The Cal-look Lounge

Tyre kicking => Off Topic => Topic started by: Jim Ratto on November 14, 2007, 17:44:31 pm

Title: how cool are pets?
Post by: Jim Ratto on November 14, 2007, 17:44:31 pm
We've got 3 cats at home. What a circus. Two mild mannered male cats and one very bossy and asserive female. She's the youngest by 9 years or so, but she's the lord of the manor. She thinks of ME as her servant. Watching these three clowns at work in the morning doing laps in our house is too much.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Fastbrit on November 14, 2007, 19:26:33 pm
Excerpts from a Dog's Daily Diary:

8:00 am Dog food! My favourite thing!

9:30 am A car ride! My favourite thing!

9:40 am A walk in the park! My favourite thing!

10:30 am Got rubbed and petted! My favourite thing!

12:00 pm Lunch! My favourite thing!

1:00 pm Played in the yard! My favourite thing!

3:00 pm Wagged my tail! My favourite thing!

5:00 pm Milk bones! My favourite thing!

7:00 pm Got to play ball! My favourite thing!

8:00 pm Wow! Watched TV with my master! My favourite thing!

11:00 pm Sleeping on the bed! My favourite thing!

Excerpts from a Cat's Daily Diary:

Day 683 of my captivity: My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets.

Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength. The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape.

In an attempt to piss them off, I once again vomit on the floor.

Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a "good little hunter" I am. The audacity!

There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of "allergies." I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage.

Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow -- but at the top of the stairs.

I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded!

The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicating with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. The captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe....... for now....

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: louisb on November 14, 2007, 19:30:28 pm
Dogs are always happy to see you no matter how bad of a day you had.

Cats will eat your eyeballs after you die in your sleep.


Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Jim Ratto on November 14, 2007, 19:35:32 pm
Dogs are always happy to see you no matter how bad of a day you had.

Cats will eat your eyeballs after you die in your sleep.


yeah dogs are cool, bu i have to disagree about the cat bit...
our cat, Dexter...11yr old, greets me every night, and hangs out with me no matter the situation. There's been days I've come home pissed beyond belief (I love my job  >:() and struggling with a pulsing migraine, and that little guy just sidles up to me and purrs and purrs....well like a VW actually. In a while, I feel so much better.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: louisb on November 14, 2007, 19:40:31 pm
Dogs are always happy to see you no matter how bad of a day you had.

Cats will eat your eyeballs after you die in your sleep.


yeah dogs are cool, bu i have to disagree about the cat bit...
our cat, Dexter...11yr old, greets me every night, and hangs out with me no matter the situation. There's been days I've come home pissed beyond belief (I love my job  >:() and struggling with a pulsing migraine, and that little guy just sidles up to me and purrs and purrs....well like a VW actually. In a while, I feel so much better.

He is just staying close in case you die so he can beat the other cats to your eyeballs.  :P 

Actually, my old cat used to like to take naps on my chest while I snoozed on the couch. Talk about waking up hot and thirsty. I think cats have a natural body temp of around 106. I miss that cat.

Now my little dog (15 lbs) likes to sleep draped across my stomach when I lay on the couch.


Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: lowfastbus on November 14, 2007, 20:07:26 pm
Excerpts from a Cat's Daily Diary:

Day 683 of my captivity: My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets.

Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength. The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape.

In an attempt to piss them off, I once again vomit on the floor.

Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a "good little hunter" I am. The audacity!

There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of "allergies." I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage.

Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow -- but at the top of the stairs.

I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded!

The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicating with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. The captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe....... for now....

too funny ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Jon on November 14, 2007, 20:40:39 pm
Cats are like Cal-lookers... some people don´t get them... and those who dont get them seem to hate them, for all the wrong reasons...

I have no reason to slander dogs.... just as I would not talk dirt over a seventies four door detroit iron... I guess some people just like them!

"- It’s a Cal Look thing – you wouldn’t understand”

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Jim Ratto on November 14, 2007, 20:57:42 pm
Cats are like Cal-lookers... some people don´t get them... and those who dont get them seem to hate them, for all the wrong reasons...

I have no reason to slander dogs.... just as I would not talk dirt over a seventies four door detroit iron... I guess some people just like them!

