The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: Mach1 on March 18, 2008, 20:22:11 pm

Title: Dino Don Chamberlin's notchback...
Post by: Mach1 on March 18, 2008, 20:22:11 pm

Unseen on Dino's website, these piece of history... ;)

Title: Re: Dino Don Chamberlin's notchback...
Post by: Rennsurfer on March 18, 2008, 20:55:47 pm
Wow, haven't seen that mag name in years. Rather obscure.

Title: Re: Dino Don Chamberlin's notchback...
Post by: dyno don on March 21, 2008, 00:43:27 am
wow..yet another story long forgotten for me...can you scan and show some pics of that article/report for me ...and for anyone else wanting to browse..?   thanks, dyno

Title: Re: Dino Don Chamberlin's notchback...
Post by: Gary Justus on March 23, 2008, 18:53:31 pm
I've got all the issues of VW CLASSICS. I liked the magazine. It was always jam-packed with articles and pictures. That was also the first magazine to have one of my cars in it....Kinda funny, too. I was hanging out at Scooter's (aka D.Q. now Nick's) when Don Emmons came up to me and asked if he could shoot my car for his magazine. I was stoked! As I was getting in my car to leave, some guy in an oval window parked next to me leaned out of his window and said "My car's a "classic", not yours. Why didn't he ask me?!?!"