The Cal-look Lounge

Tyre kicking => Off Topic => Topic started by: Jim Ratto on April 15, 2008, 16:58:15 pm

Title: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Jim Ratto on April 15, 2008, 16:58:15 pm
forget area 51 or whatever, if they are coming, they'll land in the wierd oilfields out in Taft.

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: John Rayburn on April 15, 2008, 17:37:49 pm
Maybe they need an oil change and filter?

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Rick Meredith on April 15, 2008, 17:44:03 pm
But did they show up on a selective basis without any notice?   ;D ;D

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Jim Ratto on April 15, 2008, 17:45:09 pm
have you guys been to Darwin Falls out by Death Valley?

one of the weirdest places I've ever been. Drove thru a few times, every time there are signs of life, like sprinklers watering lawns, dogs tied up to lampposts, front doors of houses wide open, cars in driveways with hoods up, laundry hung on clotheslines, BUT NEVER HAVE SEEN ONE PERSON EVER there. Not ONE. It has to be the freakiest thing...   like they all went underground and are watching tresspassers through periscopes.

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Jim Ratto on April 15, 2008, 20:35:56 pm
nobody huh?

Have you ever been to McKittrick CA? Sheep and I drove through there on our way to Classic 1991 and stopped for a slushee, there was like one person in the entire "town" it was freaky quiet. Sign that welcomed us to downtown McKittrick said "population 18"
We stopped at the convenience store/mo-hotel/saloon.... next door was what looked like a gas station that exploded and was never cleaned up, pumps laying on their sides, broken window glass, faded Esso sign laying in the middle of the mess, coyotes sniffing throught he rubble and tumbleweeds. All we needed was the score from "good Bad and the Ugly"

Sheep asked the old lady that ran the store (and was probably the sherriff, judge, undertaker and lady of the night) if she had any "I Love McKittrick" t shirts or bumper stickers. She replied with a blank stare.

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Rennsurfer on April 15, 2008, 20:53:42 pm
I was a Pipeline Operator for ARCO Pipeline Co. for 14 years... and that first pic is actually quite normal in the petroleum industry. A type of pipeline riser. However, the rest of this thread is great. My friend/roommate/and fellow D.K.K. member, Joe is an avid cyclist. He's literally ridden his bike across the Continental United States. I remember when he was on that ride, in 1988, that he mailed me a postcard from Amboy, CA. Never heard of it... the backside of the card said that the population was 3.
Located on old Route 66 in the Mojave Desert, it's literally considered an empty ghost town, these days.

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Jim Ratto on April 15, 2008, 21:01:59 pm
hahahaha great stuff Mark, I love little freaky places like that. We stopped in Amboy AND Ludlow coming back from Phoenix in 1991

.....and then there is ZZYZZYX or whatever it is out there too.... on the way to Baker or Vegas

How about New Idria? Ever been there? We rolled through there in a Toy 4-Runner, on our way to go play in the mud in Clear Creek (not so clear after all, the water runs bright day glo green and day glo orange)...again nothing but ruins and little beady eyes peeking through window blinds...."lookeee here, we got us some city folk visitin'"
Probably would eat us alive if they could catch us.

One time we were on one of our (yeah me and sheep again) weird midnight drives in my Scab Bus, out in middle of nowhere, Sheep riding in back, downing a twelver, we end up stopping in what looked like a "field" somewhere about 60 miles west of Bakersfield, pass out for the night in the Bus, wake up next morning, look around in the sunlight, we had camped in a used battery dumping field or something!  :o

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Rick Meredith on April 15, 2008, 21:26:11 pm
I've seen the sign for McKittrick but never followed them.  ::)

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Rennsurfer on April 15, 2008, 21:31:42 pm
One time we were on one of our (yeah me and sheep again) weird midnight drives in my Scab Bus, out in middle of nowhere, Sheep riding in back, downing a twelver, we end up stopping in what looked like a "field" somewhere about 60 miles west of Bakersfield, pass out for the night in the Bus, wake up next morning, look around in the sunlight, we had camped in a used battery dumping field or something!  :o

Whoa! Kinda funny and scary, all at the same time. [sarcasm]How caustic.[/sarcasm]

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Jim Ratto on April 15, 2008, 21:55:18 pm
One time we were on one of our (yeah me and sheep again) weird midnight drives in my Scab Bus, out in middle of nowhere, Sheep riding in back, downing a twelver, we end up stopping in what looked like a "field" somewhere about 60 miles west of Bakersfield, pass out for the night in the Bus, wake up next morning, look around in the sunlight, we had camped in a used battery dumping field or something!  :o

Whoa! Kinda funny and scary, all at the same time. [sarcasm]How caustic.[/sarcasm]

kind of explains a few things huh?

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: louisb on April 15, 2008, 22:03:51 pm
We have a few towns like that in this area.