"- It’s a Cal Look thing – you wouldn’t understand”

 ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: nicolas on November 14, 2007, 21:22:29 pm
keith this is so funny. i almost wet myself.

but i can relate to jim as well. we have 4 straycats and they really can make your day when you come home from work. the figured out long ago you don't need to work to be happy, actually you dont need to do anything to be happy. they are so cool.

and yes they will eat your eyeballs.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Carlos De Alba on November 14, 2007, 23:00:05 pm
No cats here.  I have 2 dogs they are just the best.  I have a German Shepard and a Maltese.    :)

No matter what they are always happy to see you!!!

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Rune on November 14, 2007, 23:33:36 pm
That was really good Keith  ;D

I like cats though..

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Fastbrit on November 14, 2007, 23:49:22 pm
That was really good Keith  ;D

I like cats though..
Me too – I've always liked pussies.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Russell on November 15, 2007, 00:26:24 am
keith --- it must be nice to have time on your hands.

Oh and pussys are for young blokes, tabbys are for older gents !

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: John Rayburn on November 15, 2007, 05:59:35 am
My 4 birds are like my featherd children. And they all know the sound of my bug coming up the street.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: stealth67vw on November 15, 2007, 16:19:48 pm
I have an awesome dog except the fucker likes to drink my beer when I'm not looking. He's a Bluetick coon hound mix.

My girlfriend has seven (yes 7) all male cats. 4 are outside and the other 3 are inside. The outsiders are more or less neighborhood cats, they just eat here. Of the other 3 insiders, one is a retarded overweight beast (24lbs) who is addicted to Dorito's. The second one has Herpes (yes Herpes) in his eye and sinuses and likes nobody. He was born with permanent PMS. He's a huge pain in the ass but my girlfriend likes him for some reason not understood by anyone. The third is a pompous typical tom cat. He doesn't like it when I sleep. He has to be the center of attention all the time. Sometimes I'd like to take him for a helicopter ride (some you might get that) ;) These 3 cats sleep 22 1/2 hours a day. The rest of the time they are fighting or antagonizing my dog.

The 4 outside cats are cool cats. They hunt birds and squirrels, they fight off my dog and raccoons are delighted to see me pull in the driveway.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: sheep on November 15, 2007, 16:50:50 pm
Hey Jim remember my ferret, now that was a good pet.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Jim Ratto on November 15, 2007, 17:14:36 pm
that was a good pet except when it snaked up your pant leg and bit down on your sack.

The white rat you got me was a really cool pet. Remember him? His name was Lobotomy.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: roland on November 15, 2007, 22:40:06 pm
Got 2 cats here, and i get this quite often:

And one of them can't mew, she's just screaming. "fooooooooooooood"; "waaake uuuuuuuup", etc...

But maybe written on a forum it's not that funny...  :D

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: kev d on November 15, 2007, 23:22:50 pm
Dogs are cool, I agree with Keith about cats though....
Heres my pup - bella the basset..

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Jon on November 15, 2007, 23:24:05 pm
HAHAHA thats funny Roland!

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Jordy/DVK on November 15, 2007, 23:26:21 pm
 Talking about cute cats, I have to dissect one in a few weeks. (and a little shark and chicken)
 I'm looking forward to it...   :-\
 About the cats/dogs issue... I prefer dogs above cats, but unfortunately I'm allergic to dogs and almost all other furry animals, except.......... CATS...

 Dogs are much more of a 'friend' than cats... (

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: nicolas on November 16, 2007, 11:25:10 am
Got 2 cats here, and i get this quite often:

And one of them can't mew, she's just screaming. "fooooooooooooood"; "waaake uuuuuuuup", etc...

But maybe written on a forum it's not that funny...  :D

too funny!

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: speedwell on November 16, 2007, 11:59:24 am
 ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: stealth67vw on November 16, 2007, 15:47:01 pm
Got 2 cats here, and i get this quite often:

And one of them can't mew, she's just screaming. "fooooooooooooood"; "waaake uuuuuuuup", etc...

