Title: OG EMPI BUMPER GUARDS (1 pair) - $30.00 shipped Post by: restojohnny on March 21, 2016, 23:51:26 pm This is a pair of original EMPI bumper guards. I ROBBED them of the rubber years ago. Both have some pitting perfect for that ratty OG empi ride. If you got the extra rubber guards these would be perfect to complete them.
I am asking only $30.00 shipped within the U.S. Overseas please add another $35.00 for usps air shipping. [attachment=2][attachment=3][attachment=4] Title: Re: OG EMPI BUMPER GUARDS (1 pair) - $30.00 shipped Post by: restojohnny on April 04, 2016, 17:15:00 pm ;)