The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => In Da Werks => Topic started by: tpb_karl on July 31, 2024, 07:04:11 am

Title: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on July 31, 2024, 07:04:11 am
My first thread on this forum! I already have a thread for this project at the swedish forum Boxerville and on Shoptalkforums, but i feel like this really is the right place to show the project.

For this project I will conduct a small experiment by sharing my experience in a new format for me, which is video. I'll film while I work on the project and compile as a film series consisting of episodes. In the meantime, I will post what is happening in "real time" here on the forum and on Instagram. The idea is to be able to exchange information and dialogue with you during the course of the project. Then present each "phase" of the build via a longer Youtube video. I will link to all videos in this post and continuously in the thread.

(Episode 1)

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on July 31, 2024, 07:05:26 am
The Ragtop Express, is my 30th birthday present to myself. A -63 ragtop in L87 Pearl White.
The plan for this is two phases. Since the car has been sitting in a barn since the late 70s, the first stage is to get it drivable and inspected so i can get out and drive it. After riding hunched over in a tubbed splitbus, I'm looking forward to driving in a "regular" car as well.

The name "Express" comes from the wasp stickers on the car. It is the logo of a swedish newspaper called Expressen.

Stage two will consist of the car being torn apart into molecules and will be revived as something Cal-look inspired. Big engine, fitting wheels, raked stance and shiny paint.

The first step during delivery in March was to wash off all the mud from the transport.

And this is what the bug looks like! The amount of rust isnt awful Apart from the wings/fenders..

The interior is definitely salvageable. I look forward to cleaning it!

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on July 31, 2024, 07:10:03 am
I've collected a few parts for the build, I'll share on a regular basis, when stuff comes in.
Floor pans, for the driver's side floor as there are a couple of decent rust holes there. (This will be a quick fix as the entire pans will most likely be replaced later for some high quality ones..

Pre-62 tail lights. The first bastardization.. I'd like some T-bars, and I think the smaller taillights fits better than the bigger ones which would be correct for my model year.
And im sure i'll manage to piss someone off by it.   :lol:

Gotta keep a cam on the shelf! I think the FK-8 will suit my purpose.

And ONE Weber IDF 44. Made in Bologna of course. Currently on a mission of finding another one. well. At least within a few years..

A couple of expensive bits from the US, A CNC-milled POM shifter bushing and an aluminium shift coupler. Some really nice looking pieces!

Sheet metal for the spare wheel well, as mine has disintegrated:

Renovation kit for the carburettor and gasket kit for the engine.

A few little things like rubber bumper bracket seals and red tail light lenses (The cheap ones).

I scored some Gene Berg straight cut cam gears for a great price. The kit was missing the bolts, but that's easily sorted.

I WON a Shockwave distributor from David Ruiz (Volkstroke) in a giveaway. Looks very similar to CB's Magnaspark 2 distributor. Perhaps not completely unexpected..
The distributor is most welcome in the pile of parts for the ragtop. I had plans to use a 123-distributor since looks more like a 009 or 010 from a distance and is bluetooth programmable.
However with the shockwave i might lock out the advance use an MSD-box to control the ignition (rev limiter and such). Will have to do some more research on that until it's time for the engine build.

I have more parts coming in soon and winter is not far away. (sort of)
Until next time!

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: karl h on July 31, 2024, 07:33:29 am
cool project, i love 63s  ;)

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: BossHogg76 on August 01, 2024, 21:49:44 pm
Cool car Karl, look forward to reading about your project

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: karl h on August 02, 2024, 07:08:35 am

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on August 02, 2024, 10:58:27 am
Cool car Karl, look forward to reading about your project

Thank you! I look forward to be able to take my time doing things. Instead of doing so under pressure because it's July and there's a meet the same weekend  ;D


I've read through it.  ;D Very nice build! I really liked the glovebox speaker idea!

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: karl h on August 02, 2024, 16:22:57 pm

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on August 26, 2024, 16:55:32 pm
More purchases! This time it's both necessary and a some fun stuff!

