The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: jick on December 02, 2014, 18:21:50 pm

Title: Rambling thoughts after an interesting day hunting potential project cars...
Post by: jick on December 02, 2014, 18:21:50 pm
So.....a couple of years ago a guy I had recently met told me there was a farm not far away where they had a couple of beetles in their yard,   we went for a nose, you could just see from the roadside a couple of what looked like 68-/ early 70's beetles and another covered with a tarp....apparently they'd been there for quite a few years, but from 50 yards or so away they looked complete and not total wrecks....

 I've kept it in the back of my mind, but recent discussions on the forum about how the scene is currently  has got me thinking....(thanks Russell  ::) haha)

I've spent a hell of a lot of time and money on my long term project to end up with a car that while not unusable, will be severely compromised, I've known this for a long time and it doesn't really bother me, in fact it kind of amuses me.....  but increasingly the appeal is growing for a relatively low-buck thrash around kind of cal-looker that I don't need to be precious about.....maybe the kind of car I wanted 20 years ago, lowered, dechromed, bright colour, colour coded upright headlights, 1776 or 1835cc as everyone had back expensive collectable stuff...etc etc...

maybe it was worth another look at that farmyard?

when I arrived there this morning the VW's were gone, but there were at least 10 other various late 70's / 80's cars sitting around in various states of dereliction, as well as a few very old and very rusty 40's 50's trucks.
a little old lady of about 70 answered the door rather nervously, so I explained right away that I was interested in buying any old VW's if they were still around, ... its possible they're for sale, one belonged to some-one long since dead, the others to her husband who is slightly overwhelmed by projects.....they've been moved out of sight into a barn.....who knows what else might be in there?
anyway, the old lady Janet and I had a nice long chat and she took my number and promised to get her husband to call me...

At this point she became very obviously quite uncomfortable, and launched into a rather long and unnecessary explanation that  she wasn't a Lesbian, or indeed a pervert, and neither was her husband, who, when he telephones me I must address as Joan, because long ago he chose to live as a woman, because he has always felt he was born in the wrong body.

I reassured her that having spent 20 years living in London, these types of scenarios are nothing unusual for people of my generation,  and indeed I have friends of all manner of persuasions! it seemed to put her at ease.

I'm certainly awaiting "Joans" telephone call with a combination of amusement/interest/ and trepidation.....

so....anyone else with any unusual car/parts hunting experiences?   hahaha!

Title: Re: Rambling thoughts after an interesting day hunting potential project cars...
Post by: Zach Gomulka on December 02, 2014, 20:04:34 pm
I've only been hunting VW's for a little over a year (your bus was one of them), but I could write a book about our adventures. Every single person we do business with has been more weird, in a different way, than the last. No one who has 10-20 or more cars is of a sound state of mind!

Title: Re: Rambling thoughts after an interesting day hunting potential project cars...
Post by: Lee.C on December 02, 2014, 20:14:44 pm
I've only been hunting VW's for a little over a year (your bus was one of them), but I could write a book about our adventures. Every single person we do business with has been more weird, in a different way, than the last. No one who has 10-20 or more cars is of a sound state of mind!

Yeah I have met a few "Interesting" people over the last couple of years........

Title: Re: Rambling thoughts after an interesting day hunting potential project cars...
Post by: RobtheManx on December 02, 2014, 21:09:39 pm
Not hunting cars , but selling buggies .

One of my earliest customers was a scruffy strange smelling cockney lad  . 12 years and 3 workshop moves , and he still turns up from time to time to bother me !


Title: Re: Rambling thoughts after an interesting day hunting potential project cars...
Post by: RobtheManx on December 02, 2014, 21:29:07 pm
A friend and I heard of a guy who had an old Bay Westy he wanted rid of .

