The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Pure racing => Topic started by: Pump Gas on February 26, 2008, 04:21:35 am

Title: PowderPuff Class at Drag Day & Bug-In
Post by: Pump Gas on February 26, 2008, 04:21:35 am
OK Ladies,

We only have 3 more weeks till Drag Day, and then 3 weeks after that is Bug-In!  So how are your cars coming along?  I really hope everyone is ready to be there and race.  My motor is still on the bench in Mike's shop - but he promised me it would be done soon!!!  He has never let me down yet!

We have already got some sponsors, and I am sure there will be more, just like at the last Drag Day.

I got a call from Susie at CB Performance today, and she wanted to know where to send the check to for the class!

So far, we have:

Sam       Rancho Performance          $250.00
Rick       CB Performance                 Not sure of the amount yet
Elliott     Blimp                                $50.00

I just want to thank these generous people for always being there to support the ladies.  You guys are great!  And I know the ladies thank you also.

Come on ladies - we had 19 cars at the last Drag Day - I want a bigger class this year - especially at Bug-In.

Take Care & See You All Soon!

Susy Herbert

Title: Re: PowderPuff Class at Drag Day & Bug-In
Post by: Pump Gas on February 26, 2008, 05:36:57 am
Just got another $100.00 from Team Silver Bugget Racing!

You guys are great, and always come thru for the ladies!

Thank you very much!


Title: Re: PowderPuff Class at Drag Day & Bug-In
Post by: Udo on February 26, 2008, 18:47:15 pm
Hi Suzy

Good luck for you in the US . I hope we get some participants too .  :)


Title: Re: PowderPuff Class at Drag Day & Bug-In
Post by: Pump Gas on February 26, 2008, 20:49:03 pm
Thanks Udo,

Are you and Karin coming out for Bug-In??  Hope so!


Title: Re: PowderPuff Class at Drag Day & Bug-In
Post by: Pump Gas on February 28, 2008, 04:58:19 am
The Under Pressure Racing Team just sposored another $50.00.

Thank you!


Title: Re: PowderPuff Class at Drag Day & Bug-In
Post by: Udo on February 28, 2008, 20:45:52 pm
Thanks Udo,

Are you and Karin coming out for Bug-In??  Hope so!


We would like to come but it looks like we do not find the time . A lot of work on the cars and very buisy .


Title: Re: PowderPuff Class at Drag Day & Bug-In
Post by: ESH on February 29, 2008, 17:32:29 pm
Make sure you get someone to post up some photos and results here. :)

Title: Re: PowderPuff Class at Drag Day & Bug-In
Post by: Fastbrit on February 29, 2008, 20:38:46 pm
Don't forget the "Tech Inspection" first, Suzy...  ;)

Oh, and the winner gets a two year subscription to Ultra VW, the runner-up gets a one-year sub, OK?  :)

Title: Re: PowderPuff Class at Drag Day & Bug-In
Post by: Pump Gas on February 29, 2008, 20:50:21 pm

Don't you worry - I am sure we can accomodate you in some way.   ::)  And for sure, we need a photo of you with all the ladies  ;).  That is a must!

Wow - that is a very generous sponsor gift from you - I for sure want to win now!  Thank you very much.  :)

See You Real Soon!


Title: Re: PowderPuff Class at Drag Day & Bug-In
Post by: Pump Gas on March 01, 2008, 04:23:05 am
Wow - we keep getting sponsers for Drag Day.

This is what we have so far:

Sam       Rancho Performance          $250.00
Rick       CB Performance                 $200.00
Elliott     Blimp                                $50.00
Team Silver Bugget Racing               $100.00
Under Pressure Racing                     $50.00
Bug Pack                                       $200.00 Gift Certificate for the winner
                                                    $100.00 Gift Certificate for the runner-up

Thank you again everyone! I really apprecaite all the support!

And thank you Stephan for mentioning PowderPuff at Drag Day in the new Hot VW's magazine. And for the photo of us all lined up!


Title: Re: PowderPuff Class at Drag Day & Bug-In
Post by: Pump Gas on March 04, 2008, 04:55:39 am
Wow - just got some more sponsors!

Mike Goode in Chicago wants to sponsor the class again!

Roger Crawford (House of Power) just put in $200.00 for the ladies.

Jim & Candy Larsen are sponsering $100.00 for the Bug-In race.

Wow - thanks Jim & Candy (JCL), Mike & Roger.  That is very generous of you.

You all are awesome!

A comment from a few guys was made to Mike last night at Nick's, about how the ladies are doing so great with the sponsers. So, they were thinking about dressing up in a dress & wig and going to try to compete.  You guys are funny!  Make sure you wear a pair of sensible pumps with that dress.

But seriously - I want to thank all of you again - you are awesome!