Split boots for the axle tubes as the existing ones are quite crusty. These will be more or less temporary until the car gets a proper gearbox built. Then i'll use the non-split ones.

E-brake boot as the original is dry and has cracked open.

Oteva 75SC Dual valve springs (Made in Sweden), bought these from Lundgren at SCC. Suitable for the future engine build.

Empi Eliminator shifter and a VDM steering wheel  ;D

The boot has come apart right at the lever but I will try to glue it together with something suitable.

Next time I'll have to buy some necessary stuff like brake parts instead of shiny stuff.. Ciao!

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: BossHogg76 on August 26, 2024, 17:40:49 pm
Some nice purchases there, keeping the project ticking forward

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on August 26, 2024, 17:48:33 pm
Some nice purchases there, keeping the project ticking forward

Thank you! Im still not sure wether im going to use the Eliminator. If the rubber carpet over the tunnel is too good to replace i dont think i'll use it. In that case i'll order a shifter from Berg earlier than planned.

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on September 18, 2024, 20:54:36 pm
Some pictures from the finding of this car. (In lack of purchases..) I did not find this bug but i've been givet some pictures of the rescue.

It has been "indoors" since the late '70s but there was no floor. Just dirt, which i assume is why the spare wheel well is rotted aswell as parts of the pan.

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: JezWest on September 19, 2024, 07:27:21 am
Quite dirty!

Very cool that barn finds are still being found and that people are still putting in the work to bring them back to running.

Good luck!

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: BossHogg76 on September 22, 2024, 20:36:06 pm
wow that certainly is a barn find  ;D

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on October 08, 2024, 13:28:43 pm
A pile of fenders. These will require some love, welding and most of all PAINT before they end up on the car. It is almost time to get started!


Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: BossHogg76 on October 11, 2024, 20:09:03 pm
A pile of fenders. These will require some love, welding and most of all PAINT before they end up on the car. It is almost time to get started!


Looks like the winter projects are about to start  ;D

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on October 20, 2024, 16:04:41 pm
Another purchase of parts for the build. Siderunners with rubber, stainless exhaust pipes and trim, Pearl white fender beading and some related hardware and clips.

I have cleaned my space in the garage and prepared for the car to take its place.

I have measured and marked with tape where the center of the car should be so that I have room to access around it.

And now she is finally inside!

So far I've only gotten the car up on jack stands and removed the wheels and bumpers. The rear bumpers bolts were all removed using an angle grinder..

The camera has also joined me in the garage.

Found some rust that I hadn't seen before. If we start at the front and work our way backwards, This is the situation:
I already knew about the spare wheel well, it needs to be replaced..

At first glance, the wheel wells towards the pan do not look too bad.

The rockers on both sides look OK. Not completely rotten anyway.

Drivers side floor has holes..

The rear of the rockers towards the rear wheel wells have holes. As usual..

The shock mounts were crustier than expected.. (Driver side at least).

Rear bumper brackets were really bad..

The next step will be to get all the fenders off and inspect further for rust. Before I start cutting into the body, I want to fit the new fenders so I can use them as a reference later.

Thats all for now!

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on October 24, 2024, 09:53:17 am
Now that I have removed the fenders, the rust damage is a little more visible.
First, a lovely repair in the on the driver's side in the front.

The passenger side was pretty crusty too..

The rear inner wheel arch was quite bad. There will be a lot of patching here. I would have preferred to change the whole inner arch in one piece..

The rear passenger side was not as bad as the driver side. But still a lot to fix.

Time to buy more sheet metal..

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: Steve67 on October 25, 2024, 08:26:43 am
Nice project, thanks for keeping us updated...

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: BossHogg76 on October 25, 2024, 08:39:20 am
Nice progress, going to keep you busy this winter  ;D

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on October 25, 2024, 10:04:38 am
Nice project, thanks for keeping us updated...

