The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: Lids on January 20, 2008, 09:33:51 am

Title: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: Lids on January 20, 2008, 09:33:51 am
This has nothing to do with cal-look, but everything to do with stealing a VW clubs identify and then even when they know they are wrong doing nothing about it.  Please read and feel free to add your input, perhaps a few letters to super vw's from are European friends would also help.

Well Super VW's Magazine has posted a recent article where the car concerned is a fake GFK car.  The article is shown along with the response of the owner of the car and also the editor of Super VW's.

This copied from a thread on Restowagen by Trayle himself.

What a let down and to think we thought highly of your mag and your staff, boy were we wrong. How and why would you shoot a car with a FAKE ASS WINDOW the guy has taste but he in no is even close to being in our family. Juilan i cant wait to see you and as far as the Folks you will have to answer to us in person and thats a promiss  :wink:




heres his blogs  >:(

Many of you may have been following the "Fake Germanfolks window car" situation coming out of SuperVW Magazine in Franch. For those of you unaware of the situation Ill give a brief summary.

SuperVW featured a 1966 sedan in thier last magazine, adorned with a German Folks club window, however the car and owner are not in any way shape or form associated with the club. We contacted SuperVW magazines representatives to voice our objections and were met with this response

"I'l very disapointed about your e-mail !

I think if you want to become a famous brand like Coca Cola, Apple or Nike, you must protect your brand "German Folks" with an international copyright, like a big company !!!

Also you're just a VW club. Yes just a famous californian VW Club ! With somes peoples who loves and drives old VW air-cooled... Not a big and international company !
Of course you're cars are famous and popular for many other peoples who loves VW in the world, and of course somes car of your club are very nice and sometimes peoples want to do same, because for them it's a dream.
But it's not to do business. I think it's like an honor, for you ! The shit is never copy !!!!

Now if it's a real problem to be famous, let your VW in your garage, or ask a lawyer to protect your right. There is law, use them !

And of course if you don't want to see more VW from the German Folks in Super VW, I hope it will be not a problem for us, but just for you.
And we don't speak about that in next issue, because in France, many people think like us. And after that I'm not sure you will be so famous again !

Our dream, it's just to have a nice Volkswagen. Never forget that !!!! Not business, just nice VW's... !!!!

Julien-D. C.te"

We feel that our club has, for all practical purpuses, been stolen from. We, as a club, understand that there is nothing legaly that can be done, we are faced with the fact that, it is what it is at this point. But as an influencial part of the VW community, and as a consumer, we would like to boycot the magazine and are looking for support. We are not asking anyone to slander the magazine, we are not asking anyone to send hate mail. But we are asking people who buy the magazine to think twice before doing so. And anyone that understands and agrees with our situation to pass this along to at least one person and ask that person to pass it along and so on. We understant that this may do nothing to them monitarily, but maybe public oppinion will be swayed. What we are looking for from the magazine is a retraction of sorts.


Hi john, I'm Seb for my 66 made in france.
I'm sorry about my window, i know my car (and me) are not gfk members.
Sorry for my english. In france, the gfk is like god, dream's car, the reference for the resto cal car's, so I'm going to take off my logo on the window, i just want my car to be fun like you on the u.s.a, sorry, seb

So in short if you agree with us please support us.

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: Georg/DFL on January 20, 2008, 18:49:10 pm
Well, ... what shall I say? I do not agree with Julian, but there will be always people copying instead of doing there owen thing.
Remeber the pictures in the other thread from Volksworld Show '95? Pictures of Ivans and Bernies cars with DKP stickers?

I would also try to convince that guy to remove the logo and that's it. It's annoying, but there will be always people not getting what that club thing is all about.

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: nicolas on January 20, 2008, 19:09:09 pm
this was something that was waiting to happen, again, and this will not be the last time. too bad it happens.
and just this weekend i was flipping through the Ultra VW were John Plow said something like copying someone is the sincerest form off flatery. or something along those lines. and he was right, but i do understand the clubs who made a club with rules and membership for a reason.
anyway good that Seb took it like a man and was nice enough to remove the clubstickers. it doesn't make up for it or anything, or doesn't make the past undone, but the fact he removed it also shows his respect for the club he looks up to.

