The Cal-look Lounge

The Cal-look classifieds => Wanted => Topic started by: Trond Dahl on August 16, 2006, 14:37:06 pm

Title: Heater channels for T1 1952
Post by: Trond Dahl on August 16, 2006, 14:37:06 pm
Okey, since I'm not very satisfied with what I have found out yet I guess checking with the experts is not a bad Idea :-)
Basically my splitt needs new heater channels and even though it's probably never gonna be the most original looking split bug, I still want to use the best I can buy within reasonable limits...

So to the question, which heater channels are good enough lookswise for my bug... and where do I get them?
SOMEONE have to make good looking repros? If not I have a pretty good business deal lined up.. hehe:-)

Any suggestions, recomendations or even someone that have O.G heater channels on their bookshelf?