Phantalou - Pop 12. Its mostly an intersection between two dirt roads.
Two Egg - Actual town with a decent dinner no less
Not All Rise - Little town, pop 20 or so, down on the St. Marks River


Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Jim Ratto on April 15, 2008, 22:35:30 pm
We have a few towns like that in this area.

Phantalou - Pop 12. Its mostly an intersection between two dirt roads.
Two Egg - Actual town with a decent dinner no less
Not All Rise - Little town, pop 20 or so, down on the St. Marks River


pickin' and grinnin'

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Carlos De Alba on April 15, 2008, 22:47:19 pm
Santa Ana, CA is the place for Aliens !!!  :o

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: John Rayburn on April 15, 2008, 22:49:38 pm
I was a Pipeline Operator for ARCO Pipeline Co. for 14 years... and that first pic is actually quite normal in the petroleum industry. A type of pipeline riser. However, the rest of this thread is great. My friend/roommate/and fellow D.K.K. member, Joe is an avid cyclist. He's literally ridden his bike across the Continental United States. I remember when he was on that ride, in 1988, that he mailed me a postcard from Amboy, CA. Never heard of it... the backside of the card said that the population was 3.
Located on old Route 66 in the Mojave Desert, it's literally considered an empty ghost town, these days.

                                   I've been to Amboy. There was a post office and a diner and that was it. I got something to eat at the diner. They kind of stood around and watched me eat. Every time I took a sip of my ice tea , the girl(?) would pour more in.... I could never get the sugar right because she wouldn't stop topping it off.

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Jim Ratto on April 15, 2008, 22:51:12 pm
you gave her (?) a lifetime's worth of work in one afternoon.

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Sarge on April 15, 2008, 22:53:34 pm
Santa Ana, CA is the place for Aliens !!!  :o

Hmmm....there's four of 'em at the counter now :o :o :o

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Carlos De Alba on April 15, 2008, 22:55:27 pm
Santa Ana, CA is the place for Aliens !!!  :o

Hmmm....there's four of 'em at the counter now :o :o :o

 :o  :D :D :D ;D at Home Depot ??   :D :D

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Jim Ratto on April 15, 2008, 22:58:14 pm
he said COUNTER not CORNER

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Carlos De Alba on April 15, 2008, 23:01:25 pm
  at the Home Depot Counter buying new lawnmowers :D :D

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Sarge on April 15, 2008, 23:28:36 pm
One of the trippiest places I ever visited is a place called The Geysers.  It's located in the Mayacamas Mountains near Healdsburg in Northern California.  To get there, requires a drive on a twisty one lane road for about 10 miles through forests and across streams.  The closer you get, the rougher the road becomes from all the siesmic activity...then you round a bend and there's this HUGE geothermal power plant with pipes like Jim's opening photo, all painted white, running all over the hills.  Reminded me of something out of a James Bond movie  :o 8) ...then another long drive back to Hwy 101.

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Jim Ratto on April 15, 2008, 23:32:19 pm
I've seen the sign for McKittrick but never followed them.  ::)

it's a culture hotspot..... you're missing out.

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Rick Meredith on April 15, 2008, 23:50:34 pm
LOL well it sounds like a road trip is in order!  ;)

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: stealth67vw on April 16, 2008, 04:08:38 am
Jim, remember the huge angle fanshroud?

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Jim Ratto on April 16, 2008, 04:13:41 am
Jim, remember the huge angle fanshroud? Was that our trip to McKittrick and Taft with 'the girls?'

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: stealth67vw on April 16, 2008, 04:36:07 am
Yep, with Flaugher and April. It was some kind of belt cover or something on an oil derek that looked like one of those angle fan shrouds.

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Jim Ratto on April 16, 2008, 19:55:02 pm
now I remember. Too bad you didn't get to come on the original Carrizo/Taft/Soda Lake trip, John. It was much "livelier"

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Harry/FDK on April 16, 2008, 20:13:30 pm
One day i have to fly over to broaden my horizon.. But then what ;)

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Jim Ratto on April 16, 2008, 20:21:14 pm
well.... in this sinkhole, armpit area we are talking about here.... there are lots of fun and interesting things to do...

you can:

see where pure black tar seeps up from the dirt up in the hills
look for endangered San Joaquin Kit Fox and signs of its habitat (reason for our first trip in 10/94, a college project I was working on, well really it was a place we could get soggy drunk and powerslide my Vanagon)
watch oil pumps bob up and down
from the air you can actually "see" the San Andreas fault line  :o
hunt for Indian artifacts
get sunburned
get lost
get chased by rednecks
I have heard rumors that drug trafficers land planes in secret out on Soda Dry Lake bed in the middle of night  :o

So no worries. Lots to do.

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Rick Meredith on April 16, 2008, 20:41:12 pm
I got 4X4!  ;)

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Harry/FDK on April 16, 2008, 20:44:34 pm
I need to get sunburned.
Hunt for Indian Artifacts.
Drink a lot of Cabernet.
And Get Lost.

No Worries.

