The Cal-look Lounge

Tyre kicking => Off Topic => Topic started by: Jim Ratto on April 15, 2008, 23:53:23 pm

Title: how long has it been a tradition? Getting shitfaced night before Bug show?
Post by: Jim Ratto on April 15, 2008, 23:53:23 pm
what do you think the percentage of attendees is that are hung over?

Title: Re: how long has it been a tradition? Getting shitfaced night before Bug show?
Post by: Rick Meredith on April 16, 2008, 00:10:50 am
Since DKK came on the scene!  ;D ;D ;D

Our "Waiting in Line The Night Before Bug-In Keg PartiesTM" were legendary!

Title: Re: how long has it been a tradition? Getting shitfaced night before Bug show?
Post by: Rennsurfer on April 16, 2008, 00:23:41 am
Nope, I was too busy staying up for literally two days in a row, getting mine and friends' cars ready for the car show. Thank God for No-Doz™. My engine came out, seats removed, and wheels were off for each Bug-In. I'd get the car back together the night before. The last thing I wanted to do was drink. I had all day at the event for that. Like Rick said, there were many pre-dawn blowouts while waiting in line at O.C.I.R. Thankfully, I can say that I never got hungover at a D.K.K. bash. I've just never been a big drinker. Saw lots of other people get sauced at those, however. HAHA!!

Got really drunk at one of the non-Bug-In Berg parties, though. Earlier that night, Dyno and I took his Notch' out for a drive before we proceeded to ferment. GOOD TIMES!

Title: Re: how long has it been a tradition? Getting shitfaced night before Bug show?
Post by: yvre on April 16, 2008, 09:45:13 am
What do you mean? You do it only the night before  ???  ???  ???

Title: Re: how long has it been a tradition? Getting shitfaced night before Bug show?
Post by: Rennsurfer on April 16, 2008, 14:28:45 pm
What do you mean? You do it only the night before  ???  ???  ???

Um... yeah. That's how we did it, back then. We were young and dumb, so everything happened the night and two nights before. More of a challenge that way.


Title: Re: how long has it been a tradition? Getting shitfaced night before Bug show?
Post by: Zach Gomulka on April 16, 2008, 17:03:21 pm
It's never planned, but it always happens that way ::) Did it the last 2 weekends!! :D
Last weekend, went to bed at 2am, woke up at 6am... why cant shows start at 10am?? It's Sunday for christsakes!!!

Title: Re: how long has it been a tradition? Getting shitfaced night before Bug show?
Post by: speedwell on April 16, 2008, 21:48:40 pm
It's never planned, but it always happens that way ::) Did it the last 2 weekends!! :D
Last weekend, went to bed at 2am, woke up at 6am... why cant shows start at 10am?? It's Sunday for christsakes!!!
thats why in europe we have the meetings all week end start the friday afternoon (sometimes) , and saturday and sunday meetings , and the same i said to sarge when we wake up for the bug in at 4.30 am , i said  :o :o you(re guys are crazy  wake up at 4 in the morning , that the hour we go to sleep in the meeting in europe , because we had some party the saturday night  ;D ;D
you will enjoy european meeting zach  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: how long has it been a tradition? Getting shitfaced night before Bug show?
Post by: Zach Gomulka on April 16, 2008, 21:57:17 pm
It's rediculous!! I dont see the point of this early morning bullshit!!

A few years ago Sling and I drove the Sloback down to Ensenada, Mexico for the VW show there. We saw the flyers that said that the gates open at 10am, we thought it had to be a missprint! So we showed up early, about 8am, and we waited in line for 2 hours ::)  :D

Title: Re: how long has it been a tradition? Getting shitfaced night before Bug show?
Post by: Jim Ratto on April 16, 2008, 21:58:54 pm
drinking made it easier to sleep in a Bug

Title: Re: how long has it been a tradition? Getting shitfaced night before Bug show?
Post by: Rick Meredith on April 16, 2008, 22:04:34 pm
drinking made it easier to sleep in a Bug

Passing out doesn't count as sleeping!  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: how long has it been a tradition? Getting shitfaced night before Bug show?
Post by: speedwell on April 16, 2008, 22:20:12 pm
It's rediculous!! I dont see the point of this early morning bullshit!!