But maybe written on a forum it's not that funny...  :D

Dude that is my cat. ;D I recently started having my dog sleep in the bed with me so the cat will leave me alone.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Harry/FDK on November 16, 2007, 18:09:39 pm
COOL Roland, could be Sam, my cat. And Keith from a cat's point of vieuw youre absolutely right. (Fell over laughing) ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: roland on November 16, 2007, 18:50:14 pm
Got 2 cats here, and i get this quite often:

And one of them can't mew, she's just screaming. "fooooooooooooood"; "waaake uuuuuuuup", etc...

But maybe written on a forum it's not that funny...  :D

Dude that is my cat. ;D I recently started having my dog sleep in the bed with me so the cat will leave me alone.

My solution was to put my baseball bat in the basement...

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Thomas 356 on November 16, 2007, 22:42:00 pm
Dog´s are cool

here is my dog

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Harry/FDK on March 14, 2008, 17:56:40 pm
If i ever get my hands on the MF who kicked her so hard, that her stomach was snapped between her ribs and breastbone, i will make sure that he has a more painfull life then her last hours. I shit you not buddy.  Sorry Loungers.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Rick Meredith on March 14, 2008, 18:00:28 pm
That sux Hurry. Animal cruelty is never warranted! I'm sorry to hear about this. :'( :'(

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Harry/FDK on March 14, 2008, 18:05:26 pm
Thanks Rick. Their Animals, can't even talk back. Animal Cruelty of every form should be punished even harder. If we do it to each other fine, but let them alone.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Rick Meredith on March 14, 2008, 18:05:55 pm
The difference between cats and dogs;

DOGS: These people feed me and pet me and take care of my every need... THEY MUST BE GODS!!

CATS: These people feed me and pet me and take care of my every need... I MUST BE A GOD!!

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Harry/FDK on March 14, 2008, 18:08:24 pm
The difference between cats and dogs;

DOGS: These people feed me and pet me and take care of my every need... THEY MUST BE GODS!!

CATS: These people feed me and pet me and take care of my every need... I MUST BE A GOD!!

 ;D ;D ;D ;D Thanks Rick, i just needed that.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Rune on March 14, 2008, 18:15:32 pm
The difference between cats and dogs;

DOGS: These people feed me and pet me and take care of my every need... THEY MUST BE GODS!!

CATS: These people feed me and pet me and take care of my every need... I MUST BE A GOD!!

HAHA, Right on!!

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Rick Meredith on March 14, 2008, 18:22:28 pm

 ;D ;D ;D ;D Thanks Rick, i just needed that.

I'm glad... I thought twice about posting it. I'm glad I did.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Harry/FDK on March 14, 2008, 18:23:20 pm
Good Man.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: ApeLatex on March 14, 2008, 20:15:31 pm
My fiance has a cat named in "the driving cat".
Tounces weighs damn near 30 pounds.
Motherfucking Marlon Brando the cat. He's lazy as shit and he has opposable thumbs on all four paws.
He can really scratch.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Tony M on March 14, 2008, 20:50:49 pm
Cat's - pushy, bossy, loud, and rude - Dogs, allways happy, loves you, one of my best friends - my wife is my best friend - have a Scotty and 2 cats. Some great coments -  ;)

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Tony M on March 14, 2008, 21:09:08 pm
Hey Rick - How true that is - another good post - Not that hate cats - just too independent for my taste

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Tony M on March 14, 2008, 21:26:12 pm
I may not like cats - but that does call for some serious ass kicking - but never would i do that  :(

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: ApeLatex on March 14, 2008, 21:44:45 pm
You're all just jealous of my fat cat...John Goodman the cat.
He lies on his back and gets really cranky if you do anything to upset him. He bites you if you pet or brush him.
If he sleeps on my bed I sometimes have to move to the couch cause he's too big.
I bought him a little cat house and he spills out of it....

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Rick Meredith on March 14, 2008, 21:51:12 pm

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Shubee2 (DSK) on March 14, 2008, 22:24:35 pm
We Have Two Dogs Bosco a 50 Lb Begal LOL and Daisy our 20lb Basset Hound here is a Picture you can see who has taken over our Bed ;D ;D

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Jim M on March 14, 2008, 23:42:06 pm

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: thirdrock on March 15, 2008, 00:41:39 am
If i ever get my hands on the MF who kicked her so hard, that her stomach was snapped between her ribs and breastbone, i will make sure that he has a more painfull life then her last hours. I shit you not buddy.  Sorry Loungers.