Nice progress, going to keep you busy this winter  ;D

Thanks guys. It definitely will!  :D
The next step is clearing out most of the interior, so it wont get damaged during the rust repair.

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on October 25, 2024, 22:11:12 pm
Before I put the angle grinder to the car, I want to protect parts of it that are in reasonable condition. I have removed the front & back seats as well as some of the carpets and insulation. Mainly around the rear wheel arches as these needs replacing.


Here I'll have to do some minor repair before the new wheelarches can be put in place.

The hole in the floor..

I've also removed the fuel tank. It looks pretty good on the inside but it looks awful underneath. I'll have to do a thorough inspection for rust holes later..

I have previously neglected to cover glass when welding and grinding, which has caused me to ruin glass panes from angle grinder spray.. This time two moving boxes were repurposed to act as protection.

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: MrIcka on November 08, 2024, 17:19:01 pm
This is going to be so nice! Keep up the good work.

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on November 10, 2024, 17:09:27 pm
This is going to be so nice! Keep up the good work.

Thanks! I think so too.

Due to some renovation in my apartment i havent been to the garage since i removed the interior.

I have been shopping though. More pics are coming..

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: MrIcka on November 11, 2024, 10:05:49 am
Shopping, one of the best thing about building av car  ;D

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on November 12, 2024, 15:34:02 pm
Shopping, one of the best thing about building av car  ;D

Depends on what the purchase is  ;D
Staying in school is important. But buying wheels is importanter! These are 5" Flat4 BRM wheels. I think they'll fit the car nicely.

I've also taken delivery of some useful stuff. Some old repair panels, the most important of which is the piece behind the driver's door.

Front suspension parts such as caster shims, adjusters, hardy disc, wheel bearing kit, shock absorbers and steering damper.

Rear Chassi parts such as new torsion bushings and wheel bearing kits.

Some rubber details and turn signal glass

Details such as wires, fuel tank parts, wiper arms, blades and trim molding clips.

Push rod tubes, engine compartment seals and heater hose

I also got some cam gear bolts from a friend.

More parts are on the way!

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: MrIcka on November 12, 2024, 16:26:29 pm
Santa came early this year, you must have been a really nice boy  ;D

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on November 24, 2024, 19:58:59 pm
Finally, I've started properly with the project! I received a package with new rear inner fenders and I am not impressed with these. They could at least be somewhat symmetrical..

Ive mounted fenders and side runners as reference before i start cutting into the body.

Im not overwhelmed over the fitment between the side runners and rear fender. But it'll have to do.. for now

The fenders are from slightly different year models, none of which had holes for turn signals & taillights in the right places... So first on the agenda was to move the holes for the turn signals.
To get the holes in the right place I made a template by taping up the original fender that was on the car and marking where the holes should be.

Then drill and weld..

The fender warped quiet a bit from the welding, but that fixed with a little work with the twatting stick and a dolly.

The front right fender was i pretty bad condition. (still is...) It needed alot of small repairs and straightening..

Since the requirement for these fenders is to get the car through an inspection, I should really just mount them and be done with it. But as I want to be able to use the car this upcoming summer without being ashamed of its state, I will try to paint them in time as they are all in slightly different colours.. So regarding the old repair above, I REALLY should have put some fiberglass putty over it and call it done.. But this felt like a good challenge for me to start learning English the wheel, bead roller as well as the shrink & stretch machines in the garage.
Eventually I got a piece that seemed to fit well enough.

Unfortunately i was a little lost in the moment so i didnt take alot of pictures.. But after some more straightening of the fender and small repairs it seemed to fit decent.

As a small bonus gave the Empi eliminator a once over. I polished the chrome, washed it and lubed everything, glued the rubber back into one piece and sanded down the wooden handle and treated it with some extra matte hard wax oil.