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: j-f on January 20, 2008, 19:41:14 pm
the response of Super vw mag is not very professional. Yes, logo's are not registered trademark but using it without permission is not very respectful.

The owner of the car has a very positive response. He understands that using a club logo without be a member is not a thing to do.

And keep cool, some comments on the blog are quite hard ;)

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: Georg/DFL on January 20, 2008, 19:58:26 pm
What I think it's difficult to understand is that people who should be in the know doing things like that. If you are into Cal Look/Resto Cal Look you KNOW how important the logo and the use of it is to the clubs members. Strange guy.

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: christophe on January 20, 2008, 20:29:30 pm
Just want to say one thing.

This blog: is not the blog of the owner of the car but the blog of the guy who made the inside. He have pictures of the car to show the job he done. He have nothing to do with the rest of the car.
He receive a lot of insult wich he didn't deserve.

And there is one thing I didn't understand.Ok the owner shouldn't put this on this car,ok I understand the GFK reaction by don't liking it,but why being so agressive and insult people like this on the net.

Anyway it seems that everything is fine now

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: roland on January 20, 2008, 21:24:40 pm
Please, let's stop playing scared virgins. So they say "fuck" and "ass" and "bitch" a lot... so mean.

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: JOHN CANALES on January 20, 2008, 22:52:30 pm
Just want to say one thing.

This blog: is not the blog of the owner of the car but the blog of the guy who made the inside. He have pictures of the car to show the job he done. He have nothing to do with the rest of the car.
He receive a lot of insult wich he didn't deserve.

And there is one thing I didn't understand.Ok the owner shouldn't put this on this car,ok I understand the GFK reaction by don't liking it,but why being so agressive and insult people like this on the net.

Anyway it seems that everything is fine now


Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: JOHN CANALES on January 20, 2008, 22:55:41 pm

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: christophe on January 20, 2008, 23:11:23 pm
Just want to say one thing.

This blog: is not the blog of the owner of the car but the blog of the guy who made the inside. He have pictures of the car to show the job he done. He have nothing to do with the rest of the car.
He receive a lot of insult wich he didn't deserve.

And there is one thing I didn't understand.Ok the owner shouldn't put this on this car,ok I understand the GFK reaction by don't liking it,but why being so agressive and insult people like this on the net.

Anyway it seems that everything is fine now


I understand that.Nice to hear the problem is solved.

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: qubek on January 20, 2008, 23:19:55 pm
First of all I wouldn't put a logo of a club I don't belong to on my car. It's just stupid. Also, I wouldn't like a stranger to have a logo of my club on his car. I think there is no sense discussing that, because most of us probably feel the same.
OK, but this....
Guys, I'll say that you are exaggerating only because I don't know a stronger word! This whole argument... people getting furious because someone used a logo of their (?) club without a permission? Especially in a situation when he did that because he admire (admired?) the club? Starting a quarrel on all possible forums and places?! Offending other people (sharing the same hobby)? Trying to boycott one of very few air cooled magazines? I would laugh, but it's not funny. It's childish, stupid and it shows your attitude. Get a life.

I don't want to offend anybody, especially that a club has every right to protect its logo. But not this way.

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: Peter Roberts on January 21, 2008, 01:05:25 am
Well, ... what shall I say? I do not agree with Julian, but there will be always people copying instead of doing there owen thing.
Remeber the pictures in the other thread from Volksworld Show '95? Pictures of Ivans and Bernies cars with DKP stickers?

I believe Ivan was given his DKP badges and T shirts by Hector Bonilla , and bought his bonnet badge from Bill Schwimmer , I doubt they would have enabled him to have the club decals if he wasn't part of it .

I remember reading that Dee Berg gave Bernie the DKP stickers , I don't think she is anything to do with the DKP ?

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: Stephan S on January 21, 2008, 01:53:59 am
I believe Ivan was given his DKP badges and T shirts by Hector Bonilla , and bought his bonnet badge from Bil Schwimmer , I doubt they would have enabled him to have the club decals if he wasn't part of it .