I would crush the skull of whoever did that to your pet. don't worry, karma will make their life a living hell. Wow, very sorry to hear that happened to you cat. Unbelievable.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: mg on March 15, 2008, 01:05:29 am

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Diederick/DVK on March 15, 2008, 01:06:33 am
our, then 3 months old, "teckels" almost 5 years ago

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: JustinCase on March 15, 2008, 01:54:50 am
When i was young and living with my parents i never had a pet and didn´t even thought about having one. Until i met my wife, who already had one cat (Feeliks) when we first met. Since then i´m totally sold what comes to cats.  :D Dogs are cool too, my wife´s best friend has a dogo argentino. Here´s a few pics from our cats Feeliks & Yoda
Yoda & Feeliks

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: danny gabbard on March 15, 2008, 03:03:20 am
kill all the abuser's, and let god sort them out. you know dog's love ya more than your spouse! If you dont beleve me put both of them in your trunk of your car for a hour, then let them out, and see who glad to see you.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: ApeLatex on March 15, 2008, 03:54:34 am
Cute pictures. I'll have to search around for some pictures of my little buddies.
I had a cat from the time I was 6 until I was 19. That cat was the fucking foundation that held my family together.
I was totally ruined when I had to put him down in 04. I really hope I never have to suffer a loss like that again.
...I suppose people cope in weird ways...I made a little website for my family as a tribute to my cat "Vincent".
His little brother Theo is still alive and well....and 18 years old. Still acts like a kitten.

I had 2 pitbull rescues for a few years but was not able to take them to where I am living now so I left them in the care of a close friend who has a lot of space (farm) for them to run around on.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: team97 on March 15, 2008, 04:23:07 am
kill all the abuser's, and let god sort them out. you know dog's love ya more than your spouse! If you dont beleve me put both of them in your trunk of your car for a hour, then let them out, and see who glad to see you.

Well that explains that!

Guenea pigs-1
Wife-1 too many
Spare time-0

Gotta go

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Rennsurfer on March 15, 2008, 04:40:05 am
The difference between cats and dogs;

DOGS: These people feed me and pet me and take care of my every need... THEY MUST BE GODS!!

CATS: These people feed me and pet me and take care of my every need... I MUST BE A GOD!!

HAHAHA!!! Too funny, Rick. While I don't like cats once they grow outta the kitten stage, it's just wrong to abuse an animal. For that matter, ANY living thing. We all reap what we sow... that person will get their's.

My beloved Australian Cattledog recently passed away, several months back. She was 11. I had one like her, before, for 8 years. They're very smart and loving dogs. Plus, they were both great around my sons.

My Mom taught me how to raise fish at age 9. So, I still have the aquarium that McNew gave me. HAHA!! After many years of exotic tropical freshwater lake fish, I decided to change it up. Last September, my friend and I caught 4 Tilapia from my local beach. Amazingly, they can live in any type or condition of water. They adapted fine to my freshwater right outta the tap. They're getting pretty big. After Spring begins, soon, I'm gonna have to release two of 'em back into Mother Ocean. They're awesome, hearty, and free! 'Bout time... Lord knows I've spent hundreds of dollars on Discus, Cichlids, etc. over the past decades. Oh yeah, they pretty much eat anything ya throw in there. Kinda like me... eat ALL food!

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Tony M on March 15, 2008, 05:27:45 am
Some of the funniest shit both my wife and me have read  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Rick Meredith on March 15, 2008, 08:34:51 am
Had a saltwater tank. That was pretty cool. We had fun naming all the fish. We had a chocolate chip starfish called Amos, a Flame Angel named Hot Rod but the best were the shrimp... Louie and Cocktail.

One of my daughters has a tame flying squirrel. It's kind of neat to play with now and again. We also have 3 cats that are the bane of my existance... one of them I've nicknamed "Satan with Fur" 2 of them will go when our oldest moves out next month.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Harry/FDK on March 15, 2008, 12:02:28 pm
Satan With Fur. ;D

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: javabug on March 15, 2008, 14:46:22 pm

Last September, my friend and I caught 4 Tilapia...I'm gonna have to release two of 'em back into Mother Ocean.