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: BossHogg76 on November 25, 2024, 09:47:30 am
Sp,me great progress there  :)

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: Steve67 on November 28, 2024, 08:07:33 am
nice progress, I think the fitment on the rear fenders and running board is fine

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on December 01, 2024, 18:56:42 pm
Sp,me great progress there  :)

nice progress, I think the fitment on the rear fenders and running board is fine

Thanks guys!
I'll have to look around at some shows next year, on what the "norm" of fender-to-running board fitment is like ;D I haven't owned a bug for seven years. Back then i was very new to aircooled VWs. Which is why i'm not 100% sure on some details.

A couple of short visits to the garage this weekend. Had a big convex area by the horn grill on the driver's side front fender that I couldn't get rid of. Luckily I had backup fender and i don't understand why I didn't take this one from the start... This one fit perfectly and i just had to move the turn signal hole.

Then I started on the rear fenders. On the left, the gravel guard was still there, so after removing it, the to-do list grew once again..

I considered cutting out the whole piece that was rusty and making another attempt on the English wheel. But as I've said before, these are only supposed to get the car passed an inspection, so I've started patching up instead..

The fender is not finished. Work continues next weekend.

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: MrIcka on December 02, 2024, 09:38:44 am
Nice work, man

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on December 08, 2024, 17:51:04 pm
Nice work, man

Thanks!  :D

Back on it!
The white rear fender had a fairly long dent that got straightened out. I also welded and drilled new holes for my taillights.

Then it was time for the last fender. It was bent and had split apart at the hole for the bumper mount. But otherwise quite solid!

It found its way home eventually.

With the fenders ready, it's time to adress the rust on the body.

Horn mount and not a hole in sight (Or so I thought)

Tax receipt and first owner's name and residence. Gunvor in Lidköping

The spare wheel well is pretty rotted out and the same can be said about the little aluminium badge..
I tried blasting it off but it was a little far to gone. Are these available as newly manufactured?

On closer inspection at the horn, I discovered that the side was very thin... So i had to make a small repair.

The problem I had with the replacement panel from IGP was the hole where you take out the shift rod. On the original, the edges were folded in and on this one there was just a hole cut out. After some measuring, CADing and 3D printing, I had a giant dimple die. The 3D print did not survive.. But I got to the hole looking decent!

After some sanding and welding primer, the front was ready to receive the new wheel well. Grinding and paint..... Tt looks quite decent though. It's not 100% finished as i'm out of sanding belts and Roloc discs for my air tools..

And as a nice addition to the shelf, The same local club member that gave me the green fender has made a another donation. This time chrome T-bars. They should add at least a couple of hp.

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: richie on December 08, 2024, 18:35:56 pm
Some real nice work going on here 8)

cheers Richie

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: BossHogg76 on December 09, 2024, 09:29:56 am
The other half of the sunday update crew  ;D

Lovely work Karl.

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on December 09, 2024, 10:39:17 am
Some real nice work going on here 8)

cheers Richie

Thank you!  :)

The other half of the sunday update crew  ;D

Lovely work Karl.

Its a great way to reflect on the weekends accomplishments! :D Im glad im not the only one updating ;D

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on December 15, 2024, 20:03:25 pm
Sunday again, time for an update!

I’ve cleaned up the welds and thrown some primer in the spare wheel well.

Friday, I went to the garage and sorted the hole in the floor behind the drivers seat.

This repair was done "quick and dirty". I know this is not the right way to do it.. The idea is for it to pass the MOT. Later, when the car is fully disassembled and under rebuild, the body will be lifted from the pan, and both floor halves will be replaced with new ones.

Then it was time to tackle the inner wheel arches. The right side was first, and I decided to try making the sheet metal myself instead of buying an aftermarket panel.
Of course, you start with CAD (Cardboard Aided Design).

After some bead rolling, flanging, and bending over my knee, it started taking shape.

The heater channel also needed repair (of course).

The gap at the bottom of the A-pillar was welded shut, and I made my own press tool to shape the area around the nut for the fender mount. Strangely, I didn’t take any pictures of this, but I’ve filmed the whole process.