I remember reading that Dee Berg gave Bernie the DKP stickers , I don't think she is anything to do with the DKP ?

Again, Ivan and Bernie have never been part of DKP... No hard feelings, even though club members did not support the fact that they chose to display DKP stickers on their cars. Still, both Ivan and Bernie are great guys and have been great assets to the VW hobby in England! It's all good :)

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: Peter Roberts on January 21, 2008, 02:02:34 am
I believe Ivan was given his DKP badges and T shirts by Hector Bonilla , and bought his bonnet badge from Bil Schwimmer , I doubt they would have enabled him to have the club decals if he wasn't part of it .

I remember reading that Dee Berg gave Bernie the DKP stickers , I don't think she is anything to do with the DKP ?

Again, Ivan and Bernie have never been part of DKP... No hard feelings, even though club members did not support the fact that they chose to display DKP stickers on their cars. Still, both Ivan and Bernie are great guys and have been great assets to the VW hobby in England! It's all good :)

So how can you buy a club badge ( like Ivan did ) from the president of the DKP ??????

I take it you can just buy one then ???

So , just to make sure I understand this , members of the DKP , gave Ivan the insignia , for his 67 , that he built himself , and still ownes .

Yet Keith Seume , IS a member of the DKP , bought/did not build a car , a previous DKP guise car ( fair enough ) , that he said he would never sell , but did sell  , then was without a Cal-Look car for many years , but retains membership ???

So you can be a memeber of the DKP , yet live outside of the US , let alone Southern California , and not own a car , but be a member  :o

Wow , you DKP guys must have something against Ivan , or VolksWorld ???

Or I guess you must really luurve KS , which is understandable , he's small and cuddly  :P ;) :-*

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: Stephan S on January 21, 2008, 02:20:03 am
Brother, I shouldn't have answered that post  ::)
Does this really matter?
Pete, I will send you a PM... I really don't want this to turn into a big mess.

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: Peter Roberts on January 21, 2008, 02:24:31 am
Brother, I shouldn't have answered that post  ::)
Does this really matter?
Pete, I will send you a PM... I really don't want this to turn into a big mess.

Politics Eh  ;D ;D ;D ;)

No need , I won't say any more , I just thought it was a bit odd , but you are right , it doesn't matter  :)

Damn , just when I had my special ' Shit Storm ' umbrella at the ready  ;)

Hey I don't think Ivan's too worried , he's a member of the ' JG54 ' , recently excellently featured in VolksWorld , Hot VW's and Ultra VW ( ta very much Stephan  8) )

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: Stephan S on January 21, 2008, 02:57:18 am
PM sent, Pete!

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: Rick Meredith on January 21, 2008, 03:21:33 am

So how can you buy a club badge ( like Ivan did ) from the president of the DKP ??????

I take it you can just buy one then ???

So , just to make sure I understand this , members of the DKP , gave Ivan the insignia , for his 67 , that he built himself , and still ownes .

Yet Keith Seume , IS a member of the DKP , bought/did not build a car , a previous DKP guise car ( fair enough ) , that he said he would never sell , but did sell  , then was without a Cal-Look car for many years , but retains membership ???

So you can be a memeber of the DKP , yet live outside of the US , let alone Southern California , and not own a car , but be a member  :o

Wow , you DKP guys must have something against Ivan , or VolksWorld ???

Or I guess you must really luurve KS , which is understandable , he's small and cuddly  :P ;) :-*

Not to speak for DKP but here's how we handled stickers & membership in DKK. The member and the car get voted in together. If the member decides to sell the car, he removes the stickers but as long as he maintains his membership, he's still a member. If he chooses to build or buy another car, and if the car meets the established criteria then he's given (sold) stickers for that car.

I (and several others) had multiple cars. My '67 always ran stickers because it always was in accordance with the criteria, while my Notch never ran stickers because it was never finished to the point where it earned it's stickers.


Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: Shubee2 (DSK) on January 21, 2008, 04:18:20 am
I believe Ivan was given his DKP badges and T shirts by Hector Bonilla , and bought his bonnet badge from Bil Schwimmer , I doubt they would have enabled him to have the club decals if he wasn't part of it .

I remember reading that Dee Berg gave Bernie the DKP stickers , I don't think she is anything to do with the DKP ?

Again, Ivan and Bernie have never been part of DKP... No hard feelings, even though club members did not support the fact that they chose to display DKP stickers on their cars. Still, both Ivan and Bernie are great guys and have been great assets to the VW hobby in England! It's all good :)

So how can you buy a club badge ( like Ivan did ) from the president of the DKP ??????

I take it you can just buy one then ???

So , just to make sure I understand this , members of the DKP , gave Ivan the insignia , for his 67 , that he built himself , and still ownes .

Yet Keith Seume , IS a member of the DKP , bought/did not build a car , a previous DKP guise car ( fair enough ) , that he said he would never sell , but did sell  , then was without a Cal-Look car for many years , but retains membership ???

So you can be a memeber of the DKP , yet live outside of the US , let alone Southern California , and not own a car , but be a member  :o

Wow , you DKP guys must have something against Ivan , or VolksWorld ???

Or I guess you must really luurve KS , which is understandable , he's small and cuddly  :P ;) :-*

LOL Peter Well Put"""    I Smell A Cover Up  ;D ;D ;D PM sent ;D

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: Fastbrit on January 21, 2008, 09:07:32 am
I feel so sick that our VW hobby has descended to this. If I read this stuff anywhere else, I'd assume that all the fuss is because some people are jealous, but I'm sure that's not the case. Pete, we've known each other for a long time – you've helped me in the past and I know that certainly I've helped you, too. But you really must stop fighting other people's fights for them, especially as they often don't appear to want to even start a fight... And as for you bringing up my saying that I would never sell the Chop-Top and then doing so – stay out of my private life, OK? You KNOW very well what was happening to me and Gwynn at that time. Believe me, I sacrificed far more than a car. Or cars... Thanks for listening.

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: Peter Roberts on January 21, 2008, 10:48:53 am
If it seemed Like I was being personal , I apologize sincerely .

There is no jealousy from us , I don't live in California , and will never be a member of the DKP , as much as I dream .

We do our own thing here in the UK , very much inspired by the DKP !

Indeed I have done my best to help you , and you have no idea how much I appreciate anything you have done for me , including letting me help spanner on ' The Chop Top ' , and being at Santa Pod with you when you ran the 12 , great memories !!!

I'm not fighting anyone's fight , but have been made to choose ' a corner '

This is unnecessary , but up until now ( I've seen the back cover of the next Ultra ) , to any other UK VW mag , we have been ' The Invisible Cal-Look club '

This , despite telling you when you started ' Ultra ' , that any help I/we could give we would , we have no problem with ' sharing the lurrve ' between mags .

Considering the help you have given me , and the help I have given you as you say , where have you been the last few years  , you don't speak to me ? , unless I provoke a reply from you by posting on a thread you are on ( Berg 5 Speed for example )

In fact the only time I have seen you , was when you came here to pick up the wheels for the T25 . I made sure Simon ( from Gloucester ) was outside polishing his 67 he is building , when you came down . Yet you didn't even acknowledge the car was there . He was gutted ( you were a Cal-Look hero of his ) , especially as he has probably talked to you at every VW show he has seen you at . And with that accent , you could hardly miss him could you ?

What have we done to be so ostracized ?

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: Fastbrit on January 21, 2008, 11:08:15 am
Pete, you have PM (not PMT...).

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: Peter Roberts on January 21, 2008, 12:06:40 pm
Ok , cease fire  :-*

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: Ivan on January 21, 2008, 17:06:13 pm
Pictures of Ivans and Bernies cars with DKP stickers?

As my name and car has been mentioned  - I'll comment.
I was at Hector Bonilla's house at the start of the 90's and he presented me with the third or fourth DKP T-shirt.  When he presented me with the shirt I asked if it was OK for me to have the shirts, as I thought they were only for club members. When he told me I was an 'honorary member'. I was absolutely over the moon!  DKP don't go handing out club regalia.

