Title: Kadron Linkage Post by: louisb on October 05, 2007, 14:43:04 pm What linkage works well with Kadrons? I know Berg makes a good one. What else is out there? Anyone use the Scat Linkage?
Thanks, --louis Title: Re: Kadron Linkage Post by: Gunter on October 05, 2007, 14:48:12 pm Hi Louis
the CSP one is top sent me a mail to gh@csp-shop.de and I will mail you pictures and detail regards Gunter Title: Re: Kadron Linkage Post by: louisb on October 05, 2007, 14:50:29 pm Okay, I sent you an email.
Thanks, --louis Title: Re: Kadron Linkage Post by: javabug on October 05, 2007, 15:06:46 pm I have the Scat. No complaints.
Title: Re: Kadron Linkage Post by: louisb on October 05, 2007, 15:12:22 pm Hi Louis the CSP one is top sent me a mail to gh@csp-shop.de and I will mail you pictures and detail regards Gunter Now thats what I call customer service. Just got off the phone with Gunter who called long distance to talk to me about the linkage. Looks like I will be going with a CSP one. --louis Title: Re: Kadron Linkage Post by: nicolas on October 05, 2007, 18:45:30 pm good choice, i have one for my drla's and that looks really good. hope to get the engine together soon so i can test that thing fully ;)
Title: Re: Kadron Linkage Post by: j-f on October 05, 2007, 21:18:50 pm I've one and I will tell you how it works soon.
I've receive new heads this week. Engine will be assembled maybe for next week. Title: Re: Kadron Linkage Post by: Zach Gomulka on October 09, 2007, 01:47:00 am Never had a problem with the stock linkage...
Title: Re: Kadron Linkage Post by: Neil Davies on October 09, 2007, 10:43:35 am Never had a problem with the stock linkage... A mate of mine had no end of trouble with his - kept popping the ball joints off the ends. I've never used Kadrons, but I've used the CB linkage with my DRLAs and my IDAs. Title: Re: Kadron Linkage Post by: Black Sheep on October 10, 2007, 20:32:10 pm found this little gem
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=011&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=320166077515&rd=1 Title: Re: Kadron Linkage Post by: louisb on October 10, 2007, 20:41:01 pm Humm, maybe I should run the price up on Mr. Bates. ;D
That looks like an older linkage but still in good shape. I thought about poping for a new Berg linkage but decided against it. As soon as CIP gets the CSP one in stock I will be ordering it from them. --louis Title: Re: Kadron Linkage Post by: CHR!S/DVK on February 09, 2009, 11:41:36 am i am also doubting what linkage to use with my kadron.
i like the gene berg one, but i also found this one on thesamba: http://www.thesamba.com/vw/classifieds/detail.php?id=400615&sid=776eabf3487d33b95724fdc8f73938f2 (http://www.thesamba.com/vw/classifieds/detail.php?id=400615&sid=776eabf3487d33b95724fdc8f73938f2) is this an original linkage? does anyone know if it's a good one? Title: Re: Kadron Linkage Post by: Sarge on February 09, 2009, 13:41:06 pm Never had a problem with the stock linkage... BINGO!! Me either. Title: Re: Kadron Linkage Post by: Diederick/DVK on February 09, 2009, 14:23:38 pm yup that's the original old school one, bro.
Title: Re: Kadron Linkage Post by: Rennsurfer on February 09, 2009, 15:06:44 pm Long as you use the end clips, you should have zero problems with the stock linkage. I used that for years and loved it. Always wanted the Berg one but the stock one worked so well, I opted out.
Title: Re: Kadron Linkage Post by: 181 on February 09, 2009, 16:34:09 pm I used Scat linkage on my 1600 DP and now on my 1500 SP Kadron engine. Very easy to set - up, only added a return spring from a stock Solex.
I´m going to use CSP centrepull linkage on my 2276 as it feels even better (central piece on bearings, all steel). Title: Re: Kadron Linkage Post by: volksnut on February 10, 2009, 02:18:11 am years ago I used the stock linkage without problems. In fact Berg used to sell replacement ends made of plastic, and believe they had a pin/clip that would slide through the ball area to keep them on. Those worked great...but the Empii version...hum how do I say it, never mind I'll be nice...The Scat linkage works great too.