The Cal-look Lounge

Tyre kicking => Off Topic => Topic started by: Jon on September 12, 2006, 14:27:42 pm

Title: Roadrage!!
Post by: Jon on September 12, 2006, 14:27:42 pm
I didn't think we had such a thing in Norway...  but last night on the way back from work, I experienced it!!

I was driving home from work in the left lane on the motorway, and I had just passed a To#¤ta HiAce, this car was slowing down to catch an exit we were passing. In just that second i realised that I also should turn of there, so I changed lane into the right lane and then into the exit lane one car-length in front of him. But I knew I was to close to him so I didn't slow down, to give him some room, I kept my speed up only to slow down later on the way up to the roundabout.. There was never any chance of an accident, nor did he have to brake because of me, but I realise this wasn't one of my finest moments of driving. A normal reaction to this would in my mind be to honk the horn or give me the finger.

He did not… this is what happened:

I round the roundabout to get to the bridge over the motorway, when I got round it I saw the To#¤ta coming the opposite way in the roundabout!! He then he tried to block the bridge with his car, I didn't feel like arguing with this lunatic so I drove around his car and onto the bridge, he then jumps out of his car and runs after me as I drive over the bridge... of course he didn't catch me so I kept on going the way I was going, in the speed limit. After 2 km's I cached up with some traffic just as we entered a small forest with a narrow road. Then suddenly he was all over my ass with his HiAce honking the horn and flashing his lights!! The road is a gentle curve to the left and I could se there were cars coming in the opposite direction on this two lane road. Despite this he was starting to change lane to overtake me, even though there was no room for him in front of me! I placed my car 10 cm's further to the left in an attempt to get him to realise there were cars coming the opposite direction. He didn't care about that so he went further to the left to pass me, and I returned to my lane to let him go past, when he comes up on my side he slams his car into mine to get me off the road and into the forest!! I get shocked as he dents every panel on the left side of my car, and rip my mirror lose. I manage to keep the car on the road... and stops, he then throws his car into my lane in front of my car and jumps out, I get out to and he raises the arm to hit me in the face, luckily I'm quite a bit bigger than him and manage to hold him on a arms length away, this guy is jumping up and down with anger like he’s crazy or something. I swear he must be on something!, I'm still in shock over that he actually crashed into my car over a minor incident on the motorway. When it dawns on me how much this is going to cost me to have this repaired I get pretty angry with this jerk too... and tell him just what I think of his driving!! Luckily for me a guy comes forward from another car and says he has seen everything since the motorway and he asks the Jerk "how the hell can you deliberately ram your car into someone else’s car?!?!!" Then the jerk starts to threaten the witness, but luckily the witness is a guy that takes no crap form this idiot. After a while the jerk starts to realise that he's up shit creek without a paddle. And when we want him to come with us to the Police he flees the scene!!
I got his reg. number and the phone number of witness, so I have turned him in at the Police station today... They said the driving in the roundabout alone is enough for two years of walking!!

I'm just so frustrated that I had to tell someone, sorry for the off topic!!

And most importantly, no VW's were hurt under these proceedings, just my Audi A4 :-(

Title: Re: Roadrage!!
Post by: Mangokid on September 12, 2006, 14:39:07 pm
Holy shit dude! Glad you're ok, and that i wasn't there.

Is this the incident i read about in the papers today? Where the police said they did not have any suspicion of that asshole driving "under the influences" but that it probably was a case of, ah, a headcase, psychiatric fuck up?

Title: Re: Roadrage!!
Post by: Lid on September 12, 2006, 18:03:27 pm
hopes it turns out allright. this person is sick
glad your ok Jon Hroar

Title: Re: Roadrage!!
Post by: Jon on September 12, 2006, 19:41:09 pm
Thanks dudes, this could easily have had a way more serious ending had I been in one of my VW´s.
What paper was that Mango? I haven't seen anything...

Title: Re: Roadrage!!
Post by: Zach Gomulka on September 12, 2006, 21:48:05 pm
What a lunatic! Im glad to hear no one (or VW) was harmed, but sorry about the A4. He will get his due, karma is a bitch ;)

Title: Re: Roadrage!!
Post by: Lee.C on September 12, 2006, 23:21:11 pm
WOW sorry to hear about that dude - there's just no need for that shit  >:(

Title: Re: Roadrage!!
Post by: Jon on September 13, 2006, 12:26:06 pm
I have faith in the Police for now... if all other fail I will give his karma a helping hand  ::)

Title: Re: Roadrage!!
Post by: Trond Dahl on September 14, 2006, 06:48:24 am
jeeeez..... I thought shit like that only happened here in the US  (sorry guys)....

one word: drugs

Title: Re: Roadrage!!
Post by: SilverPig on September 14, 2006, 15:57:01 pm
Holy mother of testicle tuesdays!!!  :o I thought this was something just to be seen on "Most fucked up police videos" or something! I'm glad you are ok...and hope the VPD (Vestfold Police Department) will put some effort into reducing this scumbag's drivers licence to atoms.  >:(

Title: Re: Roadrage!!
Post by: Rick Meredith on September 14, 2006, 21:52:09 pm
jeeeez..... I thought shit like that only happened here in the US  (sorry guys)....

one word: drugs

I dunno... I don't think we have a monopoly idiots behind the wheel!  ;D

Title: Re: Roadrage!!
Post by: Jon on June 18, 2007, 17:50:14 pm
FINALLY, I got a letter from the insurance company, my witness had FINALLY decided to sent in his statement... and as a result the Idiot in the To#¤ta got FULL responsibility for the "incident".... new paint for the Audi then...    should have sent them the Timebandit instead...!

Title: Re: Roadrage!!
Post by: alex d on June 20, 2007, 08:42:55 am
 :o :o

there's definietly some crazy people fact yesterday someone did to me something similar to what you did, cutting me to get to an exit, but braking, so I had to smash the brakes not to collide with him, I honked the horn and the guy gives me the finger WTF?  ???