It's true, as mentioned, that Bill sold me the DKP badge - and it is the thing I value most (Apart from my son, obviously!). But then who would expect not to pay for something that rare?
Bill knows my car very well, he's even driven it and we talk and he's never said anything to me about them in the last 10 or 11 years. If he had said it was an issue - the decals would have been scratched - without question!

It's also worth mentioning I have been to numerous events with Fastbrit (when we worked together) and we both had our cars and were both wearing our burgundy T-shirts with full color logo. Before Fastbrit was presented with a shirt, I had been wearing my others at shows for years.
When he bought Keith Goss' car and then started getting seriously involved with DKP, my car already had decals and when our cars were featured they both had DKP decals on. But I don't recall him being a member of the club until after this time - unless membership came with the purchase - which I doubt.

Anyway, I am proud of the car I built  -  I did not do it for recognition, glory or self-promotion and I don't have any delusions of granduer that I am perhaps something more than 60 to 70% water (and 30 -40% Beer) because I built a modified Beetle! I just built my dream car - whatever sacrifices it meant I took - and trust me it took a lot!

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: Peter Roberts on January 21, 2008, 17:45:53 pm
Pictures of Ivans and Bernies cars with DKP stickers?
I just built my dream car

Don't you mean ' our ' dream car ?  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;)

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: John Rayburn on January 21, 2008, 17:57:52 pm
I remember well when Hector gave Ivan the regalia, and yes, we don't just give that stuff out. Hector ran it past our membership of the time and we all agreed that he should be an " honorary" member.  Keith was officially voted in as a member and had been a long time dear friend and supporter of the DKP prior to us doing so. Both would never do anything to disgrace the club and we are proud they enjoy the association with us.

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: Ivan on January 21, 2008, 18:15:14 pm
Thanks for the kind words John! The feeling is very mutual. Also I have to say I was honored to be invited into the JG54 Greenhearts - the UK's version of DKP. To be associated with both is like waking up with the Olsen twins and realizing it wasn't a dream.

I hope to be able to get back out to So Cal this year, and will be sure to see you again.

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: John Rayburn on January 21, 2008, 18:29:17 pm
Hope you make it out Ivan, look foward to seeing you. As for the Olsen twins, I don't know that we drink quite that much.

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: nicolas on January 21, 2008, 19:09:06 pm

It's true, as mentioned, that Bill sold me the DKP badge - and it is the thing I value most (Apart from my son, obviously!).

so cool to say that. i can relate (not to the badge-part, but the son...)


MMMMMMMMM Olson twins

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: alfie the monster on January 21, 2008, 21:16:54 pm
Thanks for the kind words John! The feeling is very mutual. Also I have to say I was honored to be invited into the JG54 Greenhearts - the UK's version of DKP. To be associated with both is like waking up with the Olsen twins and realizing it wasn't a dream.

I hope to be able to get back out to So Cal this year, and will be sure to see you again.

You only joined for the initiation ceremony  :-*

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: JS on January 21, 2008, 21:46:13 pm
I´ve always had the idea that putting stickers on a car that does not belong there is somewhat stupid. Be it a club, a dash plaque for a meeting that neither the car or owner has ever been to, or advertising for say empi or hot vw´s if you don´t have any empi parts on the car and never bought the magazine. Just my 2 cents.

The reply from super vw´s is beyond words IMO.

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: Fritter on January 22, 2008, 08:09:59 am
I understand the tribute thing and all that, but it's kinda lame to put stickers on your car for a club that you don't belong to.....

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: jick on January 22, 2008, 11:30:59 am
i think that this subject has been done to death on other threads on this forum........maybe we should move on?  :)

Title: Re: Super VW's Taking the Mick
Post by: lofty1971 on January 22, 2008, 14:07:49 pm
i think that this subject has been done to death on other threads on this forum........maybe we should move on?  :)

Agreed, it's boring  ::)