Using some 6mm metal from the scrap bin, I made a nut that resembles the original ones, which, as I understand it, were pressed into the fender edge. This one ewas welded on the back side.

Then it got welded onto the car. The fit wasn’t 100%, but I think I can adjust it later.

Next time, it’ll be the left side.
Take care!

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: leec on December 15, 2024, 21:41:07 pm
Very nice repair to the front inner wing - might have to copy that on one of my cars

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: BossHogg76 on December 16, 2024, 20:16:01 pm
Great progress, love the weekly updates

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: Steve67 on December 17, 2024, 10:16:52 am
great job on the body repairs.
I would consider drilling a drainage hole on the bottom of the A pillar.
I think blocked drainage in this area is the cause for most rust issues there

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on December 17, 2024, 17:17:51 pm
Thanks for the positive feedback! Thats a great tip Steve! I'll have to look into that!

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on December 22, 2024, 17:01:31 pm
Here we go again!
I did some 3D scanning and CAD work for a friend and got paid in oil filters and Argon mix. Thanks for that!

Then I repaired the inner fender on the driver's side. The procedure is the same as on the passenger side, so here’s a bunch of pictures for you.

Thanks Steve for the tip to make drainage holes at the bottom of the A-pillar to prevent this part of the car from rusting again. After doing some research, it turns out that cars from ’61 already have a drainage hole that channels water out over the siderunners. The opening is right at the seam where the A-pillar’s panels overlap.

I had an idea to make a new hole at the front since I plan to give the car a bit of a nose down attitude. But that hole would end up inside the front fender, which would probably let more water in than out… So I’ll stick with the original drainage.

Here’s a little overview since about half of the rust repair work is done.

Probably won’t get more done before Christmas, so until next time, I would like to wish you all, a Merry Christmas!  :D

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: BossHogg76 on December 22, 2024, 21:19:25 pm
Another great update, Merry Christmas Karl have a good one

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: Steve67 on December 23, 2024, 08:47:38 am
Great craftmanship. Retaining the original drainage hole ist the nicest option :-)

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on January 19, 2025, 19:28:21 pm
After exams, reports, and assignments at the university, I finally got a few days in the garage—four, to be exact!

It's time to tackle the tedious work on the rear ends of the rocker panels.

First up, some more parts for the build!
Metal behind the doors and the outer section of the rear inner fender.
2-inch shortened tie rods, shock absorbers, and new rear lower quarter panels with bumper brackets.

Here's the first side to address.

After cleaning up a bit, it’s easier to see where the problems lie.

Looks like some repairs will also be needed under the heater channel before inspection.
I’ve temporarily removed the jack mount, and the car will likely remain without it.

I started with the easier task: the lower rear quarter panels. It’s only held in place with welding clamps for now.

Carefully removing rusty parts from the front inner fender corner.

The heater channel is, as usual, in bad shape, so I made a small repair.
Eventually, I plan to lift the body from the chassis and replace the entire heat channel.

Further research showed double layers of metal at the end of the heater channel toward the rear wheel well.
Ideally, I’d lift the body to fix the entire cross member, but for now, I’m patching it as best I can.

First, the inner layer.

With that in place, I could fit the outer piece—and while at it, i gotta test a T-bar!

When everything looked good, I welded it in place.

Next up: the metal behind the passenger door.
This part will need lots of love before it’s ready to weld.

I started by cutting off the bottom section and replicating the original panel, including the drain hole.

All welded nuts were removed.
The lower part now uses a stud, and the upper part will follow the same approach as the front fender repairs.
It took some persuasion to match the radii reasonably with the original.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get further this weekend, as I spent some time on the reinforcement plate for the inner fender.

I experimented with heating and hammering a bowl into a piece of metal, smoothing it with an English wheel.

I tried 3D printing a press mold with alignment pins in aluminum but failed.

I then traced the bracket onto the plate and made one from 2mm steel.