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: ratto-jims mom on April 26, 2008, 18:19:39 pm
Does anyone know What is behind that huge wire fence on  5 (going south on the right hand side?   Fence looks like its electrified and they have security guard at the entrance.
It starts with a C     
When you look back it is the big building ... I see nothing else.
Tried to find it on the internet, no luck.

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: nicolas on April 27, 2008, 09:09:25 am
well.... in this sinkhole, armpit area we are talking about here.... there are lots of fun and interesting things to do...

you can:

see where pure black tar seeps up from the dirt up in the hills
look for endangered San Joaquin Kit Fox and signs of its habitat (reason for our first trip in 10/94, a college project I was working on, well really it was a place we could get soggy drunk and powerslide my Vanagon)
watch oil pumps bob up and down
from the air you can actually "see" the San Andreas fault line  :o
hunt for Indian artifacts
get sunburned
get lost
get chased by rednecks
I have heard rumors that drug trafficers land planes in secret out on Soda Dry Lake bed in the middle of night  :o

So no worries. Lots to do.

i am up for that.

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Rune on April 28, 2008, 22:09:35 pm
I love all of these strange places you have in the US. I did'nt really have enough time to see that much this time around.. I really need to take some time of and get seriously lost out there sometime...

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Rick Meredith on April 28, 2008, 22:11:30 pm
I love all of these strange places you have in the US. I did'nt really have enough time to see that much this time around.. I really need to take some time of and get seriously lost out there sometime...

I dunno... Stanton is pretty strange!!  :D

I never get lost cuz everyone always tells me where to go!!  ;D

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Rune on April 28, 2008, 22:21:52 pm
Stanton was not that strange really. Strangest thing I came across was the lickour-store dude. He was just like Apu from The Simpsons, and I mean really like him in every way..... Come to think of it some of the girls that hang around the motel at night seemed to be really into me.. Must have been because of my good looks... Right??  ::)

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Rick Meredith on April 28, 2008, 22:25:35 pm
Come to think of it some of the girls that hang around the motel at night seemed to be really into me.. Must have been because of my good looks... Right??  ::)

That and your Norwegian accent!  ;)

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Jim Ratto on April 28, 2008, 22:26:41 pm
Stanton was not that strange really. Strangest thing I came across was the lickour-store dude. He was just like Apu from The Simpsons, and I mean really like him in every way..... Come to think of it some of the girls that hang around the motel at night seemed to be really into me.. Must have been because of my good looks... Right??  ::)

well you can imagine the likes of the girls dropping from the hovering silver UFO's over Taft, Fellows and McKittrick.
And we all thought the stork brought babies...

if you guys wanna see a glimpse of what the area looks (and LOOKED.... still pretty much the same) check out movie There Will Be Blood,

the story was based out of this weird corner of California.

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Jim Ratto on April 28, 2008, 22:28:04 pm
Does anyone know What is behind that huge wire fence on  5 (going south on the right hand side?   Fence looks like its electrified and they have security guard at the entrance.
It starts with a C     
When you look back it is the big building ... I see nothing else.
Tried to find it on the internet, no luck.

that's a refuse and recyclng plant if I am not mistaken, off the Crow's Landing exit, near Gustine. I think it is on Fink Road

kafercup went there on a field trip in college.

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Rune on April 28, 2008, 22:31:16 pm
I knew it had to be one of the two.. :D

BTW. Thank you so much for spending time with us Rick, it really made my california experience so much better. I have been so busy working on my oval since I came back home that I never really got around to thank you. Sorry about that..

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Rune on April 28, 2008, 22:33:42 pm
Need to check out some of those places next time around. To bad we did'nt get to meet Jim..

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Rick Meredith on April 28, 2008, 22:36:33 pm
I knew it had to be one of the two.. :D

BTW. Thank you so much for spending time with us Rick, it really made my california experience so much better. I have been so busy working on my oval since I came back home that I never really got around to thank you. Sorry about that..

It was my pleasure Rune!

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Jim Ratto on April 28, 2008, 23:56:42 pm
one point of interest...

before the town name was changed to Taft, the town was known as Moron

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: John Rayburn on April 29, 2008, 01:38:31 am
There's somebody we used to know that's known by the same name.

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Rennsurfer on April 29, 2008, 04:44:09 am
There's somebody we used to know that's known by the same name.

Hello! I can read, ya know.


Wait... you ARE referring to me, yes?

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: John Rayburn on April 29, 2008, 06:05:45 am
Now, you know me better that , my friend!

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Rennsurfer on April 29, 2008, 07:00:17 am
Now, you know me better that , my friend!

Heh, heh... true. Just messin' w/ya.

Title: Re: UFO's over Taft, CA
Post by: Jim Ratto on May 02, 2008, 22:04:36 pm
Need to check out some of those places next time around. To bad we did'nt get to meet Jim..

hey Rune... yeah next time... beer's on me buddy.

But honestly, we can pass on a trip to Taft. It would be as exciting as wet ciagarette,