The guy lived in a big 200 year old barn behind his house ( his ex-wife still lived in the house ) . One room was his library , books everywhere , books covering the floor . On the side of the barn was an old Bedford CF which was his rat infested kitchen , we turned down the offer of a cuppa !  In the main barn was an old 70's speed boat and all kinds of other stuff . The end wall of the barn seemed to be wood panelled , but really large panels . I asked the guy about it , he said " ah you haven't seen the wardrobe room have you "  The panels were backs of wardrobes , he opened a panel , we walked in and out the front of the wardrobe into a hidden room . The room was completely lined with wardrobes , all four walls , stacked 2 high . All of them were filled with theatre clothes of all kinds , dresses , suits , I even saw a Nazi uniform !

Turns out the guy was a stage actor and had run a number of theatres in the past . Lovely chap , and very interesting .

He had some great stuff , such as his collection of restored vintage wheel barrows , and the gate guardian was a plastic Michelin Man toy , who's head had been replaced with a sheep's skull !

While we were loading the van on the trailer , the guy had a wee/piss against the hedge , and managed to get piss on his trousers . I went over to say thanks , he wiped the piss off with his hands , then put his hand out to shake mine . He was such a nice guy I just shook his hand and we left . Half hour drive home without washing my hands !

Yuk !

Title: Re: Rambling thoughts after an interesting day hunting potential project cars...
Post by: Lee.C on December 02, 2014, 21:44:58 pm
Not hunting cars , but selling buggies .

One of my earliest customers was a scruffy strange smelling cockney lad  . 12 years and 3 workshop moves , and he still turns up from time to time to bother me !


Yeah yeah...... I only turn up cos you got a HOT wife ;) :)  :-*

Title: Re: Rambling thoughts after an interesting day hunting potential project cars...
Post by: RobtheManx on December 02, 2014, 21:58:48 pm
Not quite sure how to respond to that ...... makes me feel a little sick .

Title: Re: Rambling thoughts after an interesting day hunting potential project cars...
Post by: jick on December 02, 2014, 22:04:52 pm
Hehehe..... No need to thank me fella's for the intelligent conversation!

Title: Re: Rambling thoughts after an interesting day hunting potential project cars...
Post by: Lee.C on December 02, 2014, 22:07:44 pm
Not quite sure how to respond to that ...... makes me feel a little sick .

Oh sorry are you feeling left out.....

You are Pretty hot too Rob  ;) ;D :-*

Title: Re: Rambling thoughts after an interesting day hunting potential project cars...
Post by: RobtheManx on December 02, 2014, 22:08:53 pm
Just been sick .

sorry James , back on topic

Title: Re: Rambling thoughts after an interesting day hunting potential project cars...
Post by: Lee.C on December 02, 2014, 22:19:17 pm
;)  :-*

The Old Lady who owned the Farm in norway where I got all these parts from was wonderfully strange......

She'd come out and sit outside the shed I was going through with a tray of sandwiches & coffee and tell me the story of each cars her husband dismantled.....

She thought I was CRAZY for wanting all this "Rusty Gold"  ;) :)

Title: Re: Rambling thoughts after an interesting day hunting potential project cars...
Post by: jick on December 02, 2014, 22:40:18 pm
Hehehe.....we're doing a good job of reviving this forum aren't we!

Title: Re: Rambling thoughts after an interesting day hunting potential project cars...
Post by: jick on December 02, 2014, 22:41:50 pm
;)  :-*

The Old Lady who owned the Farm in norway where I got all these parts from was wonderfully strange......

She'd come out and shit outside the shed I was going through with a tray of sandwiches & coffee and tell me the story of each cars her husband dismantled.....

She thought I was CRAZY for wanting all this "Rusty Gold"  ;) :)

Title: Re: Rambling thoughts after an interesting day hunting potential project cars...
Post by: Lee.C on December 02, 2014, 22:51:27 pm
Yep we sure are......

We are the "Originals" so I guess it is up to us  ;) :)

Title: Re: Rambling thoughts after an interesting day hunting potential project cars...
Post by: jick on December 02, 2014, 23:06:44 pm
I think you need to read my quote of your post more carefully  !
Haha..... You're right though...more fun/idiocy/irreverence can't hurt !