Title: Padded horn push on flat 4 wheel Post by: leec on December 07, 2020, 21:01:14 pm Hi guys,
Always liked the padded horn push on the Empi wood rim steering wheels. Has anyone successfully fitted the horn push (Datsun part I believe) to a Flat 4 GT wheel? If so, was it a simple fit? Lee Title: Re: Padded horn push on flat 4 wheel Post by: Vdubchef on February 18, 2021, 12:47:04 pm Flat4 gt wheel is much more flat than the deeper empi gt deluxe/rallye/custom wheel that the padded horn button is originally. I had a flat4 gt wheel and still have empi gt custom wheel. Have tried the pad to the flat 4 wheel and it just looks stupid and would be really hard to fit becouse of the different sizes and completely different horn mechanisms.