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Tyre kicking => Off Topic => Topic started by: spoolin70 on May 19, 2014, 07:23:12 am

Title: Shipping an engine
Post by: spoolin70 on May 19, 2014, 07:23:12 am
Good morning everybody 

I've recently put my engine (turbo/injection with lots of extras) up for sale and I've had some interest from a member in far away Norway,
hi Soa. I'm in England so obviously it's a little more complicated than getting it in a transit and waving goodbye (and shedding a tear)

So, anyone have any experience of shipping an engine abroad ? Any recommended shippers or companies that can help ??
Or alternatively, any to avoid ?

I don't want it arriving with 'this way up' pointing at the floor !!

Cheers for any help

Title: Re: Shipping an engine
Post by: leec on May 25, 2014, 21:28:56 pm
With SCC not too far away someone may take the engine for you and get it collected there?
Bung them some money for petrol?

Title: Re: Shipping an engine
Post by: spoolin70 on May 26, 2014, 09:42:28 am
Hi Lee

That would be pretty much PERFECT !!!

I don't know why but I had it in my head that anyone going to SCC from the UK would flying there  ???

Time to post in the wanted section I think

Nice one

But if anyone does know any decent shippers, please post the details.
From sending a large parcel there seems to be a big jump up to sending large industrial plant.

I did hear a possibility that it would be more expensive to ship as Norway isn't in Europe ?


Title: Re: Shipping an engine
Post by: BeetleBug on May 26, 2014, 12:50:41 pm
There is plenty of freight vessels going from the UK to Norway. One that I have used myselves is a ro-ro service from Immingham to Brevik in Norway. It is cheap and the service is good via DFDS. You have to strap the engine to a EURO pallet and then wrap it in plastic (cellophane) before you lable it with no-oil. The local DFDS office in Immingham will gladly help you to fill out the paper work.

Best rgs

Title: Re: Shipping an engine
Post by: spoolin70 on May 27, 2014, 07:16:58 am
Thanks for the info BeetleBug.

I'd never heard of immingham until you mentioned it. Delivery direct to the shippers is another option that I didn't think about.
The quotes I have so far are all collect from my home address then deliver to another home address.

If this is cheap enough it could be a winner


Title: Re: Shipping an engine
Post by: BeetleBug on May 27, 2014, 07:24:36 am
It should be a fair bit cheaper compared to a door to door service for sure. I have used it for shipping boats (ribs) from Hull/Immingham to Brevik several times and as mentioned the service is excellent:

Best rgs

Title: Re: Shipping an engine
Post by: Jesse/DVK on May 27, 2014, 10:36:46 am
Just my advise I would look into making a craddle / case of the engine to shop it instead of a euro pallet.

Title: Re: Shipping an engine
Post by: Trond Dahl on May 27, 2014, 13:02:58 pm
The moooooooost important thing is to get it sorted so the engine can come to Norway :-)
Nobody that is going to any events in Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Norway this summer that can bring it?

Title: Re: Shipping an engine
Post by: spoolin70 on May 27, 2014, 14:03:06 pm
I understand what your saying Jesse. I'd prefer a crate as there is lots of other parts that need to be sent too but I presume most shippers recognise a euro pallet as it's a universal size. Either way, it will be VERY well packed/strapped/supported. Send something how you'd like to receive it is a good rule to work by I reckon.

Trond - making it to Norway in one piece is the most important thing, does Norway need another turbo car though ?  ;D

Title: Re: Shipping an engine
Post by: BeetleBug on May 27, 2014, 14:38:18 pm
Does Norway need another turbo car though ?  ;D

Yes! We need to balance out all the IDA`s.

Title: Re: Shipping an engine
Post by: Mags on May 27, 2014, 15:35:15 pm
if you can get it to Wanroy meet in holland june
so can help you to Norway.


Title: Re: Shipping an engine
Post by: Jesse/DVK on May 28, 2014, 09:48:16 am
Use a euro pallet as a basis for your crate. In that way it is easier to handle and they can't put it upside down. Don't know what the value is but a cargo insurance won't cost very much and is recommendable. Also make pictures while packing and document everything you put in the crate.

I'm a surveyor in transport damages :).

Title: Re: Shipping an engine
Post by: spoolin70 on May 28, 2014, 13:42:51 pm
Mags - is this the meeting you are talking about : ?
A big thankyou for the offer but I don't think I can make it that soon. I'm really busy at work and simply don't have the time to get the engine and all parts out and packed and make arrangements to get there.
Again thankyou but I just can't make it happen.

Jesse - thanks for the sound advice. I didn't think about making a list of the contents or taking pictures. It WILL be done now.

Thanks everybody

Title: Re: Shipping an engine
Post by: Mags on May 28, 2014, 21:19:23 pm
Yes Darren
i will also go to Bug Jam July
and pick up some Panel to Bernie ;)


Title: Re: Shipping an engine
Post by: spoolin70 on May 30, 2014, 06:08:47 am
PM sent to you Mags

Hope you can help  :)