All this was testing for the final parts.
I’ll likely skip the "bowl" and go over the bumper bracket to allow for torque bars in the future without excess metal in the way.

That’s the current situation! Work continues next week.

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: Steve67 on January 25, 2025, 09:45:01 am
I really like your metal work, good progress again

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on January 26, 2025, 22:39:22 pm
Thanks Steve!
This weekend I have been in the garage almost all weekend. However, not much progress on the car, as I was distracted by this:

AC/DC TIG weld with plasma cutter. I've never TIG welded before other than trying to add a couple of tacks a few years ago. However, I have done some gas welding, so I have an idea of what the puddle should look like.
Then another package showed up in the garage! A first iteration of a licence plate holder. I have 3D printed brackets to put under the spare tire tray with m5 lock nuts.

Looks like I might be on to something. What I'm waiting for is the front quick release as it's only with cable ties at the front for now.

The idea is to make a licence plate holder which can quickly and without tools be removed the at carshows or VW-meets. And you should be able to put it back without it ending up crooked and preferably not be able to come off while driving.
It is of course intended for us who will drive without bumpers or with T-bars or Nerfbars.

I have some changes to make for the next version. But it feels good so far.
I have also done a little bodywork. I finally gained courage to cut and fit the sheet metal behind the passenger door.

I have also fitted the rear replacement panels and corrected the fold in the bottom of the piece as this is only folded over once.

Since the bumper mount is shaped like a cone with a closed bottom, I drilled a drain hole in the front. Because I will lower the front, but not the rear.

I previously made a piece that I finally took courage and welded on. With the TIG! I dipped the tungsten probably 12 times and blew 3 holes that I had to fill... Things you learn from, and next time it will hopefully go better!

The next piece to fit in will be the lower part of the inner fender. This needs a lot of modification... But we will do that next weekend!

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: BossHogg76 on January 29, 2025, 22:09:56 pm
Great progress Karl, love the number plate bracket. I have something on the similar on the 67, was looking to do something similar on the ragtop. Did you use someone like send-cut-send to have it made up?

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on January 29, 2025, 22:30:51 pm
I did! They did both the cutting and bending. The bends were within 1° tolerance. So I'm very satisfied, and will definitely send more stuff to be cut.

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: nicolas on January 30, 2025, 09:19:24 am
I can't help but to be amazed.  :o I really like the level off your work. I don't even know how to start and you show pictures and details.

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on January 30, 2025, 17:37:56 pm
I can't help but to be amazed.  :o I really like the level off your work. I don't even know how to start and you show pictures and details.

Thank you! I start by looking at the replacement panel, and figure out where I want to make the transition between old and new metal on the car. Usually a balance of how difficult it is to do and quality of the end result.

Otherwise you can just throw the angle grinder at the car and figure it out from the empty space it gives you  ;D

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on February 03, 2025, 08:21:56 am
This weekend, I made the final modifications to the panel that will sit behind the passenger door and tacked the outer skin together.
But first, I cut out and repaired the floor lip behind/under the back seat and welded the bottom of the lower corner so I wouldn't fill the heater channel with water.


I removed most of the paint from the outer skin, applied primer on the inside, and carefully started welding it in place with the TIG.


So far, it looks good. It doesn't seem to have warped. Now it's time to continue with the inner fender before fully welding the outer skin.
The inner fender, however, requires quite a bit of work... First up was this weird little pressing.


Since the panel is designed for newer cars with a Z-bar, I have to close up the opening to make it more like the original. This was patched up, and the panel was trimmed to fit the existing inner fender.


However, I wasn't happy with the sharp rear corner of the opening at the shock mount, so I rounded it off a bit.


Then I realized that the bottom line of the bottom of the body didn't line up at all, so I redid the entire rear half and also part of the opening near the shock mount.


Now it's welded and ground down. This piece took way too long!


The next step will be the reinforcement piece that goes on top of the inner fender. and the mount for to the shock tower.