A few years ago Sling and I drove the Sloback down to Ensenada, Mexico for the VW show there. We saw the flyers that said that the gates open at 10am, we thought it had to be a missprint! So we showed up early, about 8am, and we waited in line for 2 hours ::)  :D
you don't wait in european meeting since we sleep in tent or with the hotel and as entry ticket is already paid you changes the file  ;D ;D
and in some party the saturday night we have topless and gogogirls :P :P :P :P

Title: Re: how long has it been a tradition? Getting shitfaced night before Bug show?
Post by: Carlos De Alba on April 16, 2008, 23:07:03 pm
It's rediculous!! I dont see the point of this early morning bullshit!!

A few years ago Sling and I drove the Sloback down to Ensenada, Mexico for the VW show there. We saw the flyers that said that the gates open at 10am, we thought it had to be a missprint! So we showed up early, about 8am, and we waited in line for 2 hours ::)  :D
you don't wait in european meeting since we sleep in tent or with the hotel and as entry ticket is already paid you changes the file  ;D ;D
and in some party the saturday night we have topless and gogogirls :P :P :P :P

who said topless girls???  :o Ok fabs I'm going...........  ;D

Title: Re: how long has it been a tradition? Getting shitfaced night before Bug show?
Post by: Jim Ratto on April 16, 2008, 23:09:22 pm
It's rediculous!! I dont see the point of this early morning bullshit!!

A few years ago Sling and I drove the Sloback down to Ensenada, Mexico for the VW show there. We saw the flyers that said that the gates open at 10am, we thought it had to be a missprint! So we showed up early, about 8am, and we waited in line for 2 hours ::)  :D
you don't wait in european meeting since we sleep in tent or with the hotel and as entry ticket is already paid you changes the file  ;D ;D
and in some party the saturday night we have topless and gogogirls :P :P :P :P

who said topless girls???  :o Ok fabs I'm going...........  ;D

yeah you do that. I'm sure the chicks are going to gravitate right to the guy wearing a red cape and blue mask.

Let me know how that goes.

Title: Re: how long has it been a tradition? Getting shitfaced night before Bug show?
Post by: Sarge on April 17, 2008, 00:12:33 am
It's rediculous!! I dont see the point of this early morning bullshit!!

A few years ago Sling and I drove the Sloback down to Ensenada, Mexico for the VW show there. We saw the flyers that said that the gates open at 10am, we thought it had to be a missprint! So we showed up early, about 8am, and we waited in line for 2 hours ::)  :D
you don't wait in european meeting since we sleep in tent or with the hotel and as entry ticket is already paid you changes the file  ;D ;D
and in some party the saturday night we have topless and gogogirls :P :P :P :P

who said topless girls???  :o Ok fabs I'm going...........  ;D

yeah you do that. I'm sure the chicks are going to gravitate right to the guy wearing a red cape and blue mask.

Let me know how that goes.

I can only imagine  :o :o :o :o :o ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ;D

Title: Re: how long has it been a tradition? Getting shitfaced night before Bug show?
Post by: Zach Gomulka on April 17, 2008, 02:00:25 am
It's rediculous!! I dont see the point of this early morning bullshit!!

A few years ago Sling and I drove the Sloback down to Ensenada, Mexico for the VW show there. We saw the flyers that said that the gates open at 10am, we thought it had to be a missprint! So we showed up early, about 8am, and we waited in line for 2 hours ::)  :D
you don't wait in european meeting since we sleep in tent or with the hotel and as entry ticket is already paid you changes the file  ;D ;D
and in some party the saturday night we have topless and gogogirls :P :P :P :P

Sounds like my kind of party ;D I'll see you there in '09 ;)

Title: Re: how long has it been a tradition? Getting shitfaced night before Bug show?
Post by: speedwell on April 17, 2008, 09:28:54 am
 ;D ;D

Title: Re: how long has it been a tradition? Getting shitfaced night before Bug show?
Post by: Rennsurfer on April 17, 2008, 22:42:00 pm
I'm sure the chicks are going to gravitate right to the guy wearing a red cape and blue mask.

HAHA!! There's a not-so-everyday comment, unless one lives within the confines of a Marvel Comics book. Good stuff, Jim.