Title: Re: PowderPuff Class at Drag Day & Bug-In
Post by: Rick Meredith on March 04, 2008, 05:30:37 am
Hey Susy,

It's great to see you guys... uh Ladies  :) get such support and sponsorship from the VW Community.

Great job in putting this on!


Title: Re: PowderPuff Class at Drag Day & Bug-In
Post by: Pump Gas on March 04, 2008, 17:13:00 pm
Thanks Rick,

I know how very lucky I have been with all the support, and I appreciate it so very much.  My husband Mike, has been alot of support for the ladies and myself.  He was the one that lined me up with most of the sponsors the first Drag Day.

And of course all the support from the ladies has been awesome! I am really excited on how well it has been embraced by everyone.

Last Drag Day in October - all the ladies had such a great time, and I will continue with PowderPuff as long as the ladies hang in there with me, and have a great time.


Title: Re: PowderPuff Class at Drag Day & Bug-In
Post by: Pump Gas on March 04, 2008, 17:21:47 pm
Dave Rhoads gave Mike $50.00 for sponsorship for Bug-In!

Thank you very much Dave - The ladies & I appreciate your generousity!


Title: Re: PowderPuff Class at Drag Day & Bug-In
Post by: Pump Gas on March 10, 2008, 06:11:01 am
Yea - my husband worked very hard, and got my motor in my car today and running.  It sounds great.  Thank you, Mike for all your support always!  I would also like to thank Bill Schwimmer for coming over tonight and helping out with the final start up!  You are always a great life saver, and always willing to help!

I also want to thank Fred Simpson, Jeff Denham, John Ferguson, Richie Webb, Dave Rhoads, Rick Sadler, Rick Tomlinson, Steve Dalton and the list could go on.  You are all so awesome, and I always appreciate everything that you do and have done for me.  Your support for me has always been there, and I could not have done it without you!

Thank you Again!

Susy Herbert

Title: Re: PowderPuff Class at Drag Day & Bug-In
Post by: ESH on March 10, 2008, 11:08:01 am husband worked very hard, and got my motor in my car today and running...

Time to kick some a$$! Have fun at the races...  :)

Title: Re: PowderPuff Class at Drag Day & Bug-In
Post by: Pump Gas on March 11, 2008, 14:33:09 pm
Ole & Grant from Welding Works just gave another $50.00 to sponsor the ladies.  Thanks guys - we appreciate it.


Title: Re: PowderPuff Class at Drag Day & Bug-In
Post by: Pump Gas on March 17, 2008, 05:44:57 am
Well another Drag Day has come and gone, and only three weeks to get ready for Bug-In. 

There were 14 ladies signed up this time, and 12 made it to qualifing.   My car was running so awesome (for 2 passes), but after I started my car going up to make the 3rd qualifing pass - I head a little knocking - so I shut it off and called Mike, and the rest was history for the day. I was pushed back to our pits. Mike check it out a bit and decided my day was over (as far as racing)  Oh well - stuff happens. Not sure of the damage yet, but we will find out more this week or weekend.  Mike worked so hard to get my car ready, and then that happened.

The ladies had a great time as usual, and Dee Berg in her stock split window, was the big winner, with Kelly Fanning as runner-up.

It turned out to be a beautiful day - should have put sunscreen on earlier (pretty fried).  Mike and I stayed at the track last night, and it was pouring, and we even had hail!  So we were just praying that someone did a rain dance to scare the rain away, and someone must have - because it was an awesome day for racing.  I hope Bug-In has this nice of weather.

I want to thank all the sponsors again - you all are so wonderful.  Like I said -the ladies had a great time, and I hope to see more at Bug-In!  Looking forward to seeing you all there.

Take Care,
Susy Herbert

Title: Re: PowderPuff Class at Drag Day & Bug-In
Post by: Udo on March 17, 2008, 07:05:08 am
Hi Suzy
Good to hear you had so much ladies for racing . Do you have a qualifyinglist ?
I hope our european ladies know that we have to run bracket racing . I think you do the same ?


Title: Re: PowderPuff Class at Drag Day & Bug-In
Post by: Eric Ellis (57HotrodVW) on March 19, 2008, 07:24:14 am
Make sure you get someone to post up some photos and results here. :)

Here are a few of my Drag Day Powder Puff shots.













Title: Re: PowderPuff Class at Drag Day & Bug-In
Post by: ESH on March 19, 2008, 10:39:02 am
...Here are a few of my Drag Day Powder Puff shots...

Thanks for those Eric. Looks like another good day at the track.  8)

Title: Re: PowderPuff Class at Drag Day & Bug-In
Post by: Pump Gas on March 19, 2008, 14:12:55 pm
Thanks Eric,

It was really nice meeting you finally.  Hope to see you soon!

Udo - yes we bracket race!

Matt - it really was another great day at the track.
