Title: Late bay window project. Post by: j-f on May 25, 2014, 18:13:51 pm After a lot's of up and down, my bay window is moving forward. I've been working on it for 4 years, it's my first full restoration project. I moved it to my in law's body shop, much more comfortable than my barn! The guy's are very helpful and always point me in the right direction when I ask them a question. So much better than having to do a job several times to get it done correctly! They give me a huge motivation boost and more confidence in the work I do as they where very positive about what I already did.
The rear and middle panels where already welded but heavily dented. They advice me to change them for a better result. And as parts are readily available, I bite on it and grab the hacksaw, hammer, chisel and spot weld cutter ;) (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-E1oBKBTtR1Y/U4IjgMO3KII/AAAAAAAACNY/snRwtaeEfJw/w800-h600-no/bay+panneau+lat%25C3%25A9ral+5+1.jpg) (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/ewKfociNJtdEg4aPbNuLMsTAw9gkS3m8w0WBdDewXV4=w800-h600-no) Title: Re: Late bay window project. Post by: modnrod on May 26, 2014, 20:09:13 pm Shiny!