He Did a really cool one for my good buddy Brett Banker of Billet bug fame. We Almost did a cal-look heb together for a wealty customer , But it never happen'd. Was a shame, cris morey found us a NOS rear lid for a heb and a early convertable shell to start with, And we where going to build the rest. If You guys could get in contact and get a meeting started or a PM with a number , Would be bitchen ! All I need is concept envelope shape started and detail's like bumpers,lights and stuff like that can come down the line later This will be my first build like this, So if anybody has any info that would be a great help.

I give you just about every other name in the book and you STILL want the only guy I didn't name? Jeez!  ;)

Thom is still drawing; however, he's contributing pretty extensively to Hot Rod right now so I don't know what his schedule looks like. He's not inexpensive by what I've heard.

I don't quite understand what you're getting at with  'you guys'. I can make the connection with any of these illustrators if you'd like. Or are you asking others reading this to give you additional names?

Title: Re: Cal-look coach works. Looking for a artist.
Post by: danny gabbard on May 02, 2013, 01:36:49 am
Was just try'n to get the ball rolling. I'm just a simple guy from nevada try'n to get his feet wet, building a car from scratch. So any feedback is what I'm looking for! Its not something I do everyday and cant afford to make any mistakes. Its kinda a bucket list thing and did not want to wait till I'm 80 to get going on it.

Title: Re: Cal-look coach works. Looking for a artist.
Post by: rick m on May 10, 2013, 20:45:16 pm

He has a Facebook page you can reach him through.  Go to:

I agree....he is another automotive art legend.

Rick Mortensen

Title: Re: Cal-look coach works. Looking for a artist.
Post by: danny gabbard on May 10, 2013, 21:02:01 pm
Thanks Rick, He doe's have a great eye ! He did my old boss's 32 woody concept.

Title: Re: Cal-look coach works. Looking for a artist.
Post by: jick on May 29, 2013, 19:07:43 pm
here's a 2nd recommendation for Jimmy Smith,
he does lots of great design work in the hotrod world and is also a massive VW enthusiast.....and a super nice guy.

he saw some photo's on the HAMB of my VW and emailed me a design he'd drawn ages was so similar to mine he was amazed that I hadn't been inspired by it.....

Title: Re: Cal-look coach works. Looking for a artist.
Post by: TexasTom on May 30, 2013, 02:57:53 am
Chip Foose is gonna be by the shop a couple weeks from now ... want me to get some drawrings done?

Title: Re: Cal-look coach works. Looking for a artist.
Post by: Jon on May 30, 2013, 09:31:00 am
Cal-look + coach works + concept drawings = ?

Hope I'm blown away with the results!