The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: johnl on February 04, 2008, 20:04:00 pm

Post by: johnl on February 04, 2008, 20:04:00 pm
Hey Jim, 
Thanks for the formal invite.  We had a great time Saturday.  Christie said I drove all the way home in the M5 BMW with a smile on my face.  What she didn't know is that I was thinking about building another car in the future.  Only time will tell if that will happen.  Really I have to many cars now, but there might just be room for one more.

Doesn't seem like 44 years ago that you and I met and started doing all this VW stuff.  I've gone to other cars but still cherish the memories of those days and still proudly display the Origianl DKP decals on our '63.

All the best to you, Sharon and all DKP people everywhere,

John Lazenby  :) :) :) :) :)

Post by: deano on February 05, 2008, 17:22:25 pm
When I first got into this "circle" of VW folks, Sarge told me to go see John @ Auto Haus and buy your parts. I recall seeing his Bug parked out front of A/H on Beach Blvd. many times, and I have often wondered how no one ever smashed into it going to the beach with a beer in their hand? Well, I glad they didn't. John sold me a bunch of parts to get me started; Bug Spray, 010, S&S, Santana, and on and on. I'm sure I asked all the dumb questions, but I remember how cool it was to drive down to Auto Haus and see all that bitchen stuff on the wall. When John left, I bought my parts from Ed Craig, or Phil at the warehouse on Dale street. (John, your car had to get filthy sitting on Beach Blvd. with all the dust and crap from traffic. But it always looked so clean and detailed). Impressive.

Post by: Sarge on February 05, 2008, 17:48:44 pm
Thanks for the kind words, John!  Seems like yesterday we were out in the driveway at your mom and dad's place waxing our cars   ::) ;D.  It's been a great trip!  Those days at Auto Haus were some fun times with you and Ed Craig, too!