Don't release!  I'll bring over some batter...    :)

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Rennsurfer on March 15, 2008, 18:08:38 pm
Don't release!  I'll bring over some batter...    :)

HAHAHAHAHA! Oh, wait... I should tone this volume down. The ishfay are in the next room, they could h-e-a-r me. Believe it or not, I've never tried Tilapia. I hear that they're really good. I guess my girlfriend and I will have to try some. Weird concept, but I love eating fish. I just won't visualize 'em as my pets.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Harry/FDK on March 15, 2008, 18:57:01 pm
If i ever get my hands on the MF who kicked her so hard, that her stomach was snapped between her ribs and breastbone, i will make sure that he has a more painfull life then her last hours. I shit you not buddy.  Sorry Loungers.

I will be right with you....we have a cat...Patches   she was shot when she was just a few weeks old
Now she is 11 and very happy and safe.

your Bess looks like our Hemi...actually she was Jim's Hemi  about 13 years ago who left with me to kitten sit
and Hemi and I just fell in love.

Thanks Mom. ;)

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: lowfastbus on March 15, 2008, 19:52:19 pm
Here's our Danish Dogue, named Zenith, a few days before she passed away.
Best friend we ever had!

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: ApeLatex on March 15, 2008, 20:15:07 pm
cute pet pictures. My cats all kind of look like this...

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: mg on March 15, 2008, 20:25:43 pm
The deal I had with my wife was, we should have as many cats as cars...

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Harry/FDK on March 15, 2008, 20:31:42 pm
The deal I had with my wife was, we should have as many cats as cars...

Wooow. Show pics of the cars as well ;D

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Harry/FDK on March 15, 2008, 21:12:40 pm
If i ever get my hands on the MF who kicked her so hard, that her stomach was snapped between her ribs and breastbone, i will make sure that he has a more painfull life then her last hours. I shit you not buddy.  Sorry Loungers.

I will be right with you....we have a cat...Patches   she was shot when she was just a few weeks old
Now she is 11 and very happy and safe.

your Bess looks like our Hemi...actually she was Jim's Hemi  about 13 years ago who left with me to kitten sit
and Hemi and I just fell in love.

Thanks Mom. ;)

This is Sam, giving me dead presents all the time... Mom, did Jim left you with a bunch of kittens then?

Best Regards,

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Harry/FDK on March 15, 2008, 21:31:00 pm
Sam insists on Salmon Mousse, and US dry Food which i can buy on the Nato base where i work. But what about me?????

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Sam K on March 15, 2008, 21:32:18 pm
This is my little buddy. Her name is Dodger.

I found her last year wandering in traffic. I never saw myself as a pet person, but now I can't imagine my life without her. She's my best friend, always happy to see me. She's 8lbs of love and fur. Oh, my girlfriend and I have two cats too. :)

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Sam K on March 15, 2008, 21:41:39 pm
She is one of the special pets....those that are rescued and well taken care of.

Yup. She's more than a little spoiled and that's okay.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Harry/FDK on March 15, 2008, 22:42:59 pm
Sam, Youre Famous ! You Lounge Cat!

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: ApeLatex on March 15, 2008, 23:59:16 pm
I found some pictures of my kitties!
The orange one was Napoleon Dynamite the cat. He was really tiny and cute. Very energetic.
The grey and white cat is Harvey-named after the Jimmy Stewart movie "Harvey" where the guy has an imaginary 6ft tall rabbit friend. Harvey the cat looks like a rabbit cause of his big feet.

Napoleon had to be put to sleep last year. Less that 3 years old, both of the kitties came to me with a lot of complications stemming from Hurricane Katrina. (they were rescues, flown up here after the storm) Napoleon had some kind of internal issue that became infected and spread...Harvey still takes medicine for something we thought was just kennel cough but it's very heavy wheezing.
He doesn't have the problem anymore as long as he takes his medicine.

Here are the photos of them.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: stealth67vw on March 16, 2008, 03:58:43 am
More of my beasts of burden. Top pic is last week at a Mustang restoration shop with Blue sitting in my seat. He goes with me just about everywhere. The girlfriend is looking into buying a 64 1/2 or 65 Mustang so I had to look at one for her. 2nd pic is typical of Blue. He sleeps 23 1/2 hours a day the other half hour is eating and crapping. 3rd pic is Ellery, the 25 lb and growing tub of shit. Completely worthless but he fun to tease with Dorito's. 4th pic is Thadeus. The baby of the family. Very nosey and very assertive. He doesn't like when I sleep and he's awake. Total pain in the ass.