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: Steve67 on February 03, 2025, 11:58:02 am
the license plate bracket looks very nice, are you planning to sell these in the final version?

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on February 03, 2025, 13:01:39 pm
the license plate bracket looks very nice, are you planning to sell these in the final version?

I might! If i am 100% satisfied with the design..

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: BossHogg76 on February 03, 2025, 21:09:13 pm
Quality updates as always Karl, very envious of your fabrication skills.

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on February 09, 2025, 21:10:02 pm
This week, I got the outer skin behind the passenger door fully welded.

After grinding it down, it looks pretty good. I had to straighten it with a hammer and dolly a little, and will probably need to do some more hammering before it gets filled and painted.

The next step is to make the reinforcement that sits inside the inner fender. I made a template for it on paper.

Then I transferred it to sheet metal. I cut it out with a couple of centimeters of margin around the edges that I could trim it down once I was happy with the shape of the piece.

After a lot of shaping and bending, I got the piece fitting fairly decent.

The opening around the shock mount is made so that I have space to remove the damper and possibly fit a kafer cup bar.

Trimmed and drilled, it was ready to be welded onto the car.

I also started making a bracket in 2mm sheet metal. Whether I'll use 2mm or 1.5mm remains to be seen.

Hopefully, I’ll be able to finish this side during the week before I leave for work in germany for 1.5 weeks. Cheers!

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on February 15, 2025, 19:38:36 pm
Early update this week!
I decided to use the bracket out of 2mm sheet metal instead of 1.5mm. After all, it’s supposed to be a looker!

The brackets have double layers of sheet metal at the bottom, and here I used 1.5mm as in the original. However, I made them slightly longer than they originally were.

Then, it was just a matter of massaging them into place and welding them on.

Next, it was time for the rear end pieces… But first, I wanted to free the apron while I still had plenty of space to work with the cutting tools.

Once that was free, I could start welding since I had already cut the piece to fit.

Now, almost the entire passenger side of the car is repaired. There are still some small holes in the floor/sill that needed patching, but I didn’t spend much time on those since the entire heater channels and floor pans will be replaced eventually.

With that, I’m taking the rest of the weekend off and will be back in the garage in about two weeks!

But before heading home, I just couldn’t resist…
While cleaning up, I found a piece of sheet metal with paint in decent condition. I just had to try cleaning and polishing it to see what the car’s finish will look like!

I was a bit too aggressive with the wet sanding and rubbing before polish, so the primer burned through. I’ll have to be more careful when polishing the body.
But that’s a long way off… Take care!


Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on March 16, 2025, 19:29:24 pm
Time to continue the rust repair. The heater channel was really rotten.. Since i'm planning to one day replace these or at least repair them properly with the body off of the pan, Im not being to picky on this repair..

You've seen this process before, so im just posting the pictures on this side.

I've started to prepare the outer skin behind the drivers door, but there is still work to do..

A lot of work remains until this side is done. But i feel like im off to a good start. Take care!

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: BossHogg76 on March 17, 2025, 11:21:47 am
Great updates Karl.

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on March 23, 2025, 20:23:25 pm
Thanks Rob!

Before welding the outer skin behind the driver's door, I took the opportunity to clean it up and apply rust protection primer.

After quite a bit of massaging, I was satisfied with the fit of the outer skin. So, I sanded it down to bare metal and applied weld-through primer on the inside.

Then, it was time to start tack welding with the TIG.

Once sanded, it looked pretty decent.

The next step is to continue with the inner fender.

It should, of course, match the passenger side. However, this was all I had time for this weekend.

Title: Re: The Ragtop Express
Post by: tpb_karl on March 28, 2025, 07:42:36 am
Early update this week!

The inner panel fit about as expected, so I'm trying to replace as little as possible.

The rear floor section edge needed replacing, just like on the passenger side.

Then trim the piece to fit, and weld it in place. I struggled with the TIG for some reason, but in the end, it was welded.

Work continues next week. Have a great weekend!