Title: WTF is an F4 emulsion tube for? Post by: Jim Ratto on March 07, 2008, 02:00:48 am I can't find any OE applications for the F4's
I have a set of 4 from somewhere.... lotsa holes.... run lean top end? Title: Re: WTF is an F4 emulsion tube for? Post by: sheep on March 07, 2008, 02:34:45 am does it have something to do with a cafiter
Title: Re: WTF is an F4 emulsion tube for? Post by: Sarge on March 07, 2008, 02:36:33 am I can't find any OE applications for the F4's I have a set of 4 from somewhere.... lotsa holes.... run lean top end? Have a look at this... http://members.aol.com/dvandrews/webers.htm Title: Re: WTF is an F4 emulsion tube for? Post by: Rob DVKK on March 07, 2008, 05:37:49 am just had a look over at air cooled.net, because I've always been confused by emulsion tubes. F4 is similar to an f2 but leans out more.
On the same but different note. Can some one explain the f7 / f11 choice that should be made on a motor with 42mm vents. I ran the f7's last year - if I messed around with the f11 tubes and my lm 1 would I see a different curve? Title: Re: WTF is an F4 emulsion tube for? Post by: lawrence on March 08, 2008, 07:04:39 am Does anyone else own the weber tuning manual with the glowing sidedraft dcoe on the cover. One section of this great book describes what all the emulsion tubes do. For example, Jim, the f11 is meant to lean the mixture out on the top end, which is why your motor made more power on the dyno pull.