From my wording please don't take it I hate cats, I just prefer dogs.  ;D

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: ApeLatex on March 16, 2008, 06:00:01 am
When I had my pit bulls I was renting a house next to some people that bred Pomeranians...
I went over when I found out about their operations and warned them that I installed a very high fence for a reason and to make sure their dogs we're all accounted for...

Let's just say they lost a few over a 3 month period because their little dogs managed to use some lumber as a ramp to get into my backyard and never got out.
My dogs were very nice doggies and wouldn't hurt a human but due to the reputation of their breed they weren't really exposed to many other dogs except each other.
My female was 95lbs and walking the both of them was a 3 person operation at any given time because they were so strong and excited.
Timmy- my male dog was really lazy and just like to sleep but J.D. (aka Fatty) really liked hunting animals in the backyard.
She always had a present for me..luckily it wasn't a neighborhood kid.

I used to feel really bad because I could only walk them at night when no one else was out.
And even then they'd have the harness, leash and muzzle on. They didn't enjoy it much which is why I chose to live in a house with a lot of space for them to run around because I couldn't always take them on a walk.

Dogs are great.So are cats.
Right now there is a cute little black cat lurking outside of my house and has been coming around for about 2 weeks.
If she's still around when I get back from my vacation I'm going to take her to the vet and make her part of the family.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: stealth67vw on March 16, 2008, 06:42:37 am
I hate pit bulls  >:(

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: ApeLatex on March 16, 2008, 07:25:47 am
Aww..That hurts dude.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: stealth67vw on March 16, 2008, 07:30:00 am
If you have to keep them from other animals and even children, what is the point in owning one? My kids fall asleep on my hound. You don't see that happening with pit bull do you?

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: ApeLatex on March 16, 2008, 07:43:53 am
I got both of my doggies as rescues and they hadn't been socialized with any other animals (with the exception of a few) other than each other.
I thought I could give them a good remainder of their lives with the ample space I had at the time.
They were very loyal to me, loved my friends but I just couldn't take the chance to bring kids into the house....
I really had no reason to think they'd maul a kid but I didn't feel like taking a chance and scaring a kid in the process.
Plus at the age of 21 I really didn't know anybody with kids who'd be coming over to visit.

They are living on a farm now and have lots of room to roam and have become close with the 2 other doggies living with them so it's better off. They have acres to run around on.

I don't want to start the pit bull hate thread, please.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Harry/FDK on March 16, 2008, 17:09:38 pm
Cool pics Loungers!

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: qubek on March 18, 2008, 12:54:47 pm
I took this pics yesterday (with my phone, sorry).
I think this is weird:


Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Harry/FDK on March 18, 2008, 16:57:33 pm
So how's the exhaust port coming on ??? ;D

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: ApeLatex on March 18, 2008, 19:09:48 pm
I took this pics yesterday (with my phone, sorry).
I think this is weird:

Those pictures are the cutest thing I've seen yet. What kind of dog is that?

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: qubek on March 18, 2008, 19:22:43 pm
She's a bullmastiff

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: ApeLatex on March 18, 2008, 19:42:33 pm
Not to sound TOO girly but that dog looks pretty snuggly and cute.

Title: Re: how cool are pets?
Post by: Harry/FDK on April 01, 2008, 18:42:05 pm
More of my beasts of burden. Top pic is last week at a Mustang restoration shop with Blue sitting in my seat. He goes with me just about everywhere. The girlfriend is looking into buying a 64 1/2 or 65 Mustang so I had to look at one for her. 2nd pic is typical of Blue. He sleeps 23 1/2 hours a day the other half hour is eating and crapping. 3rd pic is Ellery, the 25 lb and growing tub of shit. Completely worthless but he fun to tease with Dorito's. 4th pic is Thadeus. The baby of the family. Very nosey and very assertive. He doesn't like when I sleep and he's awake. Total pain in the ass.

From my wording please don't take it I hate cats, I just prefer dogs.  ;D

Thadeus Rocks, I Hope he will keep you awake for